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Kozy Games

A member registered Jun 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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I would just need 2 more hours. Unfortunately, I once again, put too much on my plate. I have all the art done and the story is finished, but I did not manage to put everything together in time. I would be very grateful, if I were allowed to finish the code and thicken the lines of some pictures, as some turned out to be to thin. 

The art and music is already in the folder, I do not want to add anything new, just to finish the project. 

Thank you for testing. Yes I noticed, that between 90 and 180 Degree the drone behaves weirdly. That has already been fixed and if you want to, you can have a new look at it in about 2-3 days in the next update.  That update will only include some fixes, proper buildings with collision and some minor additional features. Now that I am no more under the Game Jam stress, I am reworking the whole Graphics and general structure of the code, which will make it easier to add new stuff.

There is no goal yet. This is rather a way for me to try out mechanics and see how people react to them. I realised that I had too much fun coding this project, that in the end, instead of making  this a proper complete Game Jam game, I decided to create a real complete minor/medium sized game,  which will be finished approximately in  a month or two.

Good game but at around 80/90 points one has accumulated enough damage power ups so that it is enough to just stand in the corner and keep on shooting. Definitely had some fun playing it

Thanks for testing.

I went through about 10-15 different movement controls iterations, because I just was not happy with it and I did not want to add more features before I finish the controls, as I would probably had to redo these new features after changing the movement.  I just changed so much all the time that i just was not able to add more mechanics/objects and then suddenly the 72 hours were over and i had to submit. You are right that there should at least be some sort of interaction with A and D. I think I will add a weaker thrust to the side when using A and D.

well, i think it works. it is a nice finished game :)

I read your description and don´t be so hard on yourself. It is no secret that the bigger a game gets the more time you need to invest into it and your effort shows.

I am not really sure why, but for some reason in a good way, it reminds me of the lego star wars games, where you would also collect objects so that you could get to the next level.

Besides your game made me laugh in the very beginning when he said why he does not want to be in heaven. I don´t want to spoil it.

I had a blast. 

How does your AI. difficulty work? Do you just increase the clouds speed or is there even more behind that? The AI does get harder and harder after some time or is it just me?

Either the game is broken or I do not understand what I am supposed to do

It is a nice story and i love how you do not see what is happening. By only seeing the clouds (staring into the sky)  and text you are making a connection between them, thus it is clear that your character is reliving their past without you ever having to explicitly say " HEY YOU, LISTEN! HE IS NOT REALLY TALKING TO SOMEBODY". Ironically, this is a perfect example for "show, don`t tell".

The only thing that I am missing is some sort of player input. It is totally fine to have just one ending and for you not to be able to die/lose, but yet i feel like some sort of interaction would be nice. 

In this scenario, for example:  the player needs to push the clouds away, so they get the next message.

Oh, why did you remove that feature? 

Oh wow, I am so sorry, yeah that makes total sense and is actually a very cool idea!

Yeah i feel like having so little time is really hard for developing and creating art, but on the other hand it forces you to do something right now and not in "the near future", thus it is a great motivator.


  • love the artwork
  • good music and fitting sounds
  • i think the difficulty is okay. I am not familiar with these types of game, so experienced player will probably go through the first levels without any problems.


  • there is a bug, that sometimes the donut goes right through the enemy

I kind of enjoyed it.


  • good artwork and sound (absolutely nice music!)
  • i like that you have included  creepy sounds for the monsters 
  • the important data is clearly positioned and easily seen
  • satisfying shooting mechanic

suggestions for future game jams:

  • make it possible to have a perfect run, if one is skilled enough (sometimes it is not possible to kill the enemy before it shoots you)
  • make there a reason to why you want to accumulate points (example: buy new skins, weapons,..)
  • add an exit-button 

0.14v - This is the current version on, I have uploaded for the Game Jam: mini  GameJam 56:Sky

Although,  the artist KittyMyuChan and I will continue to work on it. Obviously, to be fair, updates will only be uploaded after the Game Jam is over.

What I want the finished game to look like  in the near future:

  • Higher resolution images (this will be done pretty soon.)
  • enemy drones 
  • RPG-System (several weapons, stats, special equipment..)
  • Collision + destructible environment (this and how objects like buildings, items behave are at top priority right now)
  • Combat mechanics
  • Sound, music
  • at least one additional map
  • improve movement. [This is very important to me]

As this game and the Game Jams are a way for KittyMyuChan and I to practice and get feedback on design decisions it will always be free and we will work on it until we have a finished game.

Thank you. I learned quite much from this jam and know that I have to think smaller for the next one. 

Are the controls okay or do you think that I still need to work on that? I am thinking of finishing this game after the jam is over.

When I am on the pc again, I am going to try out your submission as well :D

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