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Hello, these are good incremental thoughts and work... You can read something like this to escape the youtube videos, and can also consider posting to our main website!!

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IT's SO FUN AAAAA -  my gamer level is going up like crazy right now,,
Have been playing all day, am giving no hints as to the 49% clear run...

I feel like this game uses a high amount of elder competence, i guess as it applies to 3 hours. my first score was 15, but as a kindof god gamer i noticed the floor and how it suggests a dev strat of sticking to it and jumping around with sweet pseudo gravity.. i put on some gaming music and used some yin energy to get 20 something. also its funny the patterns similarities to pristine danmaku hell, but really not really, nice to think about 'survival phases' again. after that i had a bit of personal fun looking for patterns in the..patterns which well did not really help casually, that is all i did and no better score atm

this is srsly awesome, the sibling bit is used flawlessly to keep things feeling new(which i personally like) and even feeling delightfully absurd because it constantly plays out beautifully.. really passes the expectations of nsfw into something i'd be fine to show all my friends i guess, and that I extend my hope to DMF that one way or another you manage to fall for it all the way [..] :P

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wanted to say i really enjoy that the song from the Library has the same melody as 'daring damsels' song from All to get her- like what are the odds.. well it's true resonation rn this is gaming

It is very fun, the utsuho battle started to feel like a 'pixel battel' back and forth simulation game, which let me vibe with it and the chaos mode is pretty funny and easy..

It is very fun!! . Hits on everything I love, about mazes, and more ! - the small asset use, I struggle with because it makes sense but when you are trying to make as many assets from it to use it kind of reverts the situation for me. the checkpoints I too find weird 'cause there is like a coercion into memory component vs just keeping intentionality but then memory isn't the focus. the finale i found great by striking me as a completely different game and i had to re sort out what i was appreciating and i hadn't experienced that mid game so entirely. Could say way more of course, and get away with it, game goes crazy hard and it's inspiring the sensibility that went into it could shine through like that.

it was at this moment- sylvie learned to [fly]..

minute sylvie world in the cataclysm that it stopped being to contain

Engorgd except you play as Freiza.. 'aha I have infinite power.' 'you will do things for me?' '*yomp yomp*'

yea.. do you have any problem with that?

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this is okay but i will go ahead and say it is not girlish

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the spikes started looking like hearts at a certain point

if you don't think you will ever beat this game you likely have not considered ALL your options....  paradoxically or not

not satisfied with this comment i want to write a lot

change your pronouns in the settings then, despite being so on the ball she didn't implement alternate verb implementations but could still work.

i do like a buncha terms
i like the sadist much more here because i have no personal sense of boundaries and love using desires, but its hard to make this association since the multiple examples seem to accidentally flip roles at least once when checked against such a perspective.
well.. by this token the sadistic hard game would just also include easy boundaries, but thats it no guides or indication.

tfw have more important things to do

its 4 am

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didn't think of it initially but i remember doing this more as a punishment than a distraction, subversively thats all. glad to have some idea of what i love now so that i can be faithful, away from this shit.. or what ever brain trap you never really leave but yea

cant take you seriously like this after you said you watched every video by settled and the postmortem is really good- very big fan of creation pathways

i really liked some spicy broth soup one time in daycare and have used xspicy soup before but it can only be a one time thing, . until you pull it out again when everyone least expects it lol

story is very s/m vore rather than like a trap. less of a contest of who can get the most honest expression of whatever in in the short time.

i don't think the story opened the door for anykindof non pathetic vore. tbf i don't seem to care about the logistics. without love anything works. foundational for an imagination game..

I always like being in listening to the talk of a room, and for years i held onto anytime of something new. I feel bored seeing what i have through to its end hopefully i can find room for creativity.

i ended like the main game process in task manager and it made it lose some of the sky box on refresh 

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I understand so much in 2d game space as a result of Sylvie.

i wasn't sure about puzzle ecstasy. i immediately felt action ecstasy, and i want to believe you can have the same confidence for puzzles. certainly struggling and playing can accomplish an understanding, even if to do so i need to pretend a current understanding already is enough that i don’t need to go somewhere else. 

being stuck in a puzzle as like being stuck not finding any game to play because you want it to work without bringing up something else. 

my best think times happen when i keep tying in other things, i was skeptical but maybe using a way of practicing incorporations is similar to using a way of practicing actions. 

