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A member registered Jul 06, 2023

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If you like this, the game tries to advertise another game called Eternum. it's actually really really good as well. highly recommend it.


Are there any guides?

Okay. so I finished it. Hands down... it's not better than Eternum, BUT... it's not bad. Eternum is suppose to be taken more seriously of a story rather than a Meme like this one, but that doesn't make it a bad story. to be honest how the 2 stories are made. they aren't suppose to be compared to be honest. this is suppose to be a comedy with romance in the mix. considering not even the romance parts are safe from the meme's and Three Stooges like humor. I actually really did enjoy it, but saying it's better when its significantly smaller and the audience it's trying to attract isn't really the same. if you're here for the romance and sex, there's not really any of both. sure the mc get's a blow job and you watch a girl masterbate, but the one time you might get a chance sleep with someone, you get robbed when you're trying to pay the prostitutes, but again it's because it's starting out and the story is only beginning, I'm sure there will be plenty of sex later. while Eternum which has been in longer production and fleshed out several of the girls stories to lead into each of them getting laid at the end of there courting periods and shows and emphasizes on Romance allot more than Realm Invaders with some comedy. it also shows and humanizes all of the characters so you can connect to them better. This could also be do to the newness of this game and it'll do the same, but the only time you really get a connection is through the main character not really caring about there stories and looking at his phone, except for 4? of them, though one of them he ends up saying what happened to them was boring, even though it was pretty tragic it happened to the character as a teenager.

With this comment, I'm putting my expectation very high. I adored Eternum and if this doesn't get me as involved or connected to the characters like Eternum did (Luna best girl). I'm going to be be very disappointed and writing a Synapsys on why it wasn't on this comment.  

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Amazing work and story. No super natural tie in like most other stories like this usually go into, yet it still has a strong sense of plot and purpose for the character that feels just as urgent and heavy. love this game. thank you so much!!

Thank you for the new update!!!

I didn't know that!!! I only slept with her once, cause I sleep with my favorite girl most of the time, and I got the good morning on that one time. I had no idea you could wake up with Ard. That's hilarious!!!!

it's a good few hours. I played it non-stop except for some double take moments I had, bathroom breaks. and food break.

Same!, but I'm glad I have the habit of saving before a sex scene. lol

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NOOOOOOOOO! I just finish the game it is amazing!!! I can't wait for the next update!!!! thank you so much for making this!!! I cam e to this game after playing Ripples and that was an amazing game too. Now I'll check out "Once in a Lifetime." again, thank you so much for this game.

I just finished this and I love this game. I can't wait to see what's next!!! How often is this updated?

I didn't get the hint from the bartender, but after she gets released at any point after that you can find her there.

The man has a potato for a pc and is blaming it on the game. LOL

what's the difference in the paid version to the free version?

they tell you where to get it in the cutscene.

I'm so happy that you added the ability to have the little one to visit Kanna by her bed. thank you so much!!!

how often does this game get updated, and does the Patreon version or other payed services on other sites give you more content for the game?

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which girls are already in the game, and which one's are you planning on adding in the future?

The game is amazing!! I laughed, I cried, and I can't wait for more!!! you're doing a very good job with this!

OH! ok. and yes Samatha's Apartment. lol. Thank you!

how do I get Amanda's Apartments? I've been to it several times and checked the first and second floors, several times, but I can't unlock anything else, other than it being on fire.

can't wait to see who else!

thank you!

which of the girls can be pregnant as of right now?

thank you!

What all is in the paid versions. specially the $15 one?

If I wanted to switch from the Itchio version to the current Patreon version. Can I transfer my save?

anyone know where to find the Claymore?

follow the quest instructions

I'm not sure what the difference between the payed version is or the free version? is the free version a Demo, or does the payed version just have cheats and other benefits?


you actually get the last 2 in the fairy forest before meeting the 3 fairies.

and don't ask me about the Patreon version. I haven't played it, but I know they have a more updated version.

on the Itchio version you can only get 1 light spell that I could find, and you get it through story only when you meet a certain person. they give it to you for free. I'm not saying who they are for spoiler sake.

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Is it possible to play the previous episodes or does it have all the episodes up to 4?

Is there a way to get more Enchanted thread? I made the first set of the Witch outfit, but not I'm missing 2 for the second set of the witch outfit.

What's the bonus render's? are they added scenes for the game or just added content that doesn't affect the gam?

What little I played was amazing in the prologue and I was having fun with it. t sucks that it it getting scrapped cuase he's too proud to ask for help essentially... really sucks

why RIP?