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A member registered Nov 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Haha, I wanted to use all your environmental packs in tandem which led me to editing my procedural generation script so that it can support both Top-down and isometric tile-maps at once :D

I don't know why but when I pass the spikes on the second level it just resets.

Also, you can spawn bubbles under ground and they stay there.

It is hard to spawn bubbles mid-air when the bubble spawning is on the mouse, for complicated puzzles it's great but it would be also great if arrows allowed for bubble spawning so high-speed parkour can be done.

I like the game, great work :D

This is a must have


Haha, it's too late! 

I like your art too much, to not buy and implement it, so I did so before you answered!

I already have the tutorial so I'll learn a few things from it. 


Thanks to your hard work, necromancy will now have it's visual representation in my game. I can't wait to figure out all the various uses for this asset. Sheeple will do great with it.


I wish you all the best


The animations were free for some time and meanwhile, I got excited about adding necromancy to my game...

Now I need to buy the tutorial or nothing, I guess that's just on me for not reacting fast enough. Guess I now have a reason to learn about enemy animations :D

Thanks for the art!

PS. It would be dope if you made a stranded lave biome.

Yeah I spent a significant amount of time modifying it so it works with a tile map.

This is amazing! I need work faster on games to utilise more of your assets. I'd love to make a small bloody but goofy party game platformer with it. (need to finish projects faster)

Nice game, the bullet sound effects and graphics are amazing!

Thank you~~  it means a lot!

(1 edit)

I love the buildings, I'm a bit sad there's only 5 of them but I'm really happy with them. Also I didn't know you posted a tutorial on socials until I saw it in files so I will now need to follow it to make more hehe.

This is a godsend for my game as I'm making a card game. Thank youuuu!

 I love how there are more greens in the stranded pack now.

These will make a great new biome for my game.

 Sheeple - You will have a big blasted credit in it as there's a ton of your art there. :)

These are great they will help a lot to add life to my game

The look great, I'll make a 4x game with those 

thx :)

Great work

*finger guns*

Amazing work I'll be using it in my current game!

Could add shadowless version to the Hunter like you did in other packs?


I liked the combination of a connecting game and a Rougelike. The difficulty was a bit to steep. The death sound effect was brilliant "ughh":)

I  liked the aesthetics as well as the usage of pica wait, personally the Russian bot is the best one.

Extremely Cool how you can move your Units, the only issue is that if I convert an enemy an endless amount of allies spawns. :)

Great Game!

The graphics are amazing. The only issue I found is that the only way to get to other planets is to proper yourself with black holes. The gameplay is great.

Absolute banger, must play on this Jam.

I really like how the gameplay was fast and fluid due to checkpoints. I think the game could use additional animation frames or squishing and stretching.  The speed of the character helped a lot.

Overall a fun experience of gameplay :)

 Good Graphics. I died due to a Lack of Motivation.

Would recommend.

I can't choose new weapons. But there's a lot of content and I like the game :)

Amazing, I Loved it.

Thanks for help!

I  joined the Jam long before the start date and I do not see any place where I could register more officially ex. The size of my group, My age group. All of this is making me slightly worried if I'm considered a part of the Jam.

Thank you for the answer, have a prosperous day!


Amazing Work!

You're not the only one :)

I'm definitely joining just to attain the trophy

I hope I gave you motivation by saying this I'm waiting to see your results.  Maybe one of your games will sway my opinion. There's an astronomically low chance of that tho... So try your best!

Love the art style, the Ramses looks nice and goofy. I'm using it for my game and I noticed that it lacks a "Hit" animation. I would love it if you'd add it. :)


Great game! The game-loop was entertaining.

The only thing it lacks is permanent upgrades!

I liked how you managed to create a minimalistic idea while keeping it original.

I'd like to have such a brain for ideas as you! My games always go full scope, if you have time check out mine submission :)

Extremely Polished!

I'm not really a player of narrative games but honestly from the page through the assets up to the "Shutdown" button which actually turns off the game even tho it's a browser game it just brims with professionalism!

No offense taken!

Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

Most of the scale problems should be avoided if you turn on full screen. (I wrote it in the description but for the future, I'll be putting a text wall "TURN ON FULL SCREEN P L E A S E").

I also thought that the distribution of the cards was a bit off but when coming up with a solution my brain started creating smoke so I stayed with a layout group. In the next card game, I will use the grid!

I put quite a lot of effort into polishing the cards so that they would be reusable but couldn't figure out how to do the "movement into your hand" as that would require knowing the exact spot in the hand for the card. I will prep such magnificent code for my next Jam :)

Again, thanks for the input! I'm planning to test out different card games now so that I can build a card game as my game for the next year so feedback from a specialist like you is a godsend. :)

I see that the Jam page is all in Spanish and just translating it into English to understand the rules was and issue.

Is this Jam limited only to Spanish GameDevs or can all GameDevs participate?