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maher dowod

A member registered Mar 05, 2022

Recent community posts

There is something stupid in this game every time start battle in Colosseum , Error DL7102-5 .......Error ........Error ......Error

yes bro , world boss had become so boring and very difficult، from now on I will not play any battle to reconsider the strength of the enemies

hey friend , 

Water 18

Light 16

Dark 19

Earth 23

Fire 25 Finished

there is an error at start Battle of Colosseum , please solve fast

my friend hooligart

yes that's great, and thank you for listening to the opinions of the players and implementing them .

but there is an important note my HP was 55500 before August update , but now with the use of Viagra pills my HP 41622 , and a lot of players are the same ،

so please edit .

to return to the game it's beauty and magnificence that we loved.

thank you again 💓💓💓

my friend hooligart , I've been playing this game for almost a year this is the first time I've not played last event and this Colosseum because of last update , it's getting harder and boring so if our opinions matter to you and you want your game to get more popular you must cancel August update and get things back to where they were with minor modifications to increase the aesthetic of the game , but if your only concern is money with my apologies that's another matter i won't waste my time anymore like the rest of the players and thank you.

I agree with your words one hundred percent, the fun of the game is gone, because they didn't think well before this bad update, therefore now I'm looking for a game similar to it that's more innovative .

نعم يا أصدقاء ، التحديث الأخير سيء للغاية جعل معظم اللاعبين يفكرون بمغادرة اللعبة ، هذا الحدث لم ألعبه أبدا لأن اللعبة أصبحت تأخذ وقتا طويلا وأصبحت مملة ولن أعود لها إلا إذا كان هناك تحديث أفضل من هذا 

this update sooooooo bad , you killed the game , now the most of players will leave this game

yes , same thing  there is no silver in tower chests ???

why there in this Colosseum event mistakes ??  am lost a lot of fights for  1- Error Dl 7102 Module not found.


2- for waiting more than 20 minutes before fighting 

this thing only happening with me or other players too ???

Dirty League community · Created a new topic Feeling Bored

hello friends , I've been playing this game since 7 months every day i spend a lot of hours , now am in league 1 my HP 43750 and i have very good girls but i need a lot of mythical girls so I'm getting bored with this game all events soo difficult , world boss and colosume and the tower only 4 boxes can open all events because need mythical girls it all needs to be paid but i can't in my country , so if it goes on like this I'll leave this game forever

actually this world boss event so bad , the degree of difficulty is very exaggerated , i think no  player can get through first gate , developers should reconsider it  

hello my friend , at first nice to meet you.

first question : can you win all event targets without spending any gems ( as you said we need luck ) .

the second : target 39 ( spend 4000 pirate silver ) how do you get through it , and thank you for your advices

i think more than 95% of players don't get mythic girl every event because some of orders of event very difficult , every event i stop at legendary girl 

عزيزي المشاغب ، لقد قمت بإنشاء موضوعين ولكن لا يوجد إجابة منك.

الأول ، أنا أحب لعبة الدوري القذرة كثيرًا وقد كنت ألعبها منذ شهور ولكن لا يمكنني فتح أكثر من 4 صناديق في البرج لأنني أعيش في سوريا وليس لدي أي بطاقة فيزا أو أي أموال في البنك وأنت تعرف الوضع في سوريا ، لذا إذا كان هناك أي طريقة أخرى لفتحه دون شراء ، الرجاء مساعدتي.

الثانية ، فقدت 350 جوهرة لتغيير الاسم إذا كان بإمكانك إعادتها إلي ، أفضل استخدامها لإحراز تقدم في اللعبة وأشكرك كثيرًا 💓💓💓 آسف إذا تحدثت لفترة طويلة

hello my friend , please would it be possible to receive a refund for the name change ? i didn't know it cost 350 gems and i would prefer to use them for my progress in the game , thank u so much 💗

Dirty League community · Created a new topic Big Problem

my dear , i like this game so much but i can't open new chest's slot in the tower because i live in syria and i haven't visa card or any money in the bank , so if there any way to open its without buying please help me and thank u 💗💗💗

Dirty League community · Created a new topic refund

hello my friend , please would it be possible to receive a refund for the name change ? i didn't know it cost 350 gems and i would prefer to use them for my progress in the game , thank u so much

مرحبا صديقي ، هل من الممكن استرداد 350جوهرة تغيير الاسم ذهبت عن طريق الخطأ لأنني أود إستخدامها من أجل الترقية وشكرا لك