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A member registered Mar 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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Great concept!

The mechanic of throwing the orb and picking it up was really fun to play with especially when i threw the orb into midair and grabbed it back for another jump. The mechanic might have been fleshed out more though.

The graphics were just stunning and loved the ambience. The controls were slightly tricky though.

Kinda fun could have been more with some music and sfx. The puzzles were really brain teasing.
Great job.

Liked the idea and the low poly art. The movement and aiming system are quite hard to use though.

The concept of the game sounds nice. It's a shame i can't run it.

The stinger bomb should have been balanced a little bit more because there is nearly no point in using it now since it would mean losing anyway. Otherwise really liked the idea.

Neat graphics and cool concept would have loved some new levels.

The UI scaling wasn't working, sometimes the button was out of the screen. This game is super difficult especially at the beginning when the player died to the first obstacle without me getting a chance to dodge it. You should add like 2 seconds of just empty screen so that the player can get ready and also there should have been a retry button and not the instant reload. Due to these i died over and over because i didn't have any time to prepare.

This is a brutally hard and frustrating game but nevertheless enjoyable.

The game was really fun but you should have made the entire map visible so that it was possible to achieve the best possible path on the first try. There should also have been a reset button which would have reset the level.

Really nice game. Liked the hand drawn art style.

Really nice and unique concept.

This game is just 


The most visually attractive game of the jam. Loved the cinematics and also the atmosphere of the game. The music was also magnificent. I still wonder how you made that in 7 days.

Fantastic game!!

here's my game :

The Game is kinda fun. It would have been more fun with some more player feedback like screen shakes or recoil.

The player really does not stand out from the clouds and sometimes even completely disappear and some of the beams are hazy and does not look good at all.

When you shoot i would really recommend you to show the bullet in front of the beam instead of it being behind the beam.

The music was nice but it got really repetitive after a short while.

The player speed was really low even when he had very less health. I would recommend making the player speed more and also start the player from a decent speed and lower HP which they can recover using pickups around the play area. Because of this, sometimes i had to intentionally take damage to increase my jump height so that i can clear the level. So, i was offered no choice in the matter when i should be.

Also i was unable to jump on the bent beams. It was really annoying when i pressed the button but nothing happened.

And finally, the ui is completely covering half the screen and as a result it's impossible to see what's ahead. And the camera angle is also so low that it's not possible to see what's below and hope there are no enemies waiting for me there to shoot me.

Besides these, the game was good. The theme was also used well.

Gonna check out yours now.

Here's my game :

hope you like it

Nice game. The visuals though simple but nice.

Would have loved some sound effects and music. The controls could also be a bit more snappy.

Great concept for the game. The player movement felt really good. The only thing needed in this game is a level reset button because sometimes i make a mistake and the score is too high to clear the level.

It was a really nice experience.

Just rated yours and seems like you linked the wrong game btw.

here's mine :

Hope you enjoy it

Thanks for the reply but i really think that this game deserves to win the theme category more than ours :

The visuals are really good with a nice colour scheme. The concept was also really good.

The maps of the game should have been a bit bigger as the player and obstacles are kinda cramped in the game and so the obstacles are really hard to dodge.

Really nice game with really fantastic graphics and great concept. The sound effects were also quite good.

Really nice game with a simple plot.

Well done.

The game looks really neat and was well made. Very cool game and i would play the future release if you plan on releasing it.

A few bugs i detected :

  • When i attack the enemies, they don't seem to register any collision(don't know if it was intended)
  • The time does is not reset to it's normal value after i reload the game

A few things you should add/improve upon :

  • The ui doesn't look as good as the game itself
  • Some post processing effects to denote that time has slowed down and not that my cpu is having a problem with the game

Overall this is a very good game visually and with some bug fixes it would be more suited for VR.

Really nice game. The graphics were simple but the lighting just added so much to the game. Even the music was great. Truly an awesome game. Great Job.

Really nice game. The concept was well executed with a nice pixel art. The final boss was a bit hard though but beating it felt really rewarding. And the combat system was also nice.

Also the music was really good.

Here you go with mine :

Hope you enjoy it

The graphics of the game looks really good. You should have added a .exe file so that I could have played the game. From the graphics point, Well done on your first game jam.

Hm i see. Thanks for letting me know.

Wow dude I wasn't even aware you can do that in unity. You literally made a complete 5-dimensional game. This deserves some awards. Really polished for a game jam didn't find a single bug. Not a single criticism to make the game is just perfect. People have tried for years to make such a game and have failed and you succeeded in making it in a week. Damn.

Really good game with a lot of potential. The simple art style goes well with the game. The mobile controls though quite unconventional was really snappy.

Although the audio should not replay after i died it's really annoying and the last level was kinda unclearable for me because i apparently ran out of jumps on the last platform and the third jump is not high enough and the coin didn't do anything(i played the android version). And the final criticism is the ui which could definitely improve or at least match the pixel style of the rest of the game.

Overall well done. Really enjoyed playing it.

The music and sound effects were great along with the level design. The controls were also snappy. 

Overall i really enjoyed the game. Great job.

Really nice game the movement was really smooth and satisfying and the sound effects were also good.

Very good game with simple graphics and a good color scheme and the particles were also good.

The enemies felt like HP sponges though.

The spawn rate was also massive and there were a heap lot of enemies at the beginning and the map was kinda flat with no dangers or platforms to shoot from.

The sound effects were really nice would have a music track though.

The game has really cool art work and the music is also kinda good. 

Don't know whether it has a day/night cycle because i didn't survive for that long in the game. The game needs a better combat system because this game has decreasing health over time which is not really suited to the game and killing the enemies does not give as much health recovery as it takes away so the best strategy would be to avoid the enemies entirely which i don't think is the aim of the game. 

Overall nice game really liked it.

here is mine :

(1 edit)

Great game with simple visuals , sound effects would have been really cool along with a background music. 

The game definitely felt quite a lot like a rage game where you can lose a ton of progress which is quite hard to make.

The controls were really smooth but the jump didn't align with the direction of the buttons which was quite confusing. And i really had no idea what the debt/money mechanic was for like it didn't affect the game play at all.

And you should definitely add an easy mode to the game because i really wanted to know how the ending was but couldn't quite reach to the end due to a high platform where i was stuck and couldn't get out.

The transitions to the next section of the level was really smooth and nice.

The controls just the controls it was so good and smooth especially the dashing and wall jumping it felt so good. Really nice game and the visuals were also great.

I really would have liked another 2 or 3 levels in the game.

The controls for the car aren't very smooth especially when the car goes backward sometimes the button isn't even registered and there is no proper player feedback when i collect/eat the burger was missing. For example, the easiest thing to do was to destroy the burger, but if you wanna make it a bit more juicier you should add particle effects and some sound effects. And the Retry button on the game over screen doesn't seem to be working.

Nice work on the 3d modelling though the burgers and cars look really cool. And most importantly congratulations on completing the project.

A fun little game with funny and cute visuals and the music also was good. The platforming could definitely be improved upon and had a real struggle in the level with two cultists.