Pues a mi me ha gustado, supongo que 'larga' es la distancia hasta la otra nave. Lo que no me convence son los controles, se me hace difícil manejar el cacharro.
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Thanks for playing and your feedback! The sacrifice's dialogues were a last minute thing and didn't think a lot about them, but it were just for fun, so I'm ok with them beeing weird :) And, yes, I'm spanish
The Minotaur had 25 life points, your comment made me think about it and now there are 3 levels of difficulty, which also affects map size and Minotaurs strength.
- Easy => Minotaur has 9 life points and makes 1 point of damage per hit. Map is 20% smaller.
- Normal => Minotaur has 15 life points and makes 2 points of damage per hit (same as original). Original map size
- Hard => Minotaur has 25 life points and makes 3 points of damage per hit. Map is 20% bigger.
Thanks again for your feedback! :)
Thank you very much for playing and for your feedback! I did some improvements thanks to your comment:
- mouse sensitivity in the configuration menu
- Minotaur now shows injuries as it takes damage, when the injuries are fully visible, the minotaur is about to die.
- Run and Crouch can now be performerd with right shift and right ctrl, in addition to previous left shift and left ctrl. I hope it helps.
Great action game, combat is really fun, though I've discover that spawning the jump-heavy attack (the one that creates a damage area on the ground, can be repeated constantly, allowing you to spawn that attack again and again to kill all the enemies around without needing to use other combos. Also, I found a glitch on the first big ape that casues him to stretch (dead already) at a constant speed :|
I'm no fan of the 'dot' shader's effect, but I really enjoyed playing this game. The fighting mechanics were very polished, I think. :) well done

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it! I've seen the gameplay and I have to say you did very well!!
The 4/3 items collected its a bug that I think only happens playing with Tom and Alice (I think is a 'she', but you are right, I gues no one can't really tell hahaha). I need to fix that in a future patch.
Also, yes, the character slow down when tired, but there's no energy bar because I thougth that would make it more scary not knowing exactly when you are going to run out of energy and get exposed to the monster. I don't know, did it work? :)
Again, thank you so much for playing it and making a gameplay video!