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A member registered Nov 28, 2023

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The big difference for me was the implementation of some combat rules (dice pools) from Mythic Bastionland. I noted you started to incorporate BDP into the game, which is another cool direction, but not one I followed. I really appreciated the PC complications you put at the end of CharGen. I built out a city crawl using Electric Bastionland blueprint, but at the time your world building content wasn’t half of what it is today.

I have a mothership game designer in my game who was also highly complimentary of v05 and recognised it as WiP. 

Wow… this is indeed quite the update.

I’ve watched on with utter interest as this game has developed (I’ve ran 10 sessions of v05 now) and it’s been a joy to see it come alive with each and every update. Without a shadow of doubt I can say this is a top tier hack, a GM has everything they need to get a game moving. The setting and theme are pouring out of the pages.

Ikezu-ishi can comfortably take its place next to the greats such as Liminal Horror, Monolith, We Deal in Lead etc.  

Well done!

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Looking forward to seeing the next version. I was just running your system again last night for my 2nd group and coincidentally again this evening for a 3rd!

Have been enjoying your updates :)

Excited!!! I might consider rolling the highest and second highest numbers on the damage dice count towards expending ammo… 


- 5 or 6 on a d6 

- or 7 or 8 on a d8 etc 

(but that’s just me!) 

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I've ran about 8 sessions of your system now. Admittedly I have hacked/added a few elements which I like from other MotO games but the core is still there. 

I really like what you've done.

Just finished with one group and currently running another (and then possibly another) though a 6ish session campaign which I've written about Shinobi Assassins. I used the point crawl tips of Electric Bastionland to help build it. 

Having the setting predefined is a great idea but leaving it the GM to flesh out the specifics with useful tools and spark tables etc is a great way to go. See Carin 2e, Electric Bastionland, Swyvers etc. I always understand a setting more deeply if I've been part of the build process and a GM understanding the setting might just be biggest indicator of success of any game... 

I would have personally benefited from are more concise spark tables, and organised into a 'world building procedure' (eg; Cities / Urban, Villages / Rural, Factions, Merchants, NPC's, Monsters, POI's, Weird Items etc) than what the book currently offers - but this is only because you're asking! 

My unsolicited thoughts on hex/point crawls... while I do like hexcrawls... point crawls are SO much easier to manage and run in my opinion, with just as much narrative pay off as a hex. The tools in Cairn 2e and EB are a great source of how to help a GM out here.

Is either 'Crawl' needed in this version? Not at all. Is it something you would like to do? A one shot opening adventure wouldn't be out of place, but even then...? Up to you... If you do decide to do a crawl, I would maybe put it towards the end of your work schedule, that way you can at least get something released before sinking too much time.

Regardless, I watch on with interest... 

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The game is based heavily on some of the themes of Blue Eye Samurai - the PCs are playing Shinobi Assassin. We’re 2 sessions in with 2 or 3 left to go. I love the MotO system anyway so knew I was in safe hands. In combat I’ve added feats and gambits from Mythic Bastionland to make the PC’s Shinobi feel even more powerful. It’s been a good really experience so far 👍 

I'm currently running a short ark using this system. It's very well done! 

Ran this game very successfully with a group of players who had never played a TTRPG before.  Two of them died in the opening scene, ripped apart by the hoard... we rolled new PC's and pushed on. Great one shot. We're meeting again for another game in a couple of weeks.