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Lucas Delvallet

A member registered Jan 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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Sorry to hear that you encoutered several crashes :'(

I did not had time to polish everything and I don't think you made something wrong. There's some algorithms errors that I didn't manage to find during the gamejam time or some use case that I didn't planned... Anyway, thank you for being supportive :)

EXCEPTIONNAL GAME ! My favorite so far ! I love that it's very chill, without any form of pressure. Amazing !

Here's my city !

I really love the vibe of the game, very polished, a very solid entry !

The game : *They* can't hurt you if they see you

Me : Who ?

They : *appears*

Me with a very high volume : Oh my god !!

Anyway, nice entry, very cool mecanics, this is not something we see everyday !

Thank you ! A web build using the Monogame framework is quite hard to do for a gamejam, I'll try to improve and manage a web build for my next project !

Thank you ! Yeah, this is something that I wanted to do, but wanted to keep towers from previous waves to be moved and needed a little bit of more code and, uhhhh, I forgot 😅

Best game name ever !

Thank you for playing ! Glad you liked it :)

Thank you ! Yeah, I have a lot of ideas for a full game, some mecanisms took me a lot of time so didn't had time to polish some elements. Thank you for playing !

(1 edit)

I'm glad to be the first one to find that game, because it's extremely polished, really looks like a full game ! That's insane, first hidden gem of the jam :)

I love that you mixed pool and mini-golf. I think red balls need more friction, because those kept rolling and rolling away living their own lives. 

But anyway, the gme is pretty good, liked it !

You should add a thumbnail and some screenshot because there's definitely a game here ! You'll get more view and comments I think ;)

I love the risk of going fast by clicking like a madman and making the bubble pop ! Definitely a solid entry, very polished !

Potato parkour !

I like the idea that smol potato is being lost in the maze while big potat can see the path easily. Nicely done ;)

That's an original idea ! I like how the notes serve as gameplay element, very cool, pretty polished. Also pretty hard right now !

I like that you managed to adapt the gameplay to tell the story of growing from a baby to an adult. Cool idea !

Yeah, managed to reach the infamous javascript error !

Joke aside, the game looked pretty okay to me and really grew on me the more I played. The level design and the juice kept me playing to the end, so congratz !

I love that cat face :3

Is it the wizard that is giant or the kitty that is tiny. Hmmmmmmmm.

The movement is a little bit distrubing considering the camera is centered to the BIG WIZARD, but it's a nice entry, pretty polished, some cool ideas out there. Good job !

Fromage. Hon hon.

Thank you for your comment !

And thank you for persisting when the game didn't launch at first :3

Thank you so much for playing !

Thank you !

Cool game !

Here's my best time

Oh no ! You've discovered my secret ! 

*throw away human disguise*

* Run away in an alien way *

Not exactly intended, I wanted to find a copyright free music that gives some alien and puzzles vibe that's also copyright free, but it's not easy during the 48hours period... Thank you for playing !

Thank you for playing !

I don't know yet if I'll do an expanded version but I do have a lot of ideas

Thank you !

Yeah, having the game on mobile would work very well. But I don't know how to do that using my Monogame framework '-'

Oooooh, I love the fact that you went with obvious ideas for the jam, but with the meta gamejam everything is now super original. Well played ! Loved the sense of humor :D

Thank you so much for this detailled review ! <3

Thank you for playing ! Yeah, the glasses level is the hardest right now, if I was to balance it, I would make the alien worms a little bit bigger so it's less tedious to cover the glasses

And If I was to make a bigger version of this game, I would go wild on alien mecanisms, but still keeping the office vibe. Like why not an alien food distributor that function like a small escape game ? Lots of ideas to explore :D

Thank you !

Merci Emmanuel ;)

I've seen several "You play as the road" game during this gamejam, but I must say that your idea and implementation really takes the cake ! It's fun, it's smooth, it's creative AND there's some objectives. Really well done !

I like your choice of story. It has determined all you game design element and made the whole very coherent and very pretty.

For a post-jam version, It would be cool to have more stories like Icarus, but with other characters and with each its own gameplay. Like David and Goliath, or Sisyphus and all the other...

Good job !

(1 edit)

I somehow yeeted a stool into space 10/10

On a more serious note, this is a cool game, very humorous, from the sandwich "walking" animation, to the fridge's door going crazy like it's a Bethesda game.

I liked it, going 3D is a lot of work, congratz !

Somehow managed to get both to win >.<

Thank you for playing !

Yeah, I'm a robot !

Whoaaaa, you've freed all these aliens ?! Amazing !

Thank you for playing !