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A member registered Jun 18, 2022

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Solid game and fun concept. defiantly unique. I enjoyed the six-shooter idea which random die numbers, but would have liked to have this concept utilized more. i often found myself just shooting until i happened to hit the enemy with the right dice; that was usually faster then trying to manipulate my barrel to get a particular dice for a certain enemy. The power ups were meaningless and could be removed, they don't add anything and feel out of place. 

The collision detection needed work or at least some extra checks. Half way through the first game I found a way to wall climb by accident and got myself easily on top of the arena wall. Fun in it's own right to keep blasting the queen from my safe perch, but probably shouldn't be possible. 

Great concept but I think the execution lost it a bit. The difficulty is pretty high right from the start, defiantly could have benefited from  a more gentle ramp up on  that. The controls were good, smooth and after a couple games felt natural. I would have liked some score indicator on screen as well, rather then only at the end. Also not sure if I just never made it far enough but once you get into the rythum of the game it gets repetitive quickly as the enemies are all the same. Lastly (and this is a personal comment but applicable to others I'm sure), I am colorblind and found it almost impossible to distinguish between some of the enemies colors. A little more distinction in the visuals would help out others like myself that have been cursed with limited sight. 

Overall though, as I said the concept itself was good, met the theme well I think, and was enjoyable.

It's...ok. Visually I think it is fine but needs something to spice it up. The camera was pretty rough, easy to control but also far to easy to get blinded by stuff in the scene. Lot of sliding and not a lot of rolling though. The overall goal of the game was stated but still unclear; I had no idea for example how many golden dice there were to collect, some kind of indicator for that would have helped. 

(1 edit)

I think this is a very solid and enjoyable game  that unfortunately does not really fit the theme. The only dice aspect to the game was the between rounds rolling for power ups, which if you changed out for simply giving a random set of three possible power-ups would behave the same way gameplay wise. It feels a lot like a really good game that was designed without the theme in mind and then the dice rolling piece was added in to try and meet the criteria. 

Now, with that in mind, the game itself is well done. The controls are smooth and the concept solid if slightly unoriginal. Extra points for creating the artwork and music which, while simple, is very enjoyable and works great for a game like this. The animations as well, between scenes and such were great and added a lot of polish to it in my opinion.

Very nice core mechanic but not intuitive to understand the first time. It took me two games to realize the movement was based on what die face you wanted down. After figuring this out it became a reasonable game. My one issue is that if you do loose track of what die faces are on your sides, you have no way of figuring it back out without loosing hive health. There is no way to logic your way there making it a little less of a puzzle and more a test of spatial memory. Thus, the game is enjoyable but easily frustrating. Perhaps adding in a limited ability to display moves as the tutorial did would help. The visuals and music are top notch however, extra points for doing them yourselves as well. 

The artwork and music are great. The animations and scene transitions are great. The concept of the game is good, but i feel falls to much to randomness. in my third match, just due to chance, the AI was able to take out all but one member of my team before I got my turn. The changing numbers every shot means how far you go each turn is luck based more then skill, and you can easily end up in a no-win scenario. Adjusting gameplay to somehow favor strategy over rng would help. however the idea is good and the presentation was well done.

Right off the bat I liked the tutorial room explaining the controls and goal. 

The Good:

  • Controls are very smooth and responsive. Using mouse and WASD keys works well.
  • The overall goal of the game was straightforward and understood from the beginning
  • Custom graphics and music. That stuff takes time and that effort earns points in my book.

The Less Good:

  • Graphics are not bad but also don't stand out. Colors were easy on the eyes but a little bland/samey
  • No damage indication on the enemies, you simply had to shoot them until they disappeared. Needed some kind of feedback on that front. This was especially the case with the boss where I was unsure if i needed to shoot him or outlast him.
  • While most enemies were good and made you dance around while shooting them, some enemies were completely unavoidable due to their speed compared to yours. You had to hope you could get lucky enough to kill them before they killed you. 
  • Very linear. Always to the right, rooms always the same shape. I think some variety would have gone a long way. Vary up the room styles a bit, and make it more 'dungeon/maze-y' where the player needed to not only fight off enemies but find their way out.

Overall certainly not bad, especially within the time limit. Concept is workable, just needs polish and more too it.

Was unsure of the goal of the game until reading the comments and see that this version was broken/incomplete. Shame. The visuals and animations involved were solid, would have been interested to see that in an actual game.