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A member registered Aug 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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from yesterday's download, todays playthrough

Gauntlet mode::: Occultist;
~ Occultist Spell; SHADOW WAVE is not dealing damage to enemies.
~ from any spendable energy value; 3, 2, or 1

(2 edits)

General Feedback

~ Mouse Cursor does not stay inside window for windowed mode; makes overworld map navigation difficult
! Recommending click-and-drag or Arrow key/WASD strafe control.
! or make the margin proccing camera movement w/cursor a bit thicker.
! Gameplay doesn't exactly require that the mouse be locked into the window, but this is also an alternative for this.

~ Allow SFX & BGM volume to be adjusted separately.

~ Show faces over new encounter dialogue boxes
! raise pincer dialogue avatar over text box
! raise scorpion dialogue avatar over text box
! raise spider dialogue avatar over text box

Gameplay Feedback

~ difficulty or card builds feel a little out of balance.
I am catching mistakes after I make them of how I could have done things better, but sometimes I feel like I can make great progress and suddenly die with a good amount of health from a late battle. Bad Card Draws with concurrently Devastating attack cycles, is all. I'm thinking of a card or artifact that lets you discard targeted or random cards to draw new ones.

~ I think 'Resting' at Lodges can provide more health for a cost. say you can sleep on a haystack in the basement for free or pay the fee for a bed and get some extra health recovery

~ Health Potions I think can provide a little more health. I still buy them for emergencies, but overall they don't help in those emergencies. Recommending, perhaps, a card or artifact that increases healing effects from all sources.

~ Mechanics are simple to understand, and text is easily readable & understandable. Making Progress feels good, and Deck Building feels simple but effective.

~ Overall structural integrity of the game is solid, but I didn't try to break it too much, but to have found no bugs in 3 hours of play is great! 

~ I enjoyed the experience. I have not beat the campaign yet, but I have enough lasting intrigue and desire to play again, so expect another playthrough. If I beat it within 3 hours I'll be trying out the gauntlet mode. I sure haven't seen all of the available demo yet, so apologies if some feedback is out of touch.

link to the playtest; unlisted video

Loving this game. It's  coming together so nicely

What a satisfying experience. I must have sunk over 25 hours into this demo already, its bananas. Replay-ability value is off the charts. Looks like a cute casual game but don't be fooled; it can be challenging. One more amazing game that will sit high on the scale of what makes a great roguelike.

(2 edits)

Hello, found you on reddit. I'm really enjoying the appeal and mechanics of this so far. Hope you don't mind some reports. I've been at it for a couple hours already so I will be posting more later. if you have discord you can message me there with any questions. I can make record short clips of the things I find and send them if my descriptions don't make sense. laroqsoqs#5716 ~ id like to help down the line if this makes it easier to communicate


World 2 Easter; I can use number keys to switch stages without beating them


Upon Spawning;
You can start a Dash before moving at all; 
Charge Gauge and Direction Indicators Appear but they're off-set
When you release the Charge, nothing happens. No dash.

Bunny Sprite is also Upright and Still during this.


Carrot Powered Bunny has no sounds/animations when in water;
I'm assuming that's not a bug but just not implemented yet.



While On the Surrounding Edges of Walkable Tiles on any Platform,
If you Charge A Dash and Direct It AWAY From The Edge/Wall/Object/Pitfall,
And Release the Charge anywhere from about 30% or less;

You will be pushed back and automatically fall into a pit~ Ignores collision.

This occurs whether the charge gauge is rising or falling.

Does Not Occur:::
- Against Clean Pitfalls that you can OR cannot walk into.
- Against Edges that fall to another walkable platform

Will Occur :::
- Against Pitfalls with an object (rock, tree, scenery) over the tile you would fall into 
   (not on the wall you would fall off, but over the tile ahead of it)

- Against Stairs; but Instead of dropping you, it will put you on the above stair.
- Against Walls, Fences, Rocks, Non-Interactable Puzzle Objects


Tutorial Stage for ez-repro, attempt this 30% dash; 
- Against the North Edge (fence) of the opening platform.
- Against the Rock in the middle of the second, lowest platform (right of ladder)
- Against the Stairs and watch it pop you up one stair. (Interesting behavior)
- Against the Torch seen after the stairs.


Environmental Debris will dislodge any moving obstacles it contacts. 

Use Tutorial Room; Try to hit a rotating saw with the grass debris and watch it fly.