Your feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks for taking the time to write a review here, and for taking the time to give the game a try.
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Man, thats the danger of B&W. Eye fatigue was one of my concerns, so I wanted to blur it out with a depth of field so it wasn't too harsh all the time, but in the end- I think a person can only take so much of that contrast.
I wonder if it was not hard white and hard black if that would soften the eye fatigue?
Thanks for the feedback, man. One of the things that I am enjoying struggling through with this design is that Black and White environments make Signs/Feedback hard to produce, because the signs sort of blend with the environment. I can't use specific colors to grab the eye like most modern games do, because my pallet is VERY limited.
I was thinking last night, that a pingpong lerping grey to white would catch the eye, if I set the color of interactive objects to sort of glow like this, it could do it. If you can't use color, you can use motion?
Anyways, thank you for your time. I really appreciate all of the energy people are putting into playing and responding to our game.
So- I was a bit confused... I had a LOT of options at the beginning with no lead into them, I felt like I was playing classic starflight. I figured I'd blow up or something when I took off, but I took off and eventually hit a boundary. in the screenshots, it seemed like maybe I was supposed to find somthing in the sky, but I didn't.
My game is Pawn
I've been playing a few games, but I find myself being very self-serving. I see how many ratings it has and if my game is lower, I'm tempted not to play it.
This way, I will play your game independent of how many ratings it has. I can't wait to see more!
I love it, but had an idea for the intro.
If you played the obama speech over top of the gameplay climbing out of the beginning part, and had the credits show in the corner of the screen, you could kill all of that with one stone.
You could then hide those cool pictures around in the level as secrets, and even have the little bits of lore discoverable vs. being fed as explicit narrative at the beginning.
Really liked it. I hate voting up on a game with more votes than mine, but I have to, it's good work. your pixel art is great. I loved how the UI elements followed the cursor. Keep up the great work.
I hope you enjoy it.
Someone mentioned that it doesn't have anything to do with the theme.
The idea was escaping prison from the enemy castle is thought to be a moonshot of a plan... but I guess that doesn't stick for everyone.
This was a blast to make, Please consider playing and voting for pawn
The boss at the end is actually VERY fun, i was really impressed with what I was able to pull off.
it's a semi-stealth puzzler. the 3rd room is like- almost impossible without the sword, it's leaning against a tree in the courtyard. I've been told it's too hard too see.
My friend and I decided to go with black and white, because we never had before. barrowing from the "chess" theme... I had no idea we had it in us to make something this cool looking.
See more here:
I'm keeping an up to day dev log/journal of making this game here:
The videos are in the order of development.
I really hope you enjoy watching these. If you have any questions, please feel free to asks!
My buddy and I are cranking out this game like it's Saturday Cartoons.
Can't wait to get more content to you all.
Did a lets play of your game, Fishlicka.
Thought you might appreciate it.
Check it out, let me know what you think!
Dungeon Fall is the prelude to another game we are working on, The Darkspeaker's Prince. We are calling it an interactive fairy-tale, and it takes about 30 minutes at the most to play through, collect the items, and read the lore. This game sets a lot of history for the next one. We are hoping people enjoy story-driven games like this one enough to help us make more.