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A member registered May 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Any of this updated?

Fair enough on both accounts.

(1 edit)

What is known about 1.3 so far? What does it contain?

(6 edits)

I am not salty. I am glad that I was around for the last free reupload period. I am just saying that it doesn't need to be removed from this site again, just because it will be sold on Steam. But maybe I did got ahead of myself about the matter. Maybe what I said in my last post is part of the plan. I mean, plenty of devs offer cross-platform purchasing from this site!

If the dev is reading this, I'd like to ask them: Got any plans for a sequel? Or a similar update/separate title with the other generations not (yet) featured in this? Maybe with Rock/Mega Man X/Zero-inspired gameplay rather than classic Rock/Mega Man?

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I dunno. They could also sell it here and have a steam key generated with the purchases, as well. I dunno how Holo Indie works, but they could strike a deal that way, IMO.

That's a shame. Wanted to get it DRM free.

Was it removed from here? Can't seem to be able to access it here.

Very good game. Could add a few of your other characters as reskins for the teams. Maybe with additional team size settings.

(5 edits)

I do think some of the classes need some skills and/or spells already known. As well some visual and mechanical expansions for the Adventure Mode.

Class Selection Additions:

  • Paladin: Start with the Smite, Deflect and Chant spells already learned.
  • Thief: Start with the Leg Sweep, Uppercut and Steal skill already learned.
  • Ranger: Start with one level of the Versatile, Forager and Scentless perk already learned.
  • Mage: Start with the basic non-incanted elemental (Ember/Chill/Shocked) spells already learned (and maxed; 3). No need to remove the extra Magic Stones just for knowing these spells, since Mage has more need and usage from the more expensive spells, and even gear enchantments than any other class.
  • Enchantress: Start with the Aid and Hypnosis spells already learned. (off-topic, but let Hypnosis, Intoxicate, Sleep, and Power Word: Cum also scale by the average calculation between Magic and Charisma for their potency and/or duration; the minimum magic score to learn them is enough for any other class, too)

Character Customization Screens:

  • Allow the Hairstyles be selectable from the Character Selection Screen (not just the stylist from Monster Town).
  • Add a couple more hairstyles; Shoulder-length Bob and Long straight Hair.
  • Add the option to swap from the unlocked costumes here, as well. (It helps with debug reporting of visual bugs, if we toy with the body proportions while also swapping costumes from right here. Plus, the option helps quick start a run, without pausing to do the same, just like how we are allowed to choose skills/spells/perks later. Speaking of...)

Additional Costume Suggestions:

  • Let the Bikini purchasable in Monster Town also unlock a Bikini costume look upon equip. Maybe add a side-quest to upgrade said armor with different effects and visuals upon being equipped? Said upgrade and look depending on the Combat Class currently being played.
  • Add a "Birthday Suit" and/or "Bottomless Enchantress" costume. You know why...

Any chance there can also be Portrait/Vertical support for tablets, too?

Adding two more frames is indeed smart.

How about a voice line for when you get the Gold Moai?

I see. I was wondering, since Bijou couldn't pinpoint who would've laughed like that. Maybe consider using one of the other Holomem laughs, if you think they could fit?

Maybe make the two moai combo remove it entirely. Not leave a pebble behind.

Who does the laughter voice on the Spooki Mode?

Is this like the daughter of a Ledian and a Heracross?

Any chance this can be inserted at some point this year? Kinda sucks to travel so far just for a haircut or hairdo. Even if those are not reflected in animations (yet). I AM glad it exists at all. But would be nice to have an extra starting look choice, then change it later from there.

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Looks like a feature to me!

This game needs Kobo now.


How would this work on stuff from Shadowrun, Blades in the Dark, World of Darkness, etc.? And if not, are there any possible adaptations?

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A day late... I hope nothing bad happened.

I think maybe do a development log post about the update?

Now, if only the idle animation had a different one based on being on the rain. You know... sopping wet, but just as stoic and stalwart.

Imagine that. When common sense hits, it hits hard.

Cream is a true stand user now.

Does the Game Over Screen in SFW mode have any changes yet? 

I can't say I do. I sorta gave up and went straight to the Steam version, and play THAT using the Steam Link app. It's not the same asked-for experience, but it's there.

It's normality for Android users, usually.

(1 edit)

Crazy how time has passed since this was up, and we entered beta a few months ago, too.

(2 edits)

I am more into knowing whether or not orgasms will ever get the player character and NPCs coated with their baby batter eventually, kinda like how slime monsters often get you drenched with grape jam over time.

Makes me wonder, because darn, does it often look like you are always shooting dry blanks.

Do you have the opportunity to add a survey for Artificer players?

(3 edits)

Seems like the early brigand encounter has been buggy for the past 3 or so months on android. Always crashes before the scene begins, and basically kills the quick save file, as loading via "Continue" will simply crash the game on the spot from there on. Forcing one to reload a last save, or in the case of any ironman run... start from scratch,

Both the image in the article and that line are from last month. But the changelog content is different, at least.

Any chances for more body colors?

(4 edits)

Oh yes, definitely RAM heavy. I tried a few things with my tablet that caps at less than 1.5GB RAM, and after doing a few system tricks to lower the system usage to at least 800+MB, I could run the game fine, but it crashes every time it tries to return to the world map (which is set to the fast graphics setting). I am glad that crashes do not happen during events, but after they are done, which lets the autosave feature trigger on time for the crash. The game really needs more memory optimization, frankly speaking.

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Makes me wonder if it has to do with ARM and x86/x64 processor support, as several other games have adopted making separate apk versions for old and new devices, by consideration of that. I do wish I could go past the character creation screen, as my device is... an old Samsung Galaxy Tab E. Which can still run some modern 3D games and such without performance drops. And this game does not lag, it just... Crashes while loading and hanging for half a minute after naming and customizing the character. It also crashes when clicking on Pervert and loading things...

True, the android version has yet to be updated.