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A member registered Oct 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Neat, where is the advanced version? <3

Yeah, we were happy it ran in browser at all, but you need a beefy pc xD

The middle top end of the coral is the hotspot of the cursor.

Oh gawd, the netcode programming is soo good <3

We had a lot of technical problems in the end leading to a rushed release with some gamebreaking bugs that hindered tower placement and unlocking, also including no sounds playing, sorry TT

We fixed most of them. It should be playable now till the end. You need to click waste to gather resources. The first tower can‘t fight, it‘s only needed to place other towers. We added that functionality to the main coral you start with to make that clearer.

Read the rules section, or read the story, or hover on the unit tiles. They all explain how it works ^^'

The coral is just a hub that supplies the other units and doesn‘t fight itself.

Click on waste to gather resources for more units.

Also für mich ist da nur schwarz und viel heller krieg ich meinen alten Monitor nicht ^^'
Ihr braucht einen Gamma-Regler xD

Sehr cool, gucks mir nochmal an :D
Habt ihr eure Source offen? Bin interessiert wie ihr die Navigation gelöst habt, hab das noch nicht ganz durchblickt. Falls ihr 4 genutzt habt.

Achsoo, na erstellt einen haha

Das war .. verstörend xD
Aber ein Extrapunkt für Godot <3

Wow, phantastische Atmosphäre! Und das alles alleine.
Der Text ist fancy :D

After you get the text on the screen, is that the end?
A nice little puzzle though. The screen is a bit weird, but got it working in fullscreen.

Also die Idee ist grauenhaft schrecklich. Ich möchte ragequitten und es deinstallieren, aber kann ja nur den Tab schließen.. Aber mega umgesetzt :D

Oh no, R hat auch nich geholfen?
Falls du den noch besiegen willst kannst du die Download-Version versuchen, das sollte das behoben sein :)

Wie finde ich denn Holz? Manchmal laufe ich in kleine Feuer und den Wagen hab ich glaub ich auch gefunden, aber meist sehe ich  irgendwie nur schwarz, ist das normal?

Ist das nicht dasselbe? <.<

Godot! <3
Richtig tolles Spiel, hab fast ne Stunde gespielt :D
Aber gibt noch viele Kleinigkeiten die echt nerven xD (1.0.2)
- Die Minions bleiben ständig irgendwo hängen. Besonders an der Fabrik und an den Ecken die beim Kaufen von Gebieten über bleiben. Man kann sie selbst dann etwas schieben, aber das macht man ja mehr als sonst was haha
- Da die Maus immer gefangen wird kann man nicht Vollbild spielen
- Wenn man weg und wieder hinläuft kann man schneller minions kaufen als gedacht, die neuen verhalten sich dann ziemlich merkwürdig xD

Sehr cool! Mag die Idee, erinnert mich an "Wer ist es?".
Leider etwas buggy glaube ich, zumindest war ich mir einmal ziemlich sicher, und dann war es doch falsch ಥ_ಥ

Hab nicht wirklich verstanden was passiert, aber manchmal hab ich auch gewonnen :D

Was muss ich tuuuun? xD
Kann man die Kamera irgendwie drehen?

Just punch it dead :D
Remember you can press R to unstuck.

This game is actually quite fun. I think that could be a nice mobile puzzle game if you iron out the bugs.
The art and music are awesome, the puzzle design is good.

It's quite janky though. The movement is not very predictable. The interaction with the ladder is often very buggy, sometimes it climbs it down. Sometimes it continues the direction at top, sometimes it doesn't. I don't get why I can place the portal at some location and not others. That makes some levels try and error, which is not that fun.

But it has some potential, good job :D

PS: The text at the end is not very readable.

Firefox 116.0. Seems to be a problem with that, it works with Edge.

The screen curve effect gives me motion sickness, can it be turned off? Also how I get the other maps?

3 people from our team tried, but it doesn't start o.O

The idea is great xD
A great puzzle game with a nice difficulty curve. The levels add something new each time. I like that a lot. Also like the ballish artstyle, it's consistent.

Things I would improve:
- Took me a while to figure out how to close the tutorial text xD Maybe make that X more prominent, or just allow it to be closed with E

- There seem to be some lines on the wall sometimes, I only played the web version though

- I thought you have to hold E to roll stuff, holding it while moving diagonally was a challenge. Felt a bit better though, maybe use space and make it holding

- I didn't understand the crate at first. I thought you can use it as cover, but that you "wear" it makes it way more useful. The first time you see the crate it should be easier to try it out

I love it! It's really fun to play.

I played the web version first and then the download version.
To be able to see the decks is a great addition.
The music adds a lot to the game, but get's a bit repetitive after some time. The new effects are nice to watch.

Things I would improve:
- The text wrapping line while revealing makes it hard to read. I don't know gamemaker, but for godot you would set the clipping behavior to after shaping, maybe there is something similar

- Automatically end the round if you have no mana left

- Heal the character you played, at least a bit. I guess swapping characters is the main thing, but it feels like swapping everytime to heal is almost always the best strategy, also to have less cards seems to be better. Maybe be able to swap one out instead of adding a new everytime

- Beating satan felt a bit less rewarding than winning as satan, while it was harder to beat him, at least it felt like that for me

It's a good sign if you just play a game through while having fun. Great job!

Yea, you can destroy parts with right-click. You have 5 bombs for that, but destroying multiple blocks can make things even more complicated as you can only move blocks that have one possible direction :D I was hoping this could be an interesting mechanic, but didn't have time to put the finishing touches on it. The best strategy is probably just to clear one piece, solve the puzzle normally, and then use the remaining bombs to solve it only at the end.

There are multiple outcomes depending on how many dreams you solve. If you don‘t finish the puzzle in time, the game is „failed“. (Sad face on the sleeper)

The constellation puzzle worked for all testers 🤔 It doesn‘t have the best performance, maybe it laggs a bit? Have you tried to start with the green star?

Dito. Nice options though :)

Can't rate your game if I can't play your game :D

Fixing is learning from mistakes :3

Fixed some bugs. Too late, but if you want to see how the harpoon was supposed to work:

Nice story :D
A lot of improments compared to 1.

I went back with the hook, is there something supposed to happen?

I like the artstyle and that you choose your fear. Could make for interesting different possible ways in a metroidvania :D Having random rooms give you a feeling of having no goal though.

You was supposed to stun the fish with the harpoon, but it broke somehow on the release build *sad*

Z to jump
Looks at qwertz keyboard *sob*

How do you run a jar file though? ^^'

Godot <3
I really like the mechanic! With some polish this could be a good puzzle platformer.
Home Sweet Home :3

I feel educated haha
Good job :)