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Lewis Mennim

A member registered May 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the Feedback TonyL, In the future once the Jam ends I plan to add a few more interactive twists - maybe I should have prioritised these earlier on in the jam over visuals, but got stressed with wanting a completed product! I definitely agree score does not effect the way the player decides to play the game, I was thinking basing bullet damage on which side of your dice is currently facing upwards! 


Thanks Rolim, I just had a chance to play your entry as well, that level effect is really impressive! I wish I had done something similar! 

thank you! The movement of the enemies was actually stumbled upon by me trying to replicate what I had done for the original player movement and ended up strangely liking it - I think it will come down to experimentation and some polls on itch!  

I absolutely loved this game! Took a while to get a hang of the UI, but as soon as I got the hang of it I did not want to stop! Loved the progression and difficulty curve! 10/10

I absolutely loved this game! Took a while to get a hang of the UI, but as soon as I got the hang of it I did not want to stop! Loved the progression and difficulty curve! 10/10

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Hold to shoot was one of the final targets that I never quite managed to get functioning in the end but as soon as the Jam ends and I can edit it - it will be changed. Il post a full dev notes stating what I plan to do with the game once I get a chance! 

thank you so much! Hold to move and hold to fire were two of the final stretch polishes before I managed to upload the game - but i didn’t manage the shoot! Keep a close eye soon after the jam because I will change it ;) 

That was our original plan altering your attack stats based on what dice face is facing upwards - but decided to go for MVP before anything else! Will definitely add that in the future 

Liked the overall game - might have just been me but the only way I could jump was the up arrow key rather than the advertised controls on the tutorial area. In terms of how the game looks, if you were to change this to look perfect I would make sure all the pixel art was the same resolution so it looks more cohesive. Even though this does not fit the theme well - I really enjoyed it good job!

Amazing graphics - would love some form of tutorial /  instructions page as took me a few attempts to figure out how to play! As other comments have stated - I would love to see some different combo attacks depending on what you roll. Will definitely come back after the jam to see future development 

Loved the concept ,  I can imagine designing levels and testing this must have been a pain - however when playing through the game i can think of maybe a few different things that could be added - the blocks that you can not stand upon to be slightly transparent so they blend back into the background somehow as sometimes  I kept aiming for platforms that were not my colour by instinct - as well as implementing the tutorial into a level somehow without the signs even though they are a cool addition.  Great Game!

Really enjoyed the mechanic of the dice flipping when going over the coloured bumps! - took a while to get used to but once I got the hang of it it was really enjoyable great job!

Super Enjoyable to play this super unique entry! I would never of thought of this - it did seem a little unfair that sometimes I would loose my combo as the snail was under the platform - but hey ho its the roll of the dice!

Loved the game and the randomness of your attacks,  I just managed to beat the game - but was very close due to the enemies spawning on top of me and shooting right away.  Maybe a small drop chance when I kill a enemy for a heart back! Love it!

Loved the overall aesthetic and the audio with the game - made it so relaxing to play through a wide range of puzzles! Good Job!

Absolutely loved the style of this game - managed to get through a few levels and the level design was great getting me stuck trying to get all the stars! 

Aha Thanks for the feedback! - as for the different enemies that is something I had planned to add, mainly dice with [1] on all their sides  being quick , but low health points and damage as well as being rather small - and up to [6] with low movement speed but a lot of health and damage as well as being huge!  

Thanks for taking the time to let me know about this! I shall start making my way through these in the near future. 

As for controller input - I am midway through changing from the old Unity  input system to new one and have had nothing but issues with the way I have handled inputs!

As for naming conventions I shall pick a standard - no need for a date as far as I am aware.

I shall keep you updated!

- Lewis

Thanks for your all your help! I am uploading a new version of the game today that touches on some of the issues you have raised in your comments, everything apart from the speed in the bottom right! Hopefully this fixes the colliders.

p.s You have beaten my best time ahaha

We are really glad you think so! I suggest checking out our google form if you have not already there is some sweet concept art for a first-person camera view! Yeah, this (oversteer/grip/speed/scale) is something we really need to nail before we attempt creating other tracks etc. Do not worry at all about comments being too long! The more feedback the better. Look forward to the next iteration in the next few weeks.

- Lewis

Just managed to get a updated version of the game uploaded as off 18/01/22 - and removed all old iterations of the game - should be easier to review. :D

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback Rguy! We have placed heavy importance on making the car feel fun, and have made several iterations of the handling - as we are experimenting with almost forcing the player to brake (in order to regen) but found that sliding off the track is hard to recover from. The newest iteration should be up in the next few weeks over the Xmas Break. Hope the Exams went well!