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magno chuntey

A member registered Oct 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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thank you! congratz on your highscore :)

thank you :))

thanks so much for your kind feedback, glad you enjoyed!

thank you so much!

thanks for checking it out :))

glad you enjoyed! you can throw a stick at a boar to make it run away :)

thank you so much for your feedback and taking the time to check it out :))

thanks so much for the kind comments and checking it out!

thanks so much, im glad you enjoyed! :)

thanks! there are some banana skins which cause you to slip, I think I definitely could have made them more obvious :)

ah, glad to hear!

that's very kind, thank you :))

thank you so much! im glad I had time to add a little victory animation :)

thank you! glad you found them :)

thank you so much! appreciate it

thanks so much for checking it out, im glad you enjoyed :))

thanks so much for checking it out and the kind feedback! :)

amazing work, feels very polished and fun to play!

amazing! looked, felt, and sounded great!

I thoroughly enjoyed playing through your game! the art and music were both very pleasing, huge congratulations on finishing your first game jam! I really appreciated the regular respawn points, my only constructive feedback would be that the player felt very slidey and I think the friction could have been higher :)

naww im really glad you both enjoyed!!

im so glad!! thanks for checking it out

thank you! ah yes the controls are maybe a little janky but glad you worked it out :)

:)))) thank u so much!

appreciate that, thank you!

thanks so much for checking it out on stream!

thank u for checking it out and the kind feedback!


thanks for checking it out! glad you enjoyed

y e s

thank you for the kind feedback! if in doubt, chuck a stick at it!

great job! you should both be proud, looks and plays great!

really good job! this is seriously impressive, and looks great too

thank you so much! there are banana skins dotted about which also make you fall over which I think might be the cause, but I definitely could have done with making them stand out more, thanks for taking the time to play and leave feedback :)

thank you so much for the lovely feedback, I really appreciate it!

thank you so much for checking it out! and yes i thought it would be better to be on the safe side with the amount of sticks :)

unfortunately, got an error when trying to play

The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)'

thanks! yes, they show no mercy

thank you so much! thanks for checking it out

thank you!