Epic, a day ago I tried to get some AI website generators to generate me a simple roguelike in some funny settings (they werent able to) and then I find this, literally any setting and everything works neatly. I think it's a really neat idea to put AI in to a game in such a way, tho idk how you could improve on the concept, what mechanics to add so the game stays interesting and balanced
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Thank you a bunch! Well, I have some other idea I've been working on for quite some time now so I'm not sure that I'll continue to develop this project, not in the near future for sure... Although I hope I'll be able to complete the other ideas I had that I think have more potential as my standalone projects and then I could explore this one further
Nice, really dope idea! Probably most of the things I can recommend are already obvious (more levels, different puzzle/platformer mechanics (switches, mobs, moving platforms, etc.)) But otherwise the game is pretty cool. Maybe one not so obvious thing I can recommend is "connecting" some of the objects to the window position so that some objects move with the window when you drag it.
Thanks, active ragdolls are usually more chaotic so I used a simple FK rig and made some animation for it. I also used Unity's Animator component to smoothly transition between animation states and in the movement script I made it so that each time player starts walking the animation offset is randomized, this way character's walk cycle starts a bit differently each time.
Nice game, the ide is pretty simple and neat yet I'm pretty sure it could be expanded in a lot of original ways (Like planets giving temporary benefits, planets requiring player to have other planets first, etc.) The only thing I felt was a bit missing was some kind of score goal. I feel like this kind of games usually have set score goal instead of high score system, but maybe that's just me. Anyway great game!
Thank you for notifying me. Yes, it seems that I have some trouble getting PayPal payments , so I decideed to giveaway the supporter items for free. After all, why should it go to waste? Also, I made an update on the page about it. If you still wish to support me, you can do it here if you want to.
Yeah, so the two things I noticed is that people sometimes do mistake because of missclicking and forgetting about switch walls. And both of this problems can be fixed. Missclickis can be fixed by adding undo option, so players can rethink their move, but of course this is pretty hard mechanic, so i wasn't able to make it in jam time. But as for the switches i do blame myself for not thinking about it while making the game as it would not have took me a lot of time to do. If i will make post jam version of the game, i will try to fix those problems. Anyway, thanks for playing and good feedback about the game!
Really interesting game. In all bullet hell hames I played there always was that thing where in easy levels player needs to aim at enemies and in hard levels player needs to dodge enimies bullets. But you manage to came up with a game that has PERFECT ballance to it. Player always needs to dodge enemies and aim at them the same amount and i really like how this works in your game. As for suggestions i think the controlls are too floaty and smooth, and of course there is not a lot of content. But this is surely very good idea for a bullet hell game and i liked it a lot.
Great game, good idea and realization. Although if i were to suggest anything. I would make some kind of indication when the monster is sleeping (slow and jumps low) and when not. And also I was struggling with level where the player looses his monster, the level is reall simple, but i thought that in all levels to finish them monster and player have to get to the end. Anyway thanks for interesting game!
I love export option! In fact i even did this render of city i exported, althought i have found some small issues model.
1) City wall exits have faces that are clip through each other
2) Walls also can be cliped inside themselves sometimes, it is pretty annoying
3) There are long random triangles where the roads shoud be, but it is very rare, i had this glitch only once
Anyway, here is my render of cardboard city generated with your wonderful tool
Thanks 😅. I glad you liked my asset! Sorry, but you can donate only through donationalerts for now... But if you want to support the project i would like to hear any suggestions or ideas of what i should add to this asset 🙂
I did not have much time (i only has 3 days on it ._. ), so this is all i could make, but it fits all conditions, hope it gets to the vid )