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A member registered May 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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it was fun but kinda grindy, I played once and got to like 200k points and well it kinda consisted of the space shift spam and the knife of population control spam. maybe a ranged enemy would be nice to mix things up.

Thx Alot!

I was thinking of doing similar level gen, nice idea, i don't feel like the fireballs always have the same initial position.

Nice idea, also yay another game that mixed in the theme of chess, personally I'm not a fan of luck which is my only complaint here sooooo il blame the game theme.

Love the quick response on the attack, jump feels kinda off except that great job.

Arguably harder then most of hollow knight lol

Fun addicting and polished

the slot bar needed more explanation and the flow of the game was interrupted too much when dying maybe let the player play again without any cinematic and going back to the menu.

Nice game love the mix of worms and the jam theme, i would be nice though to get to choose what is on a specific characters dice.

thx alot for the feed back the audio was indeed push back to last minute and tutorial just completely scrapped due to time. I will prioritize those over a boss next time

thank you we tried to focus on our strategie vs luck theme

thx alot

thx alot i ran into problems with godot first time using it for a game jam, so i didnt have time to put in a tutorial

(1 edit)

Thanks alot we ran into problems first jam game with godot but we wanted to focus on our little theme of stalrategie vs luck

Nice vibe

Nice game and puzzles