Thank you for playing the game. Unfortunately I didn‘t have the time to add some kind of tooltip or particle effect for the objects that can actually be picked up… The fact that you run out of objects fast is intended so that „Nothing can go wrong“ or you have to restart. But then your suggestion about faster resetting, with a hotkey or something and making the intro shorter, comes into play. Anyway, thank you for your nice feedback :)
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Gonna try out your game now!
Here's mine: Trash Collector by LeanderDev (
Yeah would be pretty dope Trash Collector by LeanderDev (
Originally I wanted to make jumps not infinite and also not have a conveyor belt but just a regular map and the camera moves. But then I decided it would be hard enough, because you can’t jump in one direction the whole time and there are also cubes, that can kill you. Still, thanks for the feedback and of course for playing my game.
This game was the best game I played so far, appearance and fun wise! Unfortunatly I got stuck on the IT level, as I didn't find out how to build a T. How do you do it? because the way I thought you would do it was already the way you built an L and two Ls just one mirrored and combined also didn't work
I like the aesthetic of the game, but I didn't have any goal to go to. I wasn't even really able to explore the map, because more more enemys kept spawning. And maybe that's you game, just a simple combat game, but for that I think the combat wasn't really interesting. I ended up just being able to stand around and spam left click and when enemys got stuck on walls kill them there. But otherwise really great game!
I like the games concept and the sound design. But I think the music loop could be a bit longer so it doesn't repeat that often. Also I think the smoothing of the movement is a bit to much/slow, because when there are scissors coming down, it's just hard to dodge and then you would blame the game. You could maybe make the controls snappier but the falling of the objects a bit faster. :>