So glad you liked it, thankyou! :D
And a Merry Christmas to you too
Thanks! I'm really glad you liked it!
In the end, I made them procedurally generate, which really took a lot of the time of the jam, leaving less time to work on other aspects, but I think it turned out alright.
Originally I tried using a grid box to align and scale each cell, but i wasn't able to get position data from those cells, so I ended up coding the cells into place on generation and then moving and scaling them to fit the screen. The next part was upon generation of a cell, it was added to an array that I told to use a colour from an array and link two randomly picked cells to that colour, that was only those two cells could be connected, but not different color cells etc, with the line data being stored on one of the linked cells. This quickly became a problem when the randomly picked locations would sometimes arrive in outcomes where the puzzle was incompletable, so I had to add path logic which would create an invisible path between the start and end points and then lock those used cells to that colour so that other colours would have to find a different way around to connect each other. Sometimes the invisible paths would lock in over complicated positions and directions, but it's fine since the user doesn't see them and they can draw into any free space, it just leaves a lot of unused spaces when the player finishes a section, but it's still consistently playable which I was happy with.
Yeah the puzzles are procedurally generated
Hey thanks for trying out my game! Yeah it's under developed sadly, just ran out of time.. There were so many cool ideas I got started on but didn't get the time to balance and fully fill out. But yeah, really appreciate the feedback! I think the floor traps are definitely a bit too subtle, but it at least ensures that the player is going to die and understand the mechanic for the Beta build. With the key, the objective was the bring it back to the hole, it's not very self explanatory at this stage, but yeah, thanks for playing!
Woah! Wait this concept is awesome! It does have some strange bits and pieces, a few bugs but to be expected with a big project, but the sharing of notes with all other players, that's sick as! I love that idea!
Seeing the giant post it bridge was such a funny experience! This game is very cool, Well done!
PS: Had a weird bug where after going to the menu and then back into the game, i could no longer read notes or open the gate? Also some of the animations were a bit.. long winded? Maybe a skip button? But all in all, a fun experience!
Bro this game is great! You did a super job on it, it's even meeting the wildcards! It feels super smooth and intuitive, but still challenging enough too, a really nice submission!
One problem I had was when i collected the cheat, then opened the menu for esc, it would open for split second and then close again, i tried to click the cheats part of the menu during that moment and then it broke the pause menu all together. Also the wall sliding you can slide down the wall while facing away from the wall sometimes, but that's really just nitpicking. Those were really the only things I noticed though, other than that I found it pretty solid! Well done boss
So real, haha
I think itch was also having some issues during the submission time, at least I was experiencing some, and that just adds a whole extra layer to the stress.
Looking forward to checking out your game and all the others! I haven't had a chance to sit down and play a bunch yet, but plan to soon!
Thanks for the feedback! The secret isnt too far away (though it is upward direction), and there are indeed quite a few dead ends along the way. I can agree with you about the traps, they are very subtle, even I had trouble seeing them and I put them there! I was so close to implementing health potions before the jam ended, but just ran out of time before I could make them return health, to the player.
Thanks for playing!!
Thanks boss! Really appreciate the feedback!
Yeah unfortunately I think I suffered a bit from a too big scope working alone, there was so much more I wanted to do with this game, like you said, just some of those quality of life bits with the upgrades. A major missing point is the coins are currently useless, there were plans for a shop where upon turning to statue, you could send a choice of items back to "The next Generation". Also started work on a seed based procedural map, but it wasn't ready to release with the jam, trying to figure out the enemy AI was hard enough.
But specifically leaning into the story of the game progressing as you become the statues instead of a restart based idea would've been nice, but as the deadline reached closer, it more became a rush to get the game into a it starts, runs, and has an ending without crashing priority.
Again, thanks for the feedback!