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A member registered Feb 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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You can publish this game on the playstore and I will never believe this game is only done in a game jam; that's how polished this game is. GG, RaisinsGang!!

Hi, Guys

What a very fun and engaging gameplay idea. Good job!
This game is so satisfying to play on a mechanical keyboard <3

The Good:
* A very good take on a normal typing game. The market has a very few kind of these games so the competition is not tight. I think this game can easily penetrate its genre.

* Cute story

* Beautiful 3D art and UI. The choices of colors blended well in my eyes.

* Your music and SFX are all on point. This helps the game to be more engaging to play.

* Your game has so many big features for a short amount of time to do this project like cutscenes, a simple login system, and a leaderboard. You can only find those features in games that will readily gonna release in the market. But seeing it in your kind of prototype version of your game, this is a very nice polish feature.

* The TV effect works on me visually. 

The Bad (actually, things that can be improved):
* The words I am typing are repetitive. I don't know what is your goal for giving me the same words to spell over and over. But for me, in the long run, it becomes less challenging to type. Maybe making it random could help the game be more challenging. 

* I faced some random game freeze (maybe 1 out of 10 game runs)  (sorry I forgot to take a screenshot or video recording), after I typed my last letter, the game was not progressing and my time just depleted resulting in the game being over. 

* After I type a wrong word, most of the time when I see my next word I am already typing it fast, but sometimes I get an error for typing so fast. Maybe add a small window time for doing it. Like if the game is not yet ready to take a new letter for the new word, maybe add a warning or a countdown timer, instead of considering it an error.

* There are times I am typing for 4 straight just 3 letter words then all of a sudden my next word is Computer, it is an 8-letter word, haha my groove just changed instantly. Maybe you can set the number of words to type depending on the level. For level 1, the max number of letters of the words will be 3, and the next level will be 4, and so on.

My suggestions:
* If your plan is just to make this game a fast-paced, casual game, I respect that. But if you want to add more possibilities for this game, maybe you can consider adding a path system or choice system, like for example there a two different paths that contain two different words to type. As a player, I need to choose what path I will go by typing the word in the front of the path I will choose. In this case, I think you can open a new gameplay experience, like before I can progress I need to get the key in Path B before I can continue Path A or something like that. You can also add some collectibles that maybe can unlock new lore or an exclusive cutscene.

* Your cute character is so open to being customizable. Maybe adding a collection of coin mechanics in the game that I can trade for cosmetics sounds fun.

* Adding more kinds of different levels that have different gameplay can add more challenge and fun to the game. For example, since you have very good background music, a level that I need to type at the same with the beat in the background music. A level that I can't type the vowel letters. Or a level that I need to type in reverse, so I need to type the letter of the words backward. Sorry, my nerdy side of the game design is going crazy for this game. XD

Overall, this game is very fun and challenging. It has so many features that you can only see in the games that are released in the market. It has great potential since its market doesn't have any big-name games on it. The typing game genre is crying for new exciting and fun games to be released.

Looking forward to the development of your game! See you in Brazil :)

Wow, thank you so much for trying it. For this update, I am testing if adding NPC or a "Quest" system can add some more depth to the game. I am still debating my self on what path should I take. Should I follow the basic stuff of Stardew Valley which is a heavy story and farming-based game, or should I follow the path of making it a normal typical sandbox tower defense game. I don't still have a decision but feel free to leave what's on your mind for the future of this game.

First of all, this game I wish I had this when I was studying chemistry in school XD

The Good:
* The minimalist art helps a lot to give character to this game. It makes the gameplay of the Periodic Table system easier visually because of its simple art style. 

* The core idea of it is very new in my eyes. It is a fresh casual game that does not give me any stress but rather helps me to learn while playing. 

* The music and SFX are all on point. It helps the game to be more lovely.

* I love the trivia or the chemical descriptions showing in the game.

* The game is well-polished.

The Bad (actually, things that can be improved):
* Add a simple description for the effect cards. Or maybe at least a card name to them so I know at the start that I know, what will be the effect of these special cards. Also, make it a lighter, more vibrant color, to show that these Special Effect cards are not the typical periodic table cards but have effects that can change the path of your gameplay experience.

* There is a time that I just keep on throwing my cards to get the card I need. It burns a lot of time for me. It is not skill-related but luck-related. Somehow it causes a little stress to me because I don't have anything to do just throw cards and believe in the heart of the cards (yugioh meme XD). I have suggestions for this down below.

