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A member registered Feb 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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Good Game, most of the sprites looked alright and the levels were quite fun,

few problems though:

-Character jump is way so small and falls way to fast

-The music is short and respective

-The moving platforms move WAYY to slow

If you have the time could please rate / give feed back to my submission as well.

Great small game, the power collection is a great take on collectables, and I love the meditate level. I feel it could be a bit longer but its a game jam so its fine. My only recommendations is to allow the player to use the space key for jump instead of collect power it was just a bit odd to adapt to the controls. Also make it so the text at the beginning of the level is skipped after the first time you read it. Other than that great game.

If you have the time could you rate / give feedback to my submission.

Really great and fun game, great idea using theme and collectables, and very creative. The only thing I have a problem with is the slide like nature of the walls, but other than that great.

If you have the time I would be grateful if you could rate / give feed back to my submission as well.

Fun game, I love the music, and I love puzzle games win win. I would add a replay button though, as going through menu is a bit of a pain. I don't know how there and back fits in but its still really fun.

If you can, could you please play my submission.

Great game had a lot of fun playing it, and love the music. My only recommendations are for the first level is to make the rooms a lot smaller and less empty, bumping the movement speed a bit for when your the head, but after you get the travel and exploring is much of a problem. Make sure your replay feature works I had a lot of trouble with it. Great entry.

If you have the time I would appreciate it, if you would rate my game as well.

I love the concept art for your game, and the fact that's a 3D game in a game jam. Bravo. I like the idea of going through the castle going through the dead bodies of prince, but fail to see how it goes into the theme of there and back. Also during the game I had to restart due to me failing out of the world. Other then a few bugs here and their great entry.

Could please check out my submission if you have the time, I'm grateful for any feedback.

(1 edit)

Its very relaxing, just a few bug, Camera noise plays multiple times after taking a picture,  Music stops if you enter a different area and come back, or the song ends. Also I'm not sure if its just me but I could only find 6 animals and still was able to reach the ending with having them all.

For such a simple game (especially in a game jam) make sure your game is html5 as more people will play it.  Also the optimization is terrible I get that its a Jam game but my computer(Pretty good) runs faster on crisis then your 2D pixel art game. Other then that you've got a decent prototype. Just Polish add more content maybe a few more lassos or animals to capture, that way you've got more progression. Also one more thing no music is better then bad music I get Bosca Ceoil is easy to use but just use free music online if you've never made music before. You don't want to bog your down your game with bad music and deter any potential players.

I'm not much for spelling games as I suck at it, but the movement of the player is soooo annoying I keep running into letters because I don't want because I go one over or under forward. I would make it more snake like where its constant and wouldn't make the movement grid based so its more snappy. Just make the movement better and you got a decent spelling game.

Good Game, I love the art of the shop keeper, and the controls although I would like more sliding from the player ship were in space after all. The combat fun is sometimes frustrating as not being able to move backwards in anyway makes dodging bullets frustrating. I would make the player frictionless as it makes for more fun movement and combat. Also think about droping the price of healing or droping the buy healing thing at all, their was moments where I needed money to heal but needed health to get money. Other then that the game is a delight and a great prototype.

Thank you! Ill make sure to check your game out.

This a really relaxing game. I love the retelling of stories and hearing your own stories back is wonderful. The art matched it perfectly and the sound/music did as well. The Implementation of the theme and limitation was very creative. Great Game.

-Kolocop, I would love if you could also play/rate my game as well.

I love the animation/art style of this game its very cute. The jumping and movement feels nice and refined. But the gameplay feels lacking, the purpose of the enemies isn't quite clear as I've always jumped over them because the combat felt boring / unnecessary, and since the combat wasn't interesting I almost never switched out of ghost mode because their was never a reason, and the puzzles involving ghost platforms is close to non existent.

How to fix

I would recommend making the gamer more linear as you go room to room fighting enemies, and solving puzzles. Get rid of mana, and just add a small cooldown till you can shoot again( its not fun to wait ). Make enemies more threating, make their attack boxes bigger, and get them to do more damage. Or just make it a instakill. Dying has no penalty so id recommend restarting the previously mentioned linear room system. 

The game has protentional and a neat idea you just need to work on your level design.

- Kolocop

Thanks! That's really great to hear especially since this is my first game jam.

Thank you, this is my first time uploading a project online so I wasn't quite sure how to get it to work with all systems.  Thanks for the criticism  - Kolocop

Great Game one of my favorites by far, I came across bug the first time around but still really fun. Great puzzler and the corners meant for the way back mess with me every time. 


Great Style/Animation

Music is a bop

Great use of theme and limitation

Fun and very expandable mechanics


I feel as the first part the game is much harder then the later parts

A Bug I experienced is if you collect an artifact then die then collect it again you can skip getting the other artifacts.

-Kolocop, Please rate game as well, I'm grateful for any feedback

Great game made in the time, if you would like to improve it I would recommend changing music to make it either longer or having two tracks per level, make sure to playtest with many different people to make sure you aren't ramping up in difficulty to fast. Remove the push when you jump its just annoying.

Here's a short list of what I liked/disliked

Pros -

Great animation

Very great use of theme, and limitation

Love the story being about the 3 little pigs


Cons -

Music can get repetitive at times but nothing to bad

Although  the Animation is nice and crisp, I'm not much of a fan of the art style

Difficulty curve could use some work.

Jump variation makes my death feel as it was unlucky rather then me being unskilled

Fun puzzle just a few recommendations.

Make sure your movement is snappy, its really annoying to slide around when you your looking for orbs.

Add a camera pan to the exit when you get the final orb in a level, I felt as if I was doing the puzzle over again after solving it.

The use as E as interact through me off and I clicked trying to left click on the lever. Id recommend adding both.

Maybe think about adding another music track.

Other than that add more levels more mechanics to add more variety and more enemies. Fun game -Kolocop

Fun puzzle just a few recommendations.

Make sure your movement is snappy, its really annoying to slide around when you your looking for orbs.

Add a camera pan to the exit when you get the final orb in a level, I felt as if I was doing the puzzle over again after solving it.

The use as E as interact through me off and I clicked trying to left click on the lever. Id recommend adding both.

Maybe think about adding another music track.

Other than that add more levels more mechanics to add more variety and more enemies. Fun game -Kolocop