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Just realized I never replied to this -- ty for playing and sharing your experience with me (and for continuing past that bug T - T)

Hi tunegoro! Thank you for your sweet comment and for sharing your playthrough with me! Watching this made me so happy (o˘◡˘o) I loved seeing you persevere and get all the endings even after being put in jail  (Pun'kin really had his eye on you (¬_¬;) ) Hope you have fun with the update, too!

Hiya Hikiyami! I had so much fun watching you play 'To: You', so I can't wait to watch your playthrough of this slightly more zany game :P

Thanks for checking it out!

Thanks for playing, Vanta!

Ah, that’s a really nice idea and I don’t think it would be that hard to implement, either! Thanks a lot for playing! 

Love this game & its art!! I had so much fun finding every ending. Each time I beat the game, I had to go back to see if I could do something (anything!!!) differently to get a better ending for these cute characters. Definitely recommend playing!

Hi dustdfg, I did forget about this over the weekend but it's now been updated with the new metadata. Again, ty for the helpful info! I'll be using this in the future 💙 

Cool I didn't know about that! Thanks for the tip!

Hi dustdfg! All of my work falls under the license at this link(CC BY 4.0) So you can use it in commercial & non-commercial products with credit. ^^

Ty! <3  😊 she was fun to draw!

Oh wow, TY for recording your playthrough, Hikiyami! This was so much fun to watch! The part where you were writing the second letter made me laugh xD Making the minigame longer will be added to my to-do list, and I'll see if there's a way to make the letter longer, too. Thanks again for playing! 

Hi Anwynn! (*^▽^)/ Tysm for playing and hope you had a great Valentine's day!

Hey thx for the comment! Unfortunately I don’t have any other sprites made up in this style, but this inspires me to work on adding more in the new year  ^^

Awesome!! Congrats MissingSeven and everyone who made a game!

So much fun, reminds me of Looney Tunes but with a style all its own. Sad I missed the Kickstarter but I'm happy to have found this! Can't wait for the full release!

Pop Broc is an aspiring game dev 😂

Oh wow, having visual feedback like this is awesome (and nail-biting even if the contest is over lol) Thank you for streaming and sharing our games -- hearing someone voice my characters was so much fun! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the overall aesthetic and boss fight. I'm planning on each future level to have different mechanics, new enemies, and more items, so I'm hoping that will vary the gameplay enough to keep players entertained!

Thanks again!

Hey BG! Thanks for playing Colorbound and taking time to leave feedback! I'm so glad to hear you had fun playing my game, and your feedback has given me more goals to work towards in the next build. 

Oof I'm sorry about all that missing...I thought it would be cute to have the kids miss sometimes, but now I see the RNG can turn it into a missing-fest lol ... Definitely learned my lesson on that one!

Thanks again for the feedback,  and congrats on being a judge!

I'll definitely be on the lookout for Build B! And congratulations on your success as well!!

Congratulations to the winners!! 🎉

Hi hiddenone! Thank you so much for the feedback!

I appreciate all your advice, especially how to fix the readability of the message window; still unsure what I was thinking when I made the font and window the same color ^^; This jam has definitely  taught me a lot about player accessibility. After the contest, I’m going to update the demo with a darker message window, white text, and take away the dark outline of the text. And I’m getting a new font for sure!

I actually had a Leech named “Gunker Slug” planned for the second level that crawls over tiles and sucks away paint but ran out of time to introduce it properly . I also had an item called “Paint Bomb” planned for that exact idea! xD I was thinking you could hurl them at tiles you can’t reach on foot, or if you forgot to paint a tile that's far away, you can just throw that instead of having to go back over your paint trail.

Wish I could have put more into this build, but I am so stoked to hear you still had fun! Good luck with judging, and have a good weekend!

Thank you, that means a lot to me! xD Your feedback gave me hope lol, not to mention reference for how to make the game better!

Congratulations, everyone!! There were so many good entries!

Np, thank you for a fun experience! Definitely rooting for Calandria & happy to see it’s placed so high up in People’s Choice,  congrats!! ^^

Ahh, I'm so glad I was able to finish Remnants of Calandria before the voting deadline ended! This. Was. Awesome! It took me a liiittle bit to realize what the setting was, but after it clicked for me what the pillar was and I read the notes leading to the generator, I was SO impressed! I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll just say I'm a history nut and thoroughly enjoyed the setting/message of this game. Wow!

Among other things I liked:

-Love Hiro and Saki, both very well written characters

-The music! You did a great job of setting the tone right away with your song choices. I especially loved the music that plays when you first enter the cave behind the graveyard. 

- Lol at the other characters' awareness of players' tendency to snoop around

-Beautiful presentation, art is GameBoy-reminiscent and looks amazing

-Level design was very, very good. I like how everything in the dungeon -- the puzzles, rocks, orbs -- were  interconnected even across rooms. This had to be tough to do, especially for a pretty sizable dungeon, so nice job!

I did run into the bug where the room resets after Saki hits the orb, but it wasn't hard to get back to that point. Really great job with making a complete, thought-provoking experience for the jam!

Hey Hex! I thought Turritopsis was a good game that told a really nice story. I felt for Oliver and was relieved I got the good ending my first try. ^^ Your art is so pretty and fit the overall solemn yet hopeful theme of the game really well. 

Have you thought about making more of this after the jam ends? I feel like there's plenty of room for expansion! Personally I'd like to see more background info on Oliver, such as how he discovered he was trans, what was his mom's initial reaction to it, and more about Oliver's school life. Also, I would have LOVED to see Oliver going out to the mall and having a good time -- he deserved it after all the bullying/unhappy situations we read through!

