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A member registered 31 days ago

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thanks :)

nice game, but camera controls is kind of weird

thank you for your feedback its my first game so sorry for the bad experience.

nice game interesting  transformation!

Nice game, really good art, nice music

Nice game, really good art

(1 edit)

i didn't find your server give me link.

Thanks! But how can I reach you if I need to? Do you have a Discord account?

Great game, but I found it a bit hard because my eyes couldn't keep up with the items coming toward me.

(2 edits)

Yep, this is my first game! Before this, I was just learning game development through YouTube tutorials. I'm still learning, but I was feeling a bit bored, so I decided to participate in a game jam—and it's been such a fun experience! At first, I was worried I'd mess up because I didn't feel good enough, but after watching one of Brackeys' videos, he mentioned that it doesn't matter if you're good or bad—you can still join. Now, I plan to participate in every jam I can find!

nice tutorial guy he just following me like a paparazzi! Overall, the game, art, and animations are great. One suggestion: it would look even better if tasks had a glow effect instead of just a white outline. You could make the outline fade in and out, which would more easy for eyes to notice.

You can select multiple animals, similar to how it works in RTS games. Just click and drag the mouse on the screen to create a selection box, and any animals within that box will be selected. You can then command them to move wherever you'd like. All the functionality is explained in detail in the 'How to Play' section, so feel free to check it out if you have time! :)

Apologies for the lengthy text in the 'How to Play' section. I was working right up to the deadline and was trying to add visuals for the tutorial, but I got frustrated while trying to capture better screenshots. As this is my first game and I'm still new to game development, I'm learning as I go.

nice art but idk I was stuck at first level i didn't fine the way to go forward but really nice story and art

nice graphics.

nice story and old graphics.

what a nice stylize look cute art really like it even better to have localization.

nice retro look really like it 

what a nice graphics stylize look really like it, Keep up :)

thanks for playing my first game i appreciate your kind words

very very nice art its really nice and animation is also nice, i don't have time to give you longer comment because i need to rate other games as well keep up.

nice cutscene the art it nice its better to have more things to do, i don't have time to give you longer comment because i need to rate other games as well keep up.

like the art it really nice i don't have time to give you longer comment because i need to rate other games as well keep up.

like the monster it really nice i don't have time to give you longer comment because i need to rate other games as well keep up.

like the tornado art is nice i don't have time to give you longer comment because i need to rate other games as well keep up.

really really graphics and stylized art it really nice i don't have time to give you longer comment because i need to rate other games as well keep up.

like the stylize art it really nice i don't have time to give you longer comment because i need to rate other games as well keep up.

like it really nice i don't have time to give you longer comment because i need to rate other games as well keep up.

like it really nice i don't have time to give you longer comment because i need to rate other games as well keep up.

nice cute tiny peoples

looks really nice.

it has "how to play" menu in game main menu you will find all info on that, Thanks for playing my first game i really appreciate you kind words :)

nice game art and gameplay

nice game keep up.

nice game l really like it.

(1 edit)

thanks its my first game and thankyou for your follow :)

Thanks for playing my first game let me rate yours

nice game and art

ok let me rate