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Luke Mayo

A member registered Aug 19, 2016 · View creator page →

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Nicely done! Finding the gears is a nice core loop

Can't wait!

Fantastic job! The gameboy charm was flawlessly executed. Loved the story, especially the discovery of the secret passage -- wanted to play more after the ending -- the whole thing was very engaging!

Sidenote you can get softlocked if you open the fridge from a tile up lol

Great game! Love the different towers, pixel art looks great, the music is cute -- the click hitbox on the tower selection is a little small, but once you get past that, the rest of the game is fun

This loadout felt pretty good

Party Rock is in the houuuuuse toniiiight

Wow, near-flawless execution!

Great visuals, great audio, great mechanics!

(1 edit)

I like card games so this was ENGAGEMENT MAXING for me. Resisting the temptation to play again and try min-maxing. Our first round started with double rocks on witch lmao.

Gummy Bears are phenomenal starting point -- max hand size and removing candy are the optimal mechanics.

ROck. AlWAys. KilL thE ChiLD.

This is my personal favorite: you're literally taking a well-known cartoon gag and letting a player walk through that experience. The pacing between seeing the first leak, plugging it, seeing the next, plugging that, and then seeing the third and going "oh shit" literally turns you into a cartoon character. Like you're in their exact headspace and it's hilarious.

Everything is clearly communicated, the subtle animations are effective, the constantly pitching up music is a perfect comedic choice, and all the transitions are tight and clean.


no one told me ;w;

The game should be updated to not freeze after the first level!

lmao, time to add another game to my "games to play" list

Hmm, its close, but this has two l's, "Bombadill"!


I like the concept of limited movement and bouncing off of buildings!

I have to admit I got salty when the debris from buildings would eat my jumps and direction changes. But when I wasn't being showered with debris (and when there weren't any walls blocking my view) I had a great time engaging with the puzzle of avoiding the mech effectively

thanks! I loove jak and daxter. Was definitely aiming for that with the squash n stretch

glad you liked it! I gotta check that game out

oh noo! I should have put a killbox down there

420 B)))))))

I loved the switching speeds mechanic. It'd be perfect if I had a little more heads up on when to switch

g o

f a s t

very nice :)

very pretty! love the scythe boi

So Spooky! Love it


Fun strategy concept!

the Isometric aesthetic works well, too!

Nice! High Score: 4300 :)

awesome character designs!

(1 edit)

Nice! But a bit too hard for anyone who doesn't play bullet hell games regularly ;))))))

we're here to shovel snow :)


Really neat concept!

cannot for the life of me figure out what kind of argument MOVE wants though... wishing for a MOVE HELP

Very pretty game :]

Absolutely beautiful! The art is fantastic, the tutorial was well executed, and the game tells a story, too.

There were some cool moments where I could jump, shoot and climb at the same time, but to make them more frequent, I think you might have to make the jumps looser, and the bullets more instant. But the game got a lot easier when I realized you could shoot frozen birds!

Overall a complete game with clean transitions, beautiful pixel art and solidified mechanics! 

Hazel op

but fr this game feels like a big step in progress from gunnier zed, in terms of art gameplay and sound! im surprised more people weren't talking about it in jde

shields feel more balanced which is nice

but I'll have to admit I hid in the upper right corner to get thru some of the homing enemies at the second to last level, and i would have def enjoyed using a mouse

366 best time

once i remember to hold forward when walljumping i can increase it lol

Hey! Thanks for pointing out that the keyboard was broke, I pushed a new build with keyboard controls this time.

as for the food platter


hmm, ok, i did a quick search, if ur using chrome maybe try turning on hardware acceleration, or try a different browser? i can try uploading a standalone downloadable tonight if those dont work

It was cute and strangely calming... I liked it!

Really well put together! Loved the non-verbal puzzle communication, sound/art was great. (And a lot less reading :>)

Awesome, thanks a lot!