Hi Nessy! This is such a pretty, nostaglic game with a very nice aesthetic! I really like the art style and love the opening cutscene. Flah is so adorable out there saving the world with hugs xD I just love games that put a unique spin on the usual battle system!

I feel your pain about the missing image bug -- I have something like that happening in my game because one of my images didn't encrypt like the others did. But what I played of Waning Forest was great! Looking forward to playing the updated version!

Bloom Underworld has some of the wittiest writing I've read in a video game! I thought the characters' dialogue was hilarious, especially the skulls and Borbul (even though I miight be a little mad at him for what happens to my favorite character in the ending I got T - T ) Still, I'm a sucker for overzealous, zany characters, so he gets a pass lol. Taking a dark and dank situation and putting a funny twist on it was a great idea. Even in their non-alive states, everyone was lively!  

Even though the location might be kinda smelly, the pixel art is gorgeous! I loved the character designs, my favorites being Shimge and Ghalla. I also appreciated that Bloom's battles were quick, straightforward, and different from standard RPG battles because the highlight of the game for me was exploring that lovely "green water" and talking to everyone I could find. I just wish the ending I got was a little tiny bit longer because I really wanted to see what happened to Ben after his battle with Sar-Dhakka!

I played Inn Need to the end and had fun my entire playthrough. This game was AMAZING! I adored it -- it's one of my absolute favorite entries so far.  

This felt like playing through a Ghibli movie with its quirky, wholesome cast and beautiful setting. Hestia was adorable and just the sweetest. The mapping is awesome; every area is unique and you can tell a lot of love  went into it. The music complements each setting well and is one of the highlights of the game. I stayed in the garden/pool area for the longest just so I could listen to the song there xD

I was totally "charmed" by Inn Need. ^^ It left me feeling happy yet kind of sad because I finished it ... like how it feels when you finish a really good book. Your team should be proud!

(P.S. My favorite characters -besides Hestia- are Cary Bagley and George.  Also would indefinitely check into The Star Room )

Wow, I am so incredibly honored right now. I'm kind of at a loss for words lol! Getting feedback from Driftwood Gaming just made this game jam even more worth it! 

I definitely agree with all your points and can see how making those changes will help the game be a better experience for players, especially what you said about saving and the Leeches. I got tired of waiting through their turn while playtesting, so I had a feeling I should give that a tweak. 

Thanks again for the feedback - I love watching your tutorials & seeing you and Tea help out budding devs by playing their games! Good luck with the judging! 

How did I not know about Google fonts?! I'm gonna check it out! Thanks for this because you are SO right; the free font sites sometimes are iffy on their terms of use or even who created the font -.-

Hi Thund! I just finished playing Soul's Spectrum & had to share my thoughts. This was so good! I felt like I was playing a AAA game because everything was well polished and put together. 

- I thought your world-building was awesome! I loved being in Nora's shoes and not having too much info thrown at us in the beginning  -- we don't really know much about what to do or where to go at the beginning (like Nora) but the situation and mechanics become more and more clear through trial and error

-I liked that the characters had different things to say when we talked to them instead of the same initial dialogue

- The music choice was spot on! The songs made me feel raring to solve those puzzles!

- I had so much fun with the death loop mechanic (especially blipping around as the Anima, so cute!) 

- Cool shake effect when you roll as human Nora and knock into things. I would love to hear a little satisfying Pokemon-esque bump sound effect there xD

- I might have missed where it said Nora could swim lol I was rolling into the trees at the beginning of the forest to try and bust my way to the other side

It's easy to see you put a lot of dedication and love into your project. Can't wait to see more from you! 

Hey Terminus! Reading this just absolutely made my day. Thank you for playing & leaving me feedback so I can make Colorbound a better game! I'm so happy you had fun with my silly characters lol xD  I'm definitely planning on expanding the demo, adding  more depth to the puzzles, and having some trickier boss battles with a more player-friendly menu too!

Thanks again for playing my game & good luck with the contest!

I LOVED reading through this; thank you so much for playing & sharing your feedback! I'm definitely going to see if I can get Splatoon on my Switch now! And I regret the font so much lol but I'm on the hunt for something new to replace it that will be easier on the eyes. Thanks again Erin ^^

Hi Thund! Haha I haven't played Splatoon yet but I've been wanting to for a while now because of the cool character designs!! I was very inspired by Drawn to Life for the DS when making Colorbound xD Thanks for playing & giving feedback! I've got your game added to my playlist and will play it this weekend!

Hey PiNeX! ^^ Thank you for playing my game! I had so much fun making the graphics, so I’m glad you like them. I definitely want to better balance the puzzle difficulty in the future. I’m brainstorming ways to make that happen!

I got the good ending for everyone! I'm going to go back and see what changes when I make different choices. Like I mentioned, I absolutely LOVED the atmosphere and music. I think you especially did a really good job on that. The only thing I'd add to my first review after playing the update is that I felt sad when it said "game over" at the end! I think having the credits from the title menu play after the ending is the perfect way to finish off the story :) 

Good luck in the contest!

Cool, I can’t wait to finish playing this and see the ending! I’ll play it tonight and let you know my thoughts ^^

Wow, this is awesome feedback -- thank you, Makio! I agree with your points! A lot of what you suggested is what I wanted to do with the game before I submitted, but I started to feel the time crunch and had to push it out. Updating the font and finding a way to hotkey the "end turn" and "color map" functions will be first on my list of things to do after the jam (not to mention fixing that missing image!) 

Thanks again for giving Colorbound a play and taking time to leave me tips for improvement! ^^

Hi Indrah! Thanks so much for giving Colorbound a play! I'm sorry it wasn't your type of game, but I appreciate you still giving it a go and leaving me suggestions on how to improve it. I will definitely add this to the list of fixes I'd like to do after the jam! :)