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Legion 13

A member registered Aug 03, 2022

Recent community posts

Looks like they fixed it. 

Just noticed it today myself. Auto is now on automatically, rather than being off. You can't switch it off til after your first turn. )o=

Fixed today. Thanks!

No new update on changes here... but... with the home page change, images have become messed up in the Tower. We can no longer see time remaining on the chests and the head of the hero is also visible below that.

Just played for a bit... pretty lame. 

I bothered to switch my cards.... still over 10 turns (noted in the announcement).

Overall, game better than the first switch. And way worst than before the changes.

Dirty League community · Created a new topic August changes

After a month, Hoolig finally came back with an explanation. 

To me it does seem reasonable. I don't care so much that I had to change my deck and got bashed down several leagues.

But, I'm not happy....

So the real question is.... is anyone?

Does anyone like the changes?

Actually.... just wondering:

Is anybody actually happy with the changes?

Thanks for some explanation after nearly a month. 

I'm completely anti-Discord, so no.

I do like that you've sped up the battle. That's a def plus.

Get rid of the "Gather strongest deck".... it's incorrect and misleading. I used and upgraded that deck for ages... and was well aware of the "cheats" in using other decks.

I'm all the way down in league 4 now, so guess my full mythic deck (recommended by "Gather strongest" sucks. 

There doesn't really seem to be any benefit to using a full deck of anything.... Something I wondered about awhile back. 

I'm going all water but no full deck. In theory that should cut down on the time

The reality is that it doesn't really.... Still taking more than 20 minutes despite upgrades. 

I guess we simply don't agree.... you think there was an issue and your solution was to multiply battle time by x10.

Don't agree.

Came back after a couple of weeks and was happy to read about the fix.

Then I checked in the tower. All opponent's HP is around 1 million HP. (league 2, I dropped on purpose from league 1).

My HP fell more than half... think the viagra redistribution has a glitch as I had 100% before and nowhere near that. 

Regardless no longer going to win a fight in the Tower and it will still take way too long. 

Getting frustrated (again). Guess it's only been a day, but... yeah, maybe I'll check back in a couple weeks. 

Doubt anything will change, but gonna logout til Tuesday I guess. 

(1 edit)

So looks likes the devs don't care. It's annoying to see they can't even bother to say that things are staying the same. Think this is another Hoolig game I'm opting out from. 

But anyway, I was going to skip Colosseum, but saw I could get those 6 quick opens on common boxes by doing just the most basic. 

Since it was clear I wasn't going to waste time doing the whole thing, I just gathered the strongest deck. Took 20 minutes as opposed to the normal 45 for a tower fight (ps, I purposefully leveled down to League 2 to see if it got better. Answer is no). 

Thing is, after one play into the Colosseum I suddenly laughed.... why would I need an auto-open? As it stands now, takes so long for a tower fight that any common achieved is ready to open when I'm done with a fight. 

Everything is pretty ludicrous. Bejewelled anyone? 

Agree with what everyone has said. 

Takes nearly an hour for a fight and don't see the point. 

Also, I didn't have any damage increase on the prior announcement, so maybe that's part of the issue... but I mean, I didn't need a 36x increase to HP in the tower especially since opponents went up exactly the same.