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A member registered Oct 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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at first it is difficult to understand but the concept is very interesting

Interesting, if it doesn't only happen with fire traps then it's a new bug, thanks for the report

thanks for the feedback, I will try to modify the initial scene to fix the problem. 

If you remember the problem with jumping happened randomly or only on fire traps?

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thanks for the feedback, after the game jam i will update the game leaving only the circle or limiting the player to use space/shift.

 If you remember the problem with jumping happened randomly or only on fire traps?


Very interesting game

Nice game with a really good story

Nice Concept, i really liked the idea too bad there is only one level, one thing i would suggest to change is the effect of the blue objects, if the red ones disappear because they are not real i would have done either the same with the blue ones or i would have made them disappear shortly after using them because if they simply remain the game becomes too easy.

Keep working

The concept is very interesting but  so it seems more like an interactive story than gameplay, in my opinion it could become more interesting having many more objects to interact with, some useless and some not, and being able to choose which object to place and where and being able to go to sleep when you want.

In this way the gameplay would go from an interactive story to a game where you choose which trap use and/or create so that the player will play until one of the possible winning combinations comes to mind.

However these are just suggestions as to how you might continue to develop the game then it's up to you to decide.

Keep working!

fun game! I liked to see how the photo/meme changed in the background based on the number of errors

nice game, the graphics  is really well made

Really fun game,  I liked blowing people up with a laser-armed robot pigeon.

Referring to your own game by saying "A clear candidate to be the winner and hardly anyone noticed!" seems a bit arrogant to me, I don't want to belittle your game but in this game jam I could see many good games some (in my opinion) done better than yours but also better than mine and some done worse.

Regarding the fact that you received few votes, i suggest you to interact more with the community, voting and commenting on other games or interacting in the various rate4rate topics created by the jam's cummunity, at the end of the day, as in real life, the game as good as it is does not advertise itself.

Moreover the games that you can play directly from your browser often attract more people since you don't need to download the game to play.

Anyway, i have tried and rated your game

Great game, i really liked the ghost mechanics, the only advice I can give is to simplify the use of the ghost maybe being able to direct it even standing still 


Really nice game,  i love use the hook to move but i suggest to implement a cooldown to the hook, a way to understand if i can shoot the hook and speedup the procedural generation map because i reached the end more times


Nice game,  it was fun play and stamp on the fresh painted wall

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rated, you have entered the link for my game but i found anyway the way to vote your game

nice game, the music is really well made and the running jump was weird but really fun


great game, interesting concept, amazing music

Awesome game mechanics, amazing design, presence of easter egg ("the sun is a deadly lazer" is my favorite), i'm speechless, probably the best game of the jam

can't wait to read your poem

thanks for the feedback, apparently the jumping problem is caused by the fire traps, unfortunately it is not possible to do bug fixing during the voting period

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Well done, it's funny that we used the same graphic assets and even had a similar idea ahahah.

The game is really well made. 

Great entry!

thanks for the feedback, I hadn't considered that there was a possibility of someone playing with the trackpad, I'll see if I can add a tutorial to better explain the controls, and find a system for those who don't use the mouse.

as for the sprites I have already made the fix only that I can not publish updates until the end of jam


nice concept, I liked the idea of switching between dimensions.

the dimension of the ducks was the most exhilarating.

I suggest to modify the order in layer of the sprites to decide which sprite should be displayed in case of conflict, it is not nice to see the player passing under the furniture

Great game, the graphics are very well done an the concept is interesting but the player should be independent of the game view, anytime the view turned the player did the same and this made it very difficult to aim and move

thanks for the feedback, I had thought about removing that skill but in doubt I left it, maybe I make it a skill with limited time use

post game jam I'll fix the scaling, in the meantime you can work around the problem by putting the game in full screen or decreasing the page zoom



thanks for the feedback

thanks for the feedback, as soon as possible I will add a menu of options