I'm kind of scared now, and that's a good thing
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You are very correct, yes, 250 is more than enough! A menu can be accessed (by pressing left tab) that allows you to purchase upgrades, purchase vehicles for automation (this will come in handy later, for now most of your box collection and depositing will happen manually), view tutorials and save your progress. Through purchasing upgrades, your 250 boxes should allow you more than enough points to upgrade climbing, jumping and other stats, through which you should be able to escape not only the room, but potentially even the cave as well!
Yep, sorry about that. I was watching your stream! The instructions were indeed mixed up, I will blame that on the 3 hour time limit :), but I believe what was happening with your first fight is that you were using the duck, which dodges high attacks, to dodge the opponent's low attack, and so it would reset every time you died. The reason you were not hitting him was due to his several seconds of immunity from damage after you hit him. Either way, I really appreciate you trying the game, it was really great to see!
The rewind mechanic, while a bit difficult to understand initially, was implemented really well! Some parts of the gameplay initially seemed a bit unclear, such as how you can only freeze time for selected objects, though some sort of in-game tutorial would definitely fix this small issue. Other than that, this was a really solid game, good job!
The rewind mechanic for this game was very unique! While at times the bomb was a bit difficult to control, especially when it and the player were backed up against a wall, I still found the overall gameplay experience to be of an incredibly high quality! Along with that, the art and music fit extremely well. Great job on this one, seriously. If you have time, rating my game in return really would mean a lot.
It's tough to say how exactly the horror theme could be emphasized here (outside of the general atmosphere from the art and audio, which already support this quite well), especially since the gameplay revolves around strategically killing the game's creatures somewhat frequently, which somewhat decreases the creatures' intimidation factor (which is something that I wouldn't want to suggest tampering with too much, because this gameplay also provides a decent amount of potential for mechanical depth, especially when multiple creatures could potentially be dealt with at once through strategically firing bullets and timing the rewind correctly). A few ideas come to mind for how to balance mechanical depth and atmospheric tension (though keep in mind I'm speaking purely from speculation, not experience, and so I could very well be wrong). Perhaps the player could be further incentivized to avoid getting noticed by the creatures (and potentially even hiding from the creatures if the need arose?), which could perhaps strengthen both strategy and creature intimidation. Uncertainty/tension could also be increased through potentially creating different types of creatures or through finding ways to further emphasize the dark. Though, again, this is just speculation. The current gameplay is very solid, and so I mainly only recommend these ideas if you wish to emphasize horror in this game.
This form of rewinding was genuinely unique and creative! Along with the fantastic art and quality music, the atmosphere of this game alone gave me reason to play it. My only critique would be the lack of explanation/guidance at the beginning, along with the immediate difficulty. Giving players an easy level or two to get used to your mechanics, especially mechanics as novel as these, can really boost player retention and enjoyment in the long run. Other than those small things, fantastic game!
This game was quite good. The rewinding bullet mechanic was very unique, the atmosphere was solid and the gameplay, while occasionally frustrating, was very rewarding (I especially appreciated the availability for depth with rewinding many bullets at once). I honestly can't think of many critiques for this game, for it was very solid, though I did feel that this game might benefit from leaning more into its horror/creepy elements, for while the atmosphere was unmatched, the gameplay didn't fully reflect the atmosphere. Though I don't know if I would call this a critique, probably just a suggestion for the future. Good job!
Seemed to be a fairly unique form of rewinding, which I appreciated, though I felt that the animation for rewinding took a bit too long? The agents seemed pretty cool, and while I didn't fully understand what 'T' did, I did have fun getting around them! The actual controls and movement were incredibly solid, so great job in that area! Overall, this was a cool game, though in the future I might recommend introducing/explaining mechanics a bit more.
The rewinding mechanic in this game was quite unique, and it fit very well with some of the puzzle-like scenarios I found myself in. The fast paced movement felt very good at times (and when it worked flawlessly, the sliding felt fantastic). The combat was interesting, though occasionally frustrating (especially since, as far as I could tell, the attacks had no obvious warnings).

Staff of Time is a 2D time-manipulation game I developed for the Brackeys Game Jam 2020.2. To quote one of the characters from this game (yes, I guess I am quoting myself): "personally I'm here for the adventure. The light at the end of the tunnel is great, it truly is, but sometimes you have to remember to stop and appreciate the journey along the way. Remember, you get out of adventuring what you put into it". It was with this mentality that this 2D adventure game -- set in a semi-open interconnected world -- about manipulating time and gathering magical abilities was crafted.
To fully appreciate the incredible genius behind this game, you need to understand: Staff of Time is a 3D VR MMORPG open world adventure triple-A game without the 3d, VR, MMO, RPG, open world or triple-A. Impressive, right? I know, but it gets even better. This game launched with a standard $60 price tag, of course, but for an unlimited time only this game will be available to purchase for free!
You can download the game here: https://log0ns.itch.io/staff-of-time
This is a pure, soul-fulfilling, funny and simple rpg with SO MANY LOOT BOXES! I'm just joking, it's free. Anyways, it's kinda cool. The game is about 2 hours long, but those two hours are definitely memorable (especially when you figure out how to absolutely rocket across the sky with wall jumping). Download if you like, for it is free (except for the many loot boxes and paid DLC, you may also need to buy the pre-order bonus, which comes with 40% of the game instead of 20%, the other 60% of the game comes from said DLC).