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A member registered Dec 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Dzięki, rzeczywiście coś tam czasem nie działa :) , ale niektórym udało się w 3 sekundy przejść i tak

Thanks for feedback!
The idea was to make a movement a bit harder to make it more interesting to speedrun.
Rotating the camera might be a bit dizzy as you said, because you can spin pretty fast, but we might try that because we hadn't thought about it.

Good game!
As everyone I can say that movement feels a bit to fast and hard to control
There should be some kind of instruction in game, because people won't read description. (simple text "E - to shoot water" displaying all the time in a corner)
If you would have time to make more levels, it would be great to make 'slower' learning curve

Thanks! Have a good day too :)

Thanks a lot!

Thanks :)

Good game!
I like the movement.
Art is pretty good but inconsistent.
Music is also nice but explosion sound doesn't fit and is a bit annoying for me.

Good game, I like the simple but consistent artsyle.
Theme could be more shown.
I think that the engine sound a bit annoying

Good game! Unique idea
It's hard to fit the capsule trough the door
Could have some more mechanics to make it more suitable for speedruns
Maybe also some visual showing the cold places, at first I thought that I have to go back to cool down

Thanks a lot :)

Thank you so much :)

Thanks :)

Thank you so much for so detailed feedback!
I really like your idea about optimal temperature. We had some other ideas/improvements but run out of time :)


Good game, polished, I like the artstyle. Controls are pretty similar to our game :)
You can die after finishing level and you have to play the it again.

(1 edit)

Good, simple game!
Adding some kind of checkpoints would make it a bit easier to learn the map and that would make it easier to speedrun

Good game, it's quite polished but the gameplay is kinda boring

Good game! It has potential for speedrun. it's a bit too bright. For me the camera has a bit to much prediction and sometimes feels slow. Also 'restart' button can be accidentally pressed instead of 'checkpoint'

Good game, great visuals and UI, player seems to shake all the time, upper collider at the end should have a visual

Nice game! I would add some kind of warning when overheating (visual or sound) it's easy to forget about it

Good game! It's quite hard to finish.
Everything would need a bit of polish, you could try to add some basic sounds :)

Thanks! It took some time to set it up correctly

Nice game, good visuals and music.
Controlling the vehicle is a bit hard, I also don't like the invisible colliders on the side

Thanks a lot!

Thank you a lot!
Also thanks for reporting all bugs on discord server :)

Thanks! I will definitely add more variation to customer spawning when adding shop reputation/popularity.

Thanks for playing and leaving a comment!
If you could specify when exactly AI stops working it would help a lot :)
Mini map will be added in future.
My plan is to add shop reputation and products expiration date to make the game more difficult. Do you have any other ideas how to make it more difficult?

Very nice game,  really enjoyed playing it, I like animations a lot
Controlls are a bit weird
Music does not stop when you die (two songs are played at the same time)
There is one black pixel in the player sprite
You can move to one side of enemies and spam attack


Nice game, jumping feels a bit to weak and I thinks 10 is a bit to much for the first upgrade (maybe it should be less in the begining and also increase everytime you collect enough)

Very nice game, enjoyed playing it, in game objects description would be great, and the UI seems to be moving a bit when moving around the map, also there is no win screen (after making enough toys)

Hi, I really like the concept, enjoyed mining (with random generation), but couldn't get the crafting to work, also I think that ESC should close opened window instead of showing quit button

Hi, I rated your game, comment is on rating page
My game:

Best visuals, there are even sceene triansitions, however the gameplay may be a bit confusing, there should be a better explanation
Also walking feels slow, maybe walkable area should be bigger and player faster?

Good game, left comment on rating page

Best game I played so far, would you like to rate my game?

Best game I played so far, I really like the level of polish, audio and graphics, also original use of an anvil

Hi, I really enjoyed playing your game
Adding player feedback (some sound or visual effect for hitting a tree, picking up an object) would really improve the gameplay

Hi, I really like the music and art, but I would love to see more mechanics

Nice game, rated :)