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A member registered Jan 22, 2015 · View creator page →

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The only thing missing is the unbeatable tactile feel of the rubber buttons on my old 6110.

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Yeah that's a feature sort of. Also a symptom of me changing the thrust button to Z at the last minute (you wouldn't touch that area of the keyboard in game otherwise so it's not that evident).

I should do a revision (and still try to make it fit) :)

My diagnosis: not a monkey. :(

This is very impressive. Doesn't scream "I ran out of bytes" at you!

The reflection in the window is a great detail.

Thanks! I assure you this is playable until like level six al least (the game loops and the gravity gets harder).

Well it works for this because you eventually remember the track and can focus on the difficult spots in advance!

That bit after the series of jumps and you have to squeeze between the two red walls! Argh!

Saw a Youtube video of this which dates the game to 1986... I instantly recognized sideways SEUCK and googled my way here so not sure where they got that year from! I love the player character. Very cute.

To my surprise it's very hard to balance this!

I came here to post exactly the same. Fun idea and well made.

If I ever make a Pico Racer 2 I will add a difficulty selection!

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Thanks! You absolutely should play more. There are a lot of really good games for it!

I used but the wysiwyg HTML editor is really annoying with custom HTML (especially if you edit it later).

I just put my earlier tweetgame on and included fully commented source code. You can see it here:

Thanks :)

Not sure, I have zero experience with the platform. I wonder if it could be possible to use a dynamically linked libksnd so that it can just be swapped? That's how the wrapper works for Game Maker. It of course requires a working 64-bit DLL as well.


I wrote a little tutorial about FM synthesis. It's not very comprehensive (I think you need to simply experiment to find all different nuances) but you can download simple instruments you can build on.

It should be but I can make sure and rebuild the libs.

FM really isn't that complicated, especially at the level klystrack works on (i.e. just two operators, nothing like the DX7 etc.). The main difference between sounds is the waveforms used and the multipliers. But I'll try to come up with something!

Thanks! That game would be Pole Position!

You can now download a Windows version!

NP, I hope you post some tunes soon!

You could start from this post. I recommend the n00bstar tutorial, it starts from the very basics. I guess you could also read/watch videos about trackers in general to get an idea about how they work.

P.S. Most of the music you see in the videos is by someone else than me. I agree it's great, though. ;)

What impresses me most is the un-picolike feel and the big amount of content. Often, a PICO-8 game is just one (very good) idea blasted on screen and that's it but this game doses new content sparingly. 

The lightsourcing makes the tomb feel quite claustophobic, it's a very cool way to make the puzzles and the rooms feel more urgent. It feels like it serves the game more than just makes it look good.

That said, I think the only trouble I have is with jumping over holes (and I guess a lot of that comes from the tiny resolution of the PICO-8) but the relaxed retry politics pretty much eliminates this problem. If you drop you just try the same screen again.

5/5, would loot again.

In short: PICO-8 has probably the fastest idea-to-game time we have seen and it's really fun to work with. So, it's a no-brainer to pick the system, especially if you are into retro aesthetics and a bit of challenge (and a very helpful community)! I think we usually have a playable prototype ready in a few days after an idea, the rest is just fine tuning and making it look and sound good. That's probably a week's worth of work spread over a few months. And sometimes the idea doesn't go anywhere and we ditch it so there is that, too. But on PICO-8 it's quite easy to prototype and test stuff so it's usually fun to fail.

It's always interesting to watch people play our games (and of course it gives valuable insight on if a game is too hard etc.) so a big thank you for the video and comments!

It works!

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This just pops up when I run the game. That's divide by zero most likely, maybe you divide by the sample rate or so because it definitely happens when I don't have my 'phones plugged in.

On my computer, for some reason if I don't plug in any audio devices, any audio code basically refuses to initialize. Not sure about the libraries you use, but I was able to bypass this in my own code by simply checking if audio was init properly and if not, just skip everything related to audio. Maybe you could simulate it by just not initializing the audio device.

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Not a biggie, other than I need to find my headphones if I want to play and the error message (SIGFPE) is a bit misleading. :)

EDIT: This is on Windows btw fyi

We can't promise anything but we are quite sure a Windows version will happen later this month (including other TTT titles)!


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I made a little instruction booklet! Now need to figure a way to make it happen as a physical object instead of just a PDF. :)

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Hello everyone,

Gravitus Minus is a game I have been working on for a while and I finally released something a few weeks ago. The game will be instantly recognizable for those who remember Thrust (or Solar Jetman if you had a NES), your mission is to use your rotating spaceship to fetch a heavy energy core that keeps pulling your ship down thanks to the ruthless gravity. Since the original game was known to be a bit hard, I added an "Easy Mode" that has a simple control method and it allows you to make a few mistakes.

The game features some very nice chiptune music from n00bstar (be sure to check out the trailer below for a taster) and the quite well known pixel artist Ilkke helped me with the graphics. There also are challenges for each level and an online high score leaderboard system.

Currently, you can play it on Windows and Linux. The itch app is the easiest way to install the game, obviously .



No, it just looks nicer when you can see his face. Do you think it's too disorienting? Did you figure out the control system in a reasonable time?

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OK, I just noticed you need to click on the mute button on lower right corner of the game area and then the game has focus. Clicking on the game used to catch the focus but for some reason doesn't do it anymore.

EDIT: Also the black area around the game seems to work.

Thank you. :) I am working on a "remix" version that is a bit easier (and has some extra content!)

Pico-8 uses Z and X as buttons, will update that info on the page. Thanks for reminding. :)

Thanks! I found the limited palette (you can't modify the colors at all) basically told me what to draw. "So, I have just these blues and brownish oranges... I know! Pyramids and ice!"


I finished a little racing game today called Pico Racer. It's basically a pseudo 3D driving game like Outrun or Pole Position mixed with Buggy Boy's obstacles and Enduro's day/night cycle. It has a few different landscapes. So far people have said nice things about it. Though, I wrote the game as my first Pico-8 project over the last week (give or take a few days) so it has some tiny issues such as the difficulty being a bit rough and some graphics glitches. I will of course fix those as soon as I notice them.

I made the game in the Pico-8 environment (it's sorta an emulator for an imaginary 80s console) and it's playable in most browsers (I found Chrome works the fastest). I recommend Pico-8 to everyone with problems finishing stuff. Its weird limits really help to not get stuck thinking what to add to your game and make you just go with the flow. :)