Awesome submission, very polished, doesn't seem like 2 days worth of work at all :D
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Damn, this game's actually very addictive, I spent way too much time with this, but I don't regret it! I don't think it's that hard to understand if you read the text in the menu. I think what would make this even better would be that after beating these waves you get to keep your fort, gather resources and build more stuff, rather than always building from scratch each wave.
Every phoenix is bound to a live an endless cycle of life and death. You have to take it on yourself to choose where that cycle is happening.
You wake up as a phoenix in the midst of a dark, punishing world full of dangerous machines. As you explore the world more, you come across many oddities, some helpful, some incredibly lethal. With each life lost, you wake up in a world that is ever so different, but still somewhat resembles the previous one. Beware, some choices last even after death...

We are a small group of indie developers from the Czech Republic. We attend the Brackey's Game Jam pretty often so you might have already played some of our previous submissions (Bounce (2021), Nullity (2021), Emet Dreams (2022)). This year we are at it yet again, making something we have never really done - a game with world generation. There are many other gameplay elements that are up for you to explore. If you are interested, please, do check our game out!
Also, if you have an interesting game you would like us to see, please do share in the comments, we would love to check out all the awesome submissions by everyone.
Go ahead and play our game,
It's a 2D action platformer called Emet Dreams
A princess is on a journey to reclaim her kingdom using her powers to shift between reality and unreality.
Really hope you enjoy this one
Oh, pretty neat, would probably make it a little bit more difficult though, I like the destroying buildings mechanic. Just a little thing, not sure why the player has a sword when you are destroying buildings and killing dudes far away, would probably change that up and also perhaps moving all the enemies and buildings on one layer so that you can only kill enemies using the destroyed architecture (make stuff fall on them, for example) and disabling the direct click-to-damage enemy mechanic. Obviously more enemies, but that's kinda obvious I feel like :)
Try playing the PC version, the music is there, but doesn't work for WebGL for some reason, here is the soundtrack