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A jam submission

DEER AND BACK - VimJamView game page

Small game I made for the VimJam game jam
Submitted by iiitttsss — 16 hours, 44 minutes before the deadline
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DEER AND BACK - VimJam's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Technical Implementation#2152.7652.765

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game utilize the limitation and theme?
You have to COLLECT deer and take them BACK to their cage.

What was your team size?


You worked alone

Affirm you have followed ALL jam rules. (Select all below or your entry will be disqualified.)

We have credited all assets used in the game including our own name(s) or team name(s)

All original game code and original assets were made during the jam period

The game does not include NSFW or hateful content

The game works on the web or as a Windows 10 download

We have answered all submission questions honestly and completely

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Nice and fun game!! It lagged a little when you catch a lot of deers.

Good work!


Simple but fun game.I got 27 deers :)For some reason the game started to lag after 20 deers.

My advice is diagonal movement seems faster than normal speed you have to normalize it.Other than that nice work well done! :)


Thanks for feedback, I checked your game too and it was awesome!!!


Hey, Amazing game! Loved it! It was so fun that I didn't even realize when I got 32 deers lmao

I dunno why but the game started lagging a lot for me so I had to stop.

Great game tho! =D


Thanks :-)


Np :)

btw, Does the game usually lag or was it just my computer?


It's the game, sorry about that 


I had a few apps running on my desktop so I was confused.

Nice Game nevertheless! :)


Thanks :-)


The lassoing mechanic was great!

Only feed back I would have is letting the player move a bit faster to smooth out the experience a bit.

Fun little title


Thanks for feedback :-)


This is a great game!  The lassoing mechanic was fun.  The graphics and animation remind me of The Oregon Trail game when you go hunting... which was my favorite part of the game.  The only thing I would suggest is making an arrangement of the music you made so the instruments build up to what you have if that makes sense.  The parts you have   If you started the song with just the drum and chords for a while and then alternated between that and a section where that cool counterline comes in I think it could give it more impact and give more variation to the song.  Awesome job!  


Thanks a lot :-)


Great idea and love the lasso idea! A shop or maybe some kind of way to use the deer as a currency would be great! keep it up :D 


great collectibles, nice deers! love the idea.

for your 1 Jam is really nice, keep going!


thank you!!!!!


Hey, it fitted the theme and was an okay experience, but a few points as other have pointed out, the music wasn't that good but I understand if it's something new you had to do, been there :D also after 20 deers it lagged, but it seems you found the problem. Other than that, it was a pretty basic game which can be improved upon next time add some challenges, maybe some time limits, enemies, highscore.

well done, keep up the good work and you will get an even better game next time :D


Thanks a lot :-)


For such a simple game (especially in a game jam) make sure your game is html5 as more people will play it.  Also the optimization is terrible I get that its a Jam game but my computer(Pretty good) runs faster on crisis then your 2D pixel art game. Other then that you've got a decent prototype. Just Polish add more content maybe a few more lassos or animals to capture, that way you've got more progression. Also one more thing no music is better then bad music I get Bosca Ceoil is easy to use but just use free music online if you've never made music before. You don't want to bog your down your game with bad music and deter any potential players.


Thanks for feedback. I agree web games are much better. And for the optimization, I know what is the problem but I didn't had time to fix it.


I like the simple but  clever lasso design, it could be great to have a character run button as an idea, good expandable idea!

If you were able to play my game and provide any feedback, that would be massively appreciated.


thanks for feedback :-)


I like it!

Simple but fun game! I wish there was a way to upgrade the lasso / the fence so you can progress through the game. I understand why it's not there now (Game jam) But if you added that it would give people a reason to keep playing it even outside of this Jam. (I know I would) ;)


I planned to have a shop that you use the deer as currency but I ran out of time...


Honestly the decision to make a pun for the theme implementation is the most unique spin I've seen on the jam so far. 

I do have a couple of gripes, the lasso only going out when the player releases the mouse is a little unintuitive and for some reason the pixel art looks blurry. Perhaps you used bilinear filtering instead of point to point? Also while it is kinda fun to lasso the deer, there is really no progression of any kind. Movement is fine and if the pixel art was a bit more animated I think it would be even better.  Thanks for commenting on our game!


thanks :-)


Lovely game and great play on words with the theme. Bit laggy but still fun. Though I did have like 10 deer following me so maybe make the lasso have a counter haha. Good game, have a good jam!


tanks a lot :-)


It was a bit laggy, is there an end to the game? is was fun tho :) 


I planned to add more but I ran out of time so there is no end, thanks for feedback


The game was really laggy on my pc :(


Sorry about that, I did something really inefficient :-( . I just played your game - well done


Thanks :D!

Submitted (1 edit)

Good take on the theme haha :) It felt like it lagged at times but might just be me. I think if the lasso cast faster it could be a lot more satisfying. Neat idea though! Also congrats on finishing your first game! It's a great start


Thanks a lot, I know about the lag, I did something really inefficient in my code. I just played your game, love your art style and also the gameplay it looks so cool.

Submitted (1 edit)

Thanks for playing my game :)

If you want advice on your code or anything I'd be happy to help