AY thanks for playing :D and yeah I love control schemes like that that sort of inhibit ur movement it can really add tension. also for sound the web version is a bit scuffed lolol
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cute concept 🍣🐈 some of the minigames could do with a prompt for the controls I think, and I think the pace of the game could be a bit faster! (but that might just be my opinion) Easy comparison is Warioware, which becomes very fast paced and exciting! A sense of rhythm and energy could elevate this game I think. But overall a fun experience !
Lovely illustrations for a short and sweet point and click adventure game :D I went with a similar lens mechanic in my game haha, interesting to see another take in a similar vein. I imagined the lens in my own game to appear in front of the camera too, but I didn’t know how to do that in 3d LOL so I just put it on the character instead.
I can feel the passion for chickens behind this game 🐔 I enjoyed it! It’s a little rough in some places, when I died I wouldn’t respawn so I had to close and open the game again. I love the opening cutscene tho lol, and the last level made me laugh. Not sure how secret this revolution is though, if pepper is brazenly stealing chickens in front of the farmers haha.
THIS IS SO SICK! I found your devlog on youtube recently and it’s really inspiring since I’m trying to work on a similar system :D ! At the moment I’m trying to get the player to move when I click on a gridtile, but it isn’t behaving lol. But yeah! Please keep updating your progress it’d be rly cool to see 👍