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A member registered Dec 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Yeah, reverse engineering games can be a lot of fun. Inspiring also. It becomes a second nature after a while, right? We just start to deconstruct everything we play and think up theories about the code and the designs the game is made out of.

I haven’t won all the levels yet. currently, I am more playing around than anything else, testing levels out and getting a good feel of the project.

Very nice!

Quite faithful to the original.

The custom grid  is also a nice addition.

The only thing missing is an option menu to quit a current game and that's about it.

Well done.

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I am looking into an issue I had with the last game jam I hosted where votes by submitters whom was part of a team screwed up the vote balancing against their project.

If a team has, let’s say, 3 members, by default this implies that 3 votes out of all votes cannot go to their project. For small game jams like the one I host, this becomes problematic in that a great project can go straight down last on the ratings because they had a bunch of people working on it.

I’m wondering if there is a way to make it so a team can only vote as a team per submission? I would rather keep the submitter voting system if possible (school game jam club hence no “real true N years senior whatever” to professionally critic the submissions).


I feel you on that one haha.

I am looking forward to see what you’ve got for us next time!

It has already been said, but the backtracking onto your own tail does feel a bit unfair.

Otherwise, I do like the music and the feedbacks and the visuals, albeit simple. Indeed indeed, nice clone of the old snake game.

I like the concept of having a class based snake game. It’s simple, but it also makes it easy to bulk up the scope of the project if there’s more time for it.

And I’m a sucker for D&D related stuff so that’s a plus in my book haha.

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Yeah, I feel you. It was supposed to be expanded a lot upon. It is quite unfinished, due to a severe lack of time on my side. It’s almost out of the prototype phase, haha.

I had most of the base systems in place to develop actual mechanics, but I had bigger priorities to attend to, unfortunately.

The number at the top is both the score and the hp of the train. Each wagon were supposed to have their own “skills” where some would fire bullets, some would heal the train every N time, etc. Something not that hard to do, to be frank.

As for the enemies, the goal was for them to stick to a wagon and wack at it until a new wagon came into range, which they would then focus and so on, which they don’t in this build due to a lack of a proper “chase” state.

But, yeah, thanks for the feedback!

Great little game. good feedback and visuals. As TheFacelessSheep said, it’s a nice twitst on the original.

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