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A member registered Feb 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'd love to make a sequel for it some day, maybe give a happier ending for a few of the other characters

First of all, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this game so much! The variability, the characters, the humor, the art, the character designs, the honestly pretty insightful comments on the nature of concepts, the worldbuilding, the fact that you play as an eldritch catboy god, all of it! You did a great job with this game and it's honestly so fun to play and explore the different paths!

Second, I did find a bug! When you try and fail to rob a bank and ask for money from the gods and get it, there's a ValueError: could not convert string to float: '=0.1' which I believe is caused by the quotes being around the equals sign as well as the value itself, so hopefully should be an easy fix!

There are new characters planned who will show up in future updates, although for this one there is a character who you can talk to who wasn't in the village during Fox's introductions, and it will probably be a bittersweet meeting. That's all I can say without giving spoilers :)

Have you talked to Elk after you read the book? (The game does end shortly afterward but there is a little more)

I really liked it, and your art style is really nice too! I wish there was more we could ask Spider about when she's in... well, spider-mode instead of just running because I'm really curious about what she is and I really love the design! I was wondering what was up with the headache the MC had, because it seemed to get worse when they tried to remember things or when they saw the web.

It is actually! I'm aware my update schedule is... let's just say lackluster to put it mildly, but I may make an update post to show some concept art and CGs I've done for it

(1 edit)

I loved this game! The art, the humor, the puzzles are all so innovative! Spoilers for ending 14 but I am having an issue with it:

Is it supposed to be just an endless loop of the fire exit door and running noises or is it bugged for me?

Great game! I loved the pacing, the story,  the characters, the art(especially the art!). I absolutely loved Shredder's design and the second they showed up my immediate thought was, "I don't care if they did it, I'm not accusing them." I also loved the twist at the end but I don't want to talk about that in the comments because spoilers.

I loved this game! The art style and humor is just :D

Out of curiosity, have you listened to the Magnus Archives?

I love this game! I've gotten the escape ending, the staked ending, the sired ending, and the fed ending but I can't find the last one

This was a really great game! I loved the music, the characters, and the turns the game took genuinely surprised me on several occasions. And I particularly loved Echo as a protagonist, although Lyle or Missy may be my favorite characters in this.

I do have one question though, and while there are no explicit spoilers stated in it, it should probably be spoilered because it is about the ending.


What exactly does the ending mean? Is there an actual answer right now or are you leaving that up for theorizing and speculation? Or did I miss something(because the upper ending token isn't showing up for me) and there's more and that's why I'm confused? Or is there going to be an update or sequel to this game and you're leaving it open for more in the future?

Thank you so much! :D I hope to have it updated within the next week or two, and I'll probably put out another progress report before then.

Count the number of books of each color on the shelf. If you search the bookshelf, you will get an order of colors(which is randomized each time). That should give you a 4-digit code.

Let me know if that's not enough and I'll give you a better hint! (Also I just realized I should probably add a walkthrough.txt file in the next update ^^; )

It was a very cute game! I loved the art and music, but I did end up running into quite a few bugs on the firefox web version based around the that ended up freezing the game. Other than that little browser-based hiccup, it's a great game!

This was a pretty fun fishing game! I thought the fishing license for the limitation was especially clever, and I enjoyed dressing the frog up in little hats!

Have you read the notes nearby? They both give pretty solid hints at the answer.

Basically, the codes are a letter-to-number cipher, where A=1, B=2, C=3, etc. etc. etc.

Here's the solution, but I'll put it in strike-through so it's easier to skim over if you don't want to know the answer: Red: 1854  Blue: 212215

I love the art! It took me a second to realize what eating bees did to the frogs and then I felt so bad for them whenever it happened!

This is an odd request, but I've been having trouble finding the kind of games I'm looking for with's search system.

So you know the fairytales/goosebumps books/horror stories/etc. where a magic-user curses or transforms someone into something else? I'm trying to find games where that is a big part of the story, because I've played a couple of games like that in the past and they always ended up being really interesting both narratively and in implementation(there was one where you had to manage your time before the curse was complete that  I remember really liking). Does anyone know any good games like that?

For our games, are there any restrictions on darker themes or horror content? Obviously, have content warnings at the start, but other than that, are there things that aren't allowed?

(For reference, in my game I plan to have abuse, blood, and death all be heavily present as well as some horror)

I love so much about this game! The artwork is very good and the music is awesome! The gameplay on the cooking and greeting games are a bit clunky, especially the greeting game, but the coconut catching game is very fluid. I would recommend maybe making the games less repetitive by either changing up the objectives or increasing the difficulty, but other than that this was very good and I really liked it!

Thank you! I forgot to make a tutorial until the last minute and by then it was too late, but basically the more wine you make the more the story progresses, and you can also cook and craft by using the cutting board or book on the table.

Mine's pretty short and not really polished, but it's my first jam so eh. I did get around to composing music for it and I made most of the graphics myself so I'm proud of that!

To be on the safe side, it might not be a bad idea of adding lore in to make it clear the player controls an inanimate object and it's not a person. For instance, if there's magic in your tower defense, saying the player is an enchanted orb controlling everything would cover your bases. You wouldn't have to do much other than some supplementary text for something like that, so it would be a really easy add-on.