I am up to date on R's romance and I think if there was any more tension I would explode. Waaah!!! It's so good.
(The scene!! With the hands!! Waaah!!!)
I checked the stream and my game ended before it should. I apparently submitted a broken file.
This is what happens when you don't betatest your game.
Don't be like me, get at least one friend to test your game.
I live in infamy. (I was so proud of participating in my first jam! )
I am not replacing the file because it's not fair, but holy crap, this feels bad!
I am looking through the submissions and it's a really varied bunch!
There's even a tabletop game? That's crazy, I love it.
This was the first jam I ever participated in, and seeing everybody's work makes me proud to be here (even if my own submission was super rushed, oof!)
I look forward to testing some games now.
Also, I am glad to see I am surrounded by gentlepersons of culture who agree on Alexandria being best girl. <3
You gave me a meme. You gave me a meme! It's my first!!!
Please excuse me while I bask a little on my hipness and popularity with today's youth.
Ok, that's it, I basked for three whole days, now let me go on.
Thank you so much for your words, for your support. It means a lot.
To tell the truth, Hierofanía 2 got less comments that Hierofanía 1, so... well, I try not to be too whiny (being somewhat whiny is unavoidable, it's in my nature) but when you work alone, staying motivated is all on you, you know? I'm not a team, it's just me. My games are freeware, they always will be. My payment is this, once in a while, someone tells me they liked my work, that they read and they remember it.
Today I'm a millionaire. Thank you.
Thank you so very much for leaving feedback! You're super kind.
(I'm super flattered that you mention the soundtrack because Hierofanía 2 was my first attempt at trying to make music ^^)
Although Hierofanía 3 is in hiatus, I actually have the script for another project on the works! Knowing there's people willing to play it, makes me happy.
Seriously, thanks for your kind words.
Soda Stereo indeed, my favourite argentinian band! (¿Hablas castellano? :) Cuando yo era adolescente, Soda Stereo era"careta", snob, hace poco que vuelve a tener "legitimidad")
Thank you for the compliments. I really didn't know if I could manage a romantic comedy, but I thought it was my best shot at actually writing a short story. I tend to get lost in sidequests and secondary characters otherwise. My true love will always be the rpg format :D
Yes, there are eight endings! (One is a short "Bad ending!" at the very beginning)
I really wanted H2 to be easy to understand without playing H1, so thanks a lot for telling me you were okay with it. :) (I mean, I wrote it, so it's hard for me to approach it without preconceptions!)
For the third, though, people will have to play both 1 and 2, but it'll be the last, so, I hope they'll be willing to take that step :D