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A jam submission

Mini-HeatgunView game page

A game made in unity for the PolyMars x ScoreSpace jam!
Submitted by Blueberator — 11 hours, 29 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I loved the physics with the guy spinning and the gun shooting. The sound effects were also really nice. The level also looks smooth even though it was simple which was nice.



Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Wow, we've got similar games. The music was nice. I feel like the game is waay too hard though (especially due to how the level is built) and it's annoying to be almost 2/3 done and then fall all the way back down (checkpoints might've been a good idea). Also, if you manage to get the player to lay sideways... it's so hard to control him and it's hard to get him to stand back up.


Hah yea our games are really similar! I intended my game not to have any checkpoints (since i wanted it to be a rage game) and i also intended it to make the player lay sideways (because without it the game was click upwards wait a bit click upwards wait a bit and so on but now you have to tilt it depending on the direction of your player and also if you bump into something there is a much more chance for you to bounce down (and a lot further)) but i can see why some players may get frustrated. Thanks for the comment!! 


Nice idea, simple solid art, but can't enjoy the level design


can you rate my game

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Good, simple game!
Adding some kind of checkpoints would make it a bit easier to learn the map and that would make it easier to speedrun


Thanks for the comment kris! I can hear what you say but i intended it to be that way but still thanks for the feedback!


Pretty cool game! The idea is very cool, my only issue was that I couldn't shoot down and go straight up, but that didn't bother much. And the game is very hard, makes you feel like a Pro when finished


Thanks so much for the comment! I believe shooting down and going straight is working but if you are "ragdolled" (sideways) the center of mass changes your trajectory


Great game




Awesome and fun game, played it for a good 15min trying to finalyl reach the top but i fell down to the bottom.

Gameplay is acutally unique music is soothing


Haha thank you so much!!


The Controlls are fun but i dont like the overheat bar... but you probaly had to build it in for the theme. It is realy fun to play and the overheat animation is realy funny. The music and the gameplay are in a strong contrast( peacefull music while you are dying) i dont know if i like it or not..,the arte is simple but good and i realy liked the sliders


Thanks! The sliders are my favorite thing too


i like your game is really awesome simply unique game rate and play my game also plz!!!


Nice game! The movement mechanic is fun and frustrating (in a good way) at the same time. The upwards movement thingy don't seem to be working on the windows build tho.


Thanks for the comment! Can you please clarify the "upwards movement thingy"?


Oh i meant it wont make me go up even if I shoot down. The web version is working as intended tho


Oh yea i think i know what you mean


Definitely gave me the vibe of Getting Over It. I beat it but I'm currently last place on the leaderboards lol. Super tough and incredibly frustrating when you inevitably fall from high up and end up bouncing all over the place and falling even farther. Though given that you were going for that vibe, I'd say you executed it well!

Certainly was simple but you really made a lot out of a little. Nice choice of music but the SFX could use some work. I thought the minigun w a little skinny dude was comical. 

Wish I had some sort of mini map or something so I could see where I was and what tiles were above me without having to commit myself to flying up there and possibly screwing myself.

I did notice that sometimes I would try to shoot myself up and the angle at which I went up didn't match what I expected based on my mouse location. Like the cursor would be right below me and then I would shoot to the right or vice versa.

Overall great little game. Thanks for the submission.


Thanks for your feedback! I really suck at making sounds(thats why the miniheatgun sounded like that + something was went wrong when importing the game). I agree with you that a mini map would be a great idea although about the last thing you made i believe its because of the ragdoll.


Our games really are almost the same! hahahaha


I liked how well the theme of overheating affected gameplay! It was fun to try and manage both my position and heat levels simultaneously. I liked how different regions were designed differently, giving some nice gameplay variety on the journey to the top.


Thank you so much


Nice game you made there!

I like the concept and that the game acts like a ragdoll.


Haha! Thanks i didnt put it on purpose but after a while i started to like it too and i kept it in


Nice concept, I couldn't beat it because I'm terrible at challenge platformers but it didn't feel unfair. Could use some more visual and audio polish


Ye im definitely not the best at the audio and the visuals ;) Thanks for the comment!