* It is kind of annoying when I accidentally drop cards and now they will combine and create a new element but I don't need that. Sadly, I don't have any way to separate them even if it is accidentally. For me, it is kind of a heavily punishable feature too, especially for this time-based game. 

My suggestions:
* If your plan is just to make this game just a casual game, I respect that. But if you want to add more possibilities for this game, add a progression system. Maybe level-based or a story. I even think you can add a roguelike system to this game. Make the card-building progression-based so it will now be a deck-building game. It will help players to be more strategic in every move they make. 

* Instead of throwing a single card to spawn a new single card. Maybe you want to consider adding a shuffle system. Or replace my whole hand with a new set of cards. This will help me to think more than base it on my luck. For example, I have very good cards in my hand but I don't need them all for now, I can't progress to the game if I do not get this specific card. So what will I do, should I gamble all my hand cards or should I maybe just combine cards so it can open a new slot in my hand? 

* You can also consider adding a card effect to the game based on the card that I combined. Here are some crazy ideas. like for example, I can combine cards to create Chlorine, then I can use that Chlorine to melt some cards because Chlronine can be used to melt some stuff, or I can combine cards to create Einsteinium and then Einstein will spawn in the game to freeze the time haha or I can create an element that can create a bomb that will clear the whole board haha. Sorry, my game design hunger is going crazy for this game. XD

Overall, this game is a very bright game idea that has a huge potential not just for players who want to chill but also for students to help them study Chemistry in a fun way.

Looking forward for your game! See you in Brazil :)

Hi, thank you for playing my update. I am testing now to lean more toward Planting and Tower Defense. Maybe I can add Chicken Survivor again in any way in the future. Can I get your overall feedback, please? So I know what to update and change in my next updates. 

My secret for easy spider-crab is lots of poison and squash haha

If you played the game, there is a credit part in the main menu :)

Also, this game is on the list of CupNooble's featured games. 

Thank you for playing my game :)

Wow, thank you so much for this feedback. I am still in the process of what is the final gameplay mechanics of Oh! Crops. For this version, I focused more on Tower Defense and Stardew Valley kind of planting mechanics. The difficulty of this game for now is just a placeholder so you can test the whole version of this update.

So far I think I will keep the current path of my game, the Tower Defense + Planting Mechanics.

I am now looking for a way how to keep the player engaged if they don't have to plant or if it is not yet Crimson Eclipse. I am planning to add what Stardew did, like there are NPCs to talk and get quests, fishing maybe and exploration.

Very well said feedback, Please wait for my next updates :)

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Hi, yep I used CupNooble assets for this prototype. What's your feedback in my game :)

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Hi @penusbmic, I bought your asset and used it in my demo.

Can you please check it, well appreciated :) Your assets are all gorgeous. Keep on doing it.

Hi @cupnooble, I have a new update on my game, please can you leave feedback again.

thank you so much well appreciated. 

Hi @reginassan, I have a new gameplay update. Can you please have feedback on it also, thank you so much, well appreciated. 

Hi @leaf3e, Please check my new updates. I want to have your feedback again. Thank you so much.

Hi @DustyCat, I have a new update. I hope to get your feedback on this thank you so much :)

Hi thank you so much for the feedback, It is just made for a game in less than 3 days. I am planning to expand it and your feedback is all noted. Please do play it again after I update it. Thank you so much :)

Hi, I don't know if you remember me. I was the creator of Crops vs Chickens. I just want to update you that I joined a game jam and I expanded the idea of it and renamed it: Oh, Crops! Link:

Feel free to add me again to your collections :)

Again, thank you so much for your superb assets!

Wow, thank you so much for all your suggestions and also those bugs, especially the video you sent. This is all to be noted when I update this game. 

I hope you can wait for my big update for this game and get your feedback again <3 

They say this game is just chicken, I guess they are right xD

Hi, wow thank you so much for the feedback. Yep, I know the game getting messy at 3 minute mark at least. It is kinda hard to balance the game as a solo developer in a 2-days game jam xD. But all your suggestions and feedback are duly noted, I just hope I will have enough energy and motivation to continue this game because I think this game idea/prototype has something there. 


Nice game :D

Wow Thank you for playing it. I watched it and it is an honor. #HouseDracarys haha
Noted on all your suggestions. Again thank you so much.

Thank you :D Did you win the mara"throne"? haha

Wow thank you for your feedback. Noted on your suggestions. What is your favorite House? :D

Thank you for the appreciation <3 Did you win using House Cannisters? HAHAHA

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Wow thanks for you feedback :) Noted on that close game missing functionality.  What house/houses did you enjoy the most? hahaha