Very fun concept I haven't seen in another Jam game yet! Love all the little blurbs and jokes, very funny!
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The use of the theme is a little bit of a stretch for me. "Scale the mountain" could just as easily be "Climb the mountain" and "Scale your character" is just upgrades or equipment. The level design isn't very engaging, the best option usually is to sit on the level of platforms below and jump/shoot so as to stay away from enemy bullets safely, which gets old pretty soon. Platforming isn't great, I personally am not a fan of the jump and switch directions in midair to progress. The art is really really cool!
Very fun, I played a game similar to this one where you changed the scale of the player character, but I love the added complexity of changing scale of the crates to accomplish different things! Would love love love to see some puzzles that are much more complex, I found the few levels rather easy to blow through, but still very fun!
The art style is nice! I love the MS Paint vibe it has. As far as gameplay it's pretty simple, but nice. I didn't quite get the reason for picking up the branches, it just seemed to make my wand longer and it only ever gave me 2 beams from the wand. There were a couple moments when my mana had to recharge slowly but when I was full mana I would shoot a beam, but then recover all my mana instantly? So I didn't fully understand the point of having mana if the shots go off every second anyway. All enemies only ever took one hit to kill except in the first 30 seconds I think, so there wasn't much tension as far as kiting enemies. All in all, decent game, would love to see some more iterations after more playtesting, I think it is a great idea!
Not bad! I love the style. It feels very satisfying to gather the plants that have been scaled up, although it takes a little while to get to that point. Once you are at a point where you have a lot of plants yielding you a lot of profit, it sort of becomes "How fast can you click all the plants". I do wish there was some small sound or color change on the mushroom or the carrot tiles to tell me they are ready for harvest, all the others are easy to tell, corn has corn, tomato have tomatoes, etc. It's hard to stay with it in the beginning since it takes a few minutes to get rolling, so early on it feels a little like watching corn grow.... hey wait...