Well done! I like how chaotic it gets later on and the fact that there's literally an explosion at one point. Maybe its because of how you presented the controls on the title screen (swap back and forth) I had a little initial difficulty playing the game (thought I was supposed to go up the stairs instead of throwing the food). Being able to carry multiple items as you would expect is a nice touch. You did so many little things right, it was great.
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A button to restart would be great! Good concept, mildly annoying execution since I found not all of the enemies to be reachable, even with the bullet attack. Some parts of the level if you fall down, you can't get back up, making it unwinnable. This by itself is not a problem, except you can't press a key to restart the current level! Doing attacks despite being dead was amusing though.
Sidenote: The two enemies at the end of the first level, I thought there was friendly fire or something since one of them had disappeared when I checked on the group later. I guess they were both in the same position? Not a major deal, just food for thought for a different game idea.
Short and sweet, excellent presentation and game mechanic. I wasn't sure how exactly the (I'm assuming) enemies are dangerous since I successfully avoided running into them and avoided being in their line of sight. Good job ramping up the challenge, I never felt like there was a major difficulty spike. Well done!
I got stuck on the third level, but it was still fun anyway. I like how the character glides with the trail / cape flowing behind them (not sure how you did that effect). I second the other comments, a key to play again / try again would be great, since the mouse isn't used for anything else. I was amused when the music stops suddenly when you die.
I wish the game communicated more about how to play. Great art and presentation, lots of little polish in there. The flavor text for the cards was kinda pixelated for me, maybe its a size issue? Regardless, the game has potential, possibly lots of potential if it was just more clear how to play. I somehow....won? maybe? the first match, stopped playing after getting to the third. Also I wasn't sure what the outlines of the two card slots were for (on the left).
Interesting twist on the theme, it held my interest for the first half. I played all the levels normally, stopped once the game went dark. Excessive amount of rumble, though I like the idea generally. Maybe if the controller didn't rumble as consistently but instead did rumble / rumble more the closer you are to the goal?
I like the art style. The game gets pretty intense! Good job! I found myself alternating between destroying enemies to clear an area and waiting in a safe space to press a bunch of keys to stay alive. Repeat until a "clear all enemies" powerup shows up, then grab that. Pretty fun! If you want to balance it some maybe have the powerups go away after a while? Not sure if they do but it seemed to me like they just stayed there indefinitely for you to pick up eventually.
A game called LIFO using stack mechanics, very funny :) Took me a bit to realize you couldn't double up the same direction in the stack so I thought there was a hidden limit to the stack size. I liked that I could basically get a breather to analyze the puzzle if I was attempting to move into a wall / door.