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Dam It!View game page

Keep the dam from breaking!
Submitted by IanMBeckman — 7 hours, 7 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Ease of Learning#14.3854.385
Spectator Appeal#24.2314.231

Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Awesome game, nice work. My main issue is the rollover with my keyboard preventing input for multiple specific keys in some instances, but I get that this is not easy to have working 100% for all setups.


This is my personal favorite: you're literally taking a well-known cartoon gag and letting a player walk through that experience. The pacing between seeing the first leak, plugging it, seeing the next, plugging that, and then seeing the third and going "oh shit" literally turns you into a cartoon character. Like you're in their exact headspace and it's hilarious.

Everything is clearly communicated, the subtle animations are effective, the constantly pitching up music is a perfect comedic choice, and all the transitions are tight and clean.



Brilliant slice of panic! The music and SFX work together with the gameplay super closely to deliver the frantic pace.

One of my only problems with the game, which I realized on maybe my 4th or 5th play, is that there is a subtle mismatch of the mapping between the spacing of the letters on the screen, compared to the spacing of the letters on a standard QWERTY keyboard. This mapping is super important when you're panicked (which the game is well designed to make you), so any mismatch gets translated into mistakes that don't feel as earned or fair.

In particular, the right half of the bottom row of the keyboard begins to shift father to the right than it is on a physical keyboard, due to mismatched placement of "M". On the keyboard, M is placed below and between J and K - however, in Dam It! it is placed between K and L, while N is placed between J and K instead. 

This difference makes things look a bit more correct at a glance, since otherwise the bottom row looks a bit empty on the right side, but it sacrifices clarity. I found myself repeatedly hitting the comma key when the game wanted me to press M simply because the game lookas if you should be pressing the key below and between K and L for that - but that key doesn't do anything, it doesn't even show up on the screen when you press it. That difference makes the right half of the bottom row way harder to work with because it's suddenly unintuitive when the rest of the game maps so well. B looks like it's right under H, but that's where N is. N looks like it's between J and K but that's where M is. V looks like it's directly under G but what's under G is actually the gap between B and V.

In the end this is a pretty subtle thing with a very quick fix, but I wanted to point it out because I think it's easy to miss while still having a big impact on how intuitive that corner of the game is, and could remove one of the only points of friction in an impressively smooth experience.

I'd also echo what another commenter said about wanting more feedback about when a leak stops. I think it would help a lot to have something like the SMACK of some flex tape over the leak to let you know you should let go of that one

Probably my only other complaint is that the game felt too tightly tuned to end the game around 1:45. After recording a little footage I realized the limit of keys you can press is only 6. While I do get that some keyboards only have 6-key rollover (though some are even worse), this feels too limiting, since the average person has 9 or more fingers. But it especially feels too limiting when, at 1:45, the game is willing to throw 7 leaks at you at once, and surviving becomes quite literally impossible. What am I supposed to do here?

Altogether, amazing job on this! It all comes together so well, it is instantly understandable, and it's a ton of fun!

Jam HostSubmitted

Once I had a design test where the prompt was to convey a game design with one screenshot. I could 100% understand this game from one glance. So clever, I'm jealous!  Plus, the game is fun and I love the sound design.


brilliant mechanic well done, love the start screen too


Omg what fun!! I was playing twister with my fingers hahaha. I think you have an amazing eye for polish-- the start screen font/color/finger animations look great, the dam-explosion/music change/camera shake at the end is SUCH a fun way to wrap up the playthrough, your sound effects are on point, and the music speeding up is *chefs kiss* . The only thing I can think to change might be some of the visuals of the main gameplay loop, the start screen uses such a vibrant blue that I expected a more colorful level compared to the grey dam/dark blue sky. If you continue updating it, there might be some opportunity for different different dam skins that you unlock with different high scores, maybe a beaver dam, a forcefield dam, a crystal dam (idk hahaha), just an excuse to pull more colors into the main gameplay. I could also see a multiplayer version of this being really fun, either co-op or competitive where the other player is on the other side of the dam making the holes. Such a good job!!!


Very funny game that I would love to watch other people play. Once I realized what the loop of the game was, I thought I had it in the bag. Then, a slight shift of the fingers made me feel like I lost control. I scrambled to fix everything but in my panic, the dam broke through. It felt like my brain turned off, but in a way that was very fun and made me laugh. I appreciate the consistently up-pitched music to add to the tension. Great work!

This was an extremely satisfying experience.
I feel there should have been more notice for when a leak stops, maybe the color changing slowly rather than immediately.
The UI was well placed and easy to understand, especially with the musical ques.
Extremely well done.


I think it says a lot about what you have here seeing as you found a way to find a way to turn a controller as mundane (for lack of a better word) as a keyboard into something wholly unique and genuinely exciting. It's like finger twister! Although it seems its designed for only one player, i could totally see this working and being just as fun with 2 or more with no changes. I played a few rounds, and each time the music helped enhance the frantic energy. I should have recorded a hand cam, because the way my hands were jumping and contorting by the end made it look like I was trying to do bad Naruto jitsu hand signs or something. My brain and hands had this disconnect, sorta like real twister, and I find it so cool and interesting that your game elicited the same reaction. This game goes to show that sometime, less is more. Well done! 


Great stuff! Very stressful, as planned. I especially love the pitch-ramping music, and also the flying toaster-style background for the leaderboard.