in practicing actions, may not want to use pacing strategies incase they don't work and lose chunks of time that you don't like to, and may be okay often losing bits of time in a unpaced session where getting started again isn't a too big amount of time. was thinking the ecstasy is only in the latter but either way can reach the excitement that keeps up yourself

anyway, puzzle ecstasy is possible. another place i don't understand falls, although i can't say this is really a finished thought? <-(scary q mark) probably due for another activity, currently on level 8 which i forgot the answer to lol (edit now 14)

actually i now feel capable of moving on and immune to psychic damage, can believe that drama is easy. ahaha i will play umineko but anyway someday everything will be tried and available like now dehumanization, and we wont be getting stuck.

this is a scary story, well i think help can be given without conceit that it'll work. add some other people to talk? open peoples attention to act itself out. thinking trial and error cant be afforded or doesn't pay back i want to say is a big mistake.

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ngu's parallelization you could implement just as a percentage of 100, toggle doing an activity *0.5 and you have another .5 to use.. reduce micro manage,

usually they reduce it with que systems but sounds interesting to avoid it, maybe also having more general [if number is at x or x% then go ahead and buy thing,]

instead of micro waiting to set up the current thing, you add such setups without wait and wait to be surprised by what youll set up next instead.

its like the game can play in your head. it removes some pain and resistance but it makes sense to only have pain from waiting in an idle game, the alternative being making the controls fun which is a different game.

its a personal problem to not avoid mind blank during micro managing but anyway beautiful game

I find drama usually very messy, and even then this is made with so much vested energy that it's exciting.

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i was playing with keyboard control mouse and was leaning to make an abstraction to forget about the mouse, yet mostly mashing and waiting apart from puzzles where i used material also played out nice. character controller sylvie ~ concept spelling sylvie. 

can share that i learned pain doesn't stay in mind within a game, games like one made with language. positivity is just inputs and negativity  is outputs, connect divers inputs i will continue keep say until it works as it appears

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sharing my savefile's (blurry) spaghetti map   -

now after the movement puzzles it feels like the house's order is set up. cat symmetry, wonder about the pictures incorporation to some dreamy map. real bleeding edge game of a memory


oops, anyway i don't think expectations

'narrative', sweet

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Don't think i'll ever love an engine.  wondering for more lived culture production for making games towards the exclusion of some package tool.  i like video games for the re-applicability of active common knowledge game loops, and they work as an engine for developing those.  want to create own games to curate and explore but i guess this moreso happens across many mediums like games?  how do you reformat what you find there.. gameplay? or what

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almost got me into wow subtleties of pronunciation, but no! its not gameplay. also like about 'audio game' but again surely moreso the anyway piece and piecing together qualities!or what  still many angles, but yea no! anyway you made the thing its good

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60fps kitten more like 60 variable kitten.  

can't read! is it just random at that point?

weird (spoiler) strategy:

learning to find any constants like fake walls..

or else enjoy super hexagon triple pendulum deluxe?

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medium is interesting, everything can be in a medium and as a medium and representable in any other medium. all very gradient together, yes! everyone must know

they also call it a medium! i don't know why people don't talk about engines as much as games, and maybe they do but without it materializing in the same way?

finally can understand thecatamite's metaphors about these

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Sylvie's friends are so cute yet different from me huh olala

am trying a pacing score system for it where the methods of platforming each jump can get the staleness, and you try to be all stylish à la that but not so much that you forget things. helps if trying things out is too open, and wow yes open to pure joy..

formalities if still tiering or confusing are to decide a particular medium out of your moves to try and express the jumps with. if many jumps are solved by one medium can call it that season. and you can remember the seasons.. then can understand your moves as accessories that are make up able from the seasons and.. is a cycle, am not confused, will play it up with this game now it makes me feel well and wanted to share now also okay.

oh actually for an example the jump staleness, it maybe seems just for navigation challenge.. i mean  is there exploration staleness too, and how would solve information challenges.. aha jump is just one move, or an abstract symmetry.. a symmetry across many seasons is an accessory, maybe no clear lead to a medium but could be, such thing..

taking it pretty slow..  oops most of what said unrelated to game atm hopefully someone else comments,

cultural precedent for the sick lands of serious weakness. they survived too long like its not really exploring the engine i mean its so formal like a form i don't use, i read it like a mouse where it's a lucky star. counting lucky stars from these got into my thoughts while sick, made me sure to drink any water and but i still don't know priority.

well i wrote this at 40 pages and slowly absently got to 80 pages before coming to. time to channel this to afford the time.. i'll like to read next time more so like mouse houses and setting up and going out or maybe not. anyway not a house but i need a non fantasy game to read this and i believe in reader participation cya bye