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A member registered Mar 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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2 Bosses down, into the balance section. Some Classes do WAY too much damage.

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Thanks for the feedback!

I'll def take a look at that sleeping thing.

It's harder than it's going to eventually be, I think. At the moment, Everyone works on the same rules so every human enemy is exactly as capable as you and there's way more of them. I'm working on tweaking the enemy generation now so you can see a broad variety of enemies, mostly starting with smaller, easier ones until you gain a little gear/skills

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I'm not done with the game, but I do have a few other things I need to finish off before picking it up again.

A long time ago I started a stupid little text based Hockey sim/rpg, and I'd like to finish that off.

But tbh, this game is still the thing i'm most interested in. So I'm pretty sure I'll pick it up again soon

Still looking for a programmer?

I'm with everyone else. No way my game'll be done by the end of this but


At the very least I can add a screenshot with the controls

Thank you so much for the feedback,

I am almost done a tutorial for the game (I've also implemented all of the skills)

I will upload it to the Game's site, but I don't think I can submit it here anymore.

The visuals are ROUGH, but I kinda love them. I SUCK at art but I really wanted to make everything myself so... yeah. That's what you get :p

Thanks again for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Devlogs since Jam Started







This is kinda the basics of the game up.

It can't really be played start to finish yet. It's full of bigs and unimplemented features. But I plan to add to it to till the thing is over. Hopefully it'll be a game by then

Fun game.

What did you make it on? Why is it 65 MB?

I have something that I was tooling around with for a couple weeks a year or so ago.

I'd kind alike to work on it a bit, But also maybe submit something fresh too, is that ok?

I wasn't really thinking a twine, TBH. I've never made one bfore

That seems to be a big no

Anyone interested in teaming up?

Looks like I can't submit it anymore

(2 edits)

Yeah, I was having issues uploading. I think I figured it out, I'll resubmit with the game tonight

Anything cool shaping up? 

Any neat ideas?

We should have a discord

i added uou as a friend on discord

I'm curious as to what other people are making, as I'd kind of like to avoid oversaturated sports. 

I'm currently leaning toward baseball

Hey, I'd be down, Text games are my jam, I'd work on one of yours, Prolly in C#

lol, fair enough

I'd be interested in doing something. I see you mostly do text stuff. That's kind of my jam, tho I do 2d stuff as well a bit (Tho terrible at art)

I hear that. 

Is the problem that it's not open ended enough? Or too generic? Cause I think there's a way around both issues

Or maybe a sports game? :)

Either that or a sports game

I'm not gonna lie, I now really hope it's a rogue theme, I'm getting all excited designing it

Rogue was a text based game.

Making a true old school rogue like would be a pretty cool theme

I have plenty of ideas if you don't do a theme, but I'd do a theme too

does anyone have a handle on this?

I'm just not sure I get it

If not, could we start one?


Oh yeah, I need to fix that. I changed the size of he arena but forgot to change the boundaries

Thanks for the feedback.

I've made a lot of changes since you checked it out last.


I'd do another one if we had more info, and a discord etc

I didnt bother cause it seemed like a dead jam

(1 edit)

I don't have time to make a game anymore,

Where were you?