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Lavender Programming

A member registered May 09, 2022

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It is marked to work with Linux, and there are 3 different download options. That is really weird, and annoying!

Sorry, as far as I know there is no official, or found, method to get it on Linux. I tried searching through the forums-community thing, but I wasn't able to find anything. 

I hope you are able to get it to work though!

ICs aren't really included. Only the 7-Segment Displays, Clocks, and others. You have to make everything yourself from the beginning NOT and AND gates.

And to create Pins on the Left (Input) and Pins of the Right (Output), you just click the bar-thing on the left, or right, most part of the screen; then you can name them.

What platform are you using it on

I believe it is because every piece of RAM is writing on the BUS. That is the first one writing, and the other 3 also writing. Causing a flashing as the RAMS fight over putting their value in that place.


The Project is far from dead, it has a some-what active user-base. And a good amount of people still using it.

But ...  As far as we know Sebastian isn't currently working on the project, and is focusing on other things. Though you never know if he may come back to it in the future.

I'm  also quite surprised that no one has tried to do it yet, but if you're learning C#, maybe you will be the first!

Hey, first thanks for reading my post, I'm glad you were able to get some information out of it.

As far as I know, there is no real progress being made on it. Besides those OK, not that they're bad, they do their job,  mods, they work, but, like you said, they can be better.

I personally don't know C#, or Unity, or anything, so I don't think I can be of any help working on a mod for DSL. 

But I definitely think it is a great idea, and something I hope in the future is worked on, and done.

And as far as Sebastian working on DSL, I'm not sure if he's "forgotten" it, but I know he has interests in other aspects of Programming, specifically Graphics, from his most recent videos. You never know, he has gone on hiatus before with DSL, maybe he'll come back to the project in a little while or so.

But if your up for trying to tackle this project, no pressure, or anything, I definitely think it's possible, and that it would be awesome.

No problem. 

Assuming you only have AND, and NOT gates; but also a NAND (an AND with the output put through a NOT gate).

With NANDS it can be done this way:

A through a NAND gate, fed into a another NAND gate (C)  with the other input of C being B put through a NAND gate; and the output of C being the output of the OR gate.

Here is a Diagram:

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As far as I know, without downloading another program or anything, it is not possible to compile without Unity.


I have made this post on the subject.

Also TekraGit made this post about a mod, which ads the functionality of the 7-Segment Displays on the chips.

I hope all of this helps!

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There is an unofficial, community-made, version DSL: Digital Logic Sim 2. DSL2 has an Android version, which has many more features than the normal DSL.

This is a very interesting project, I'm excited to see where it leads! I would definitely try out a full product. 


 This: post has some information on modding DSL, andmaybe there is one with a screen like that.

If not: there is another version of DSL, Digital Logic Sim 2, which I believe does include a screen component.

I hope this helped!

Currently there is no way to see the Seven Segment Displays on the outside of a chip, and other stuff like that But:
You can see this: post for more information about it.

This: other post has some information on modding DSL, and how to get the Seven Segment Displays to work.

I hope this helped!

you can't make zoom, but can re-program to make zoom.


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Nice! I hope that was able to help. I would definitely like to hear if you made any progress, and if my idea actually worked.

So,  I'll do  my best to explain what (hypothetically) might work...

If you divide  for example 8 ÷ 4. Division is basically subtracting (from the dividend) until the number is less then the second number (divisor). So what you could do is have a circuit that loops through itself until a condition is met, then ending the loop and outputting a result. Here's a step-by-step guide to how it (could) work:

Input A = 8 and Input B = 4

So take 4 (B) from 8 (A) and then add one to C (now 1), so A is now 4 and B is still 4.

Then if A (now 4) is less then B (4) we would stop. But A (4) is not less then B (4), SO! We can do another subtraction so A is now 0 and B is 4, and we add one to C (now 2).

So A (8) ÷ B (4) = C (2), and we would output C (2).

So we could input our two numbers (A & B) and loop through a Subtraction Circuit, checking each time if A is less then B, and if so we stop the loop, and output or C (answer). Now this would take a lot of work, but seems possible.

But if you wanna do something easier (but bulkier) you could chain-together a bunch of subtractions (adding 1 to a counter every circuit), and check each time if it is less then, and if so stopping the chain and outputting a result.

I hope all of this makes sense. And if it does, hope it helps.

If you have any questions check this post here:

That was a feature I think he just added for the Video. It's not possible unless you'd like to tinker with the game's code.

You can just make an OR3 yourself: (A OR (B OR C)).

What Sebastian Lague's video about Tri-State Buffers, and Bus Lines (Here)

That does sound like an interesting mechanic to add, like a Speaker, or something, I don't know when the next update to this project will be, Sebastian sort of works on it whenever he feels like it. I hope that he adds a lot of things people have been wanted to see in Digital Logic Sim.

Could you elaborate on what you mean, I'm not entirely sure what your asking. If you right-click on a chip and click "View" you can see all of the chips inside that chip, if that's what your asking.

You can download the code from the GitHub and edit the files in Notepad, or something, but as far as I know you need Unity to compile the code into an actual Application to run and use.

And if your asking if I think the experimental features should be enabled by default, then Yes! I think they should be toggle-able in the options.

This should explain everything.

Anytime someone asks about 7-Segment Displays in Digital Logic Sim, if you'd like, you can give them a link to this post which, should, explain it thoroughly.

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Assuming you've watched Sebastian's video you know how they work, but the ability to see the display from outside a chip , like shown in Sebastian's video is not possible, normally, in the game, so here is a very long-winded and over-sized post about this subject and the greater Modding and Experimental Features of DLS (Digital Logic Sim).


By default this feature is disabled, turned off before Sebastian releases a new version of DLS, but according to Redcraft7578 and his video "How to enable chip displays in DLS" it is enabled as follows: (Digital-Logic-SimAssets > Modules > Chip Creation > Settings > Chip Overrides > "Enable Script Functions"), though directly in the video this is shown to not work perfectly. 

A Note: there is VidHelper.cs and VidHelper.cs.meta, but this are, currently, not known to be connected to the experimental features. 

Other Developments:

This post has gone from how to enable it, to the history of enabling it, to now a completely different subject, if you can't tell already I talk a lot. But this is just some other developments I'd like to mention which might eventually lead to the ability to enable this, and many other already implemented, and custom features, Modding Support is being added by Chazzwazzler first mentioned in this post, and also linked is a mod for expanding the Workspace in DLS.

See the comment by TekraGit under neither this post. They were able to get a working version of the 7-Segment Displays in DSL with their mod: here.


Thanks for reading by very long random post, and I hope this developments in the DLS community evolve into a much larger project.

There is an unofficial one, (It's only on Android though):


Check this "Thread", It should have all the information you need to do this.

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Lifecraft is a Great game The music is very relaxing and I can spend hours chilling out making a creature. I love the Complexity and how big the game is even though it's still in alpha. My only issue is that there's no guide or tutorial after your creating energy, and I understand that everyone says that and that a guide is coming in the next update. Other than that I don't have any issues with the game.

I'm glad your still making games after 11 years! I hope the game does well, and your doing well (irl). Also your games inspired me to learn to program and make my own games.
