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A member registered Aug 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Happy to hear that ^-^

This game was so weird. I would never have thought about seeing something like this with "soft" : D
Tutorial helped to understand it a bit, but they still seemed to get drunk easily and soon everyone was punching each other. That was fun though. 

Great interpretation of the theme. I like the first section, all those little details and what main character thinks about them. Spider section on the other hand.. like others have been saying, it was quite frustrating and after third nap, it seemed to get quite hard. Of course, it matches the theme of your game. 

well, thank you!

Really fun and had a lot energy! Sometimes I had hard time touching extra health but can't think much else. 

thank you! I must make the level selection more understandable then! 

Thank you very much for the comments! 
Hmm yeah, I probably should adjust player's color compared to background and other fire somehow. I will look at it.
Same with the "burn it" button. That sounds like an easy fix. 

Thanks!! I will take your notes in consideration. Especially i have been thinking ways to make moving faster. Perhaps something like that you don't need to wait so long for trees to burn, to move forward. 

Checkpoints too, if the level is longer or it has a lot of dangers.

Omg thank you so much! This was so helpfull 
Very interesting to watch. I can think so many things to change instantly + fix some obvious errors that slipped through as I did some last minut changes. 
I never thought that purple power would not be clear.
I can see that you want to dash through the trees faster. Perhaps I make the burning effect happening a bit faster. 

By the way. Nothing happens if you run out of the time :D at least not yet. 

Once again. Thank you! it must have taken some time as you added comment to the video as well. 

I loved the graphics! So pretty. Gameplay was also quite fun and it was great that you had story elements there as well. Sounds that those mushrooms make when they "die" was so cute. I liked the idea that your "base" is following you and that the game was not punishing you if you fell down. That would have been frustrating. 

I had some challenges with starting the game. At first pressing the start, somehow I managed to quit the game. Continue worked after that though :D Other minor part that bothered my eyes was if there was multiple of those small spirit creature lights nearby. They were slightly too bright together. 

Very nice! Makes me want to try again and again. To see what new objects I can absorb

Economy must grow. Get rid of those zombies who make no profit for the company!

I really liked the idea. Could be fun if you could create some kind of map while choosing the route.

I wanted to get out of the water :D
To eat trees as well

Fun to play

Very well done! Everything works well and fits for the theme as well. Could work as a real game as well, perhaps as a mobile tittle

Simple and fun :D

Nice entry. Works well and fits to the theme. A bit hooking as well.