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A member registered Feb 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Can't wait! :D

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I had a liiittllle bid of trouble, but that is just me not knowing how to play puzzle games (oops). Overall I think the game was fun tho. Getting to reveal the secrets of caves and such is really cool! Even though I definetely didn't get to experience the whole game, the first part speaks for it self.

As I said, overall I think the game was very solid, puzzles aren't my cup of tea but I set my mind as a puzzle gamer, tried my hardest to figure it out and found it both challenging and fun.

(This might be rerated as the new build is coming out in a few minutes)

Not much to say, as the game speaks for itself. It was a really fun experience with a little bit of difficulty. I think speedrunners around to globe would love this game, at least I found speedrunning it VERY fun. I even got my pb down to just 40 seconds with 24607 points (That was a hustle)!

I played the tutorial through twice, didn't understand how to game worked by any means.

When you purchase the seeds for a specific crop, why not put it in the inventory of the player, like when they've grown and you've harvested them. It doesn't really make sense in my head that it is that way, and seem like the most confusing thing in the whole game.

The item interaction also confused me a ton. You pick up with left click, but throw with space? You could've just used to pick items up, and Q to throw items, as simple as that. Then the interaction with the ground would be able to stay the same, without it being too complicated.

If you feel like playing a game, go ahead and play mine, it would mean the world to me! If you feel like it go ahead and leave a comment like mine, I'll take a look on how I can improve from your comment, without being toxic :)

Such a fun game! The controls are a so good once you've got the hang of it!

Overall, this is definetly a game that could go somewhere, it is an original concept and you definetly know how to make a game feel how it is supposed to!

Great job, hopefully you've got time to try my game too, it would mean the world to me!

Sadly I can't get to play

I feel like the game is very very hard, the rabbits have got so much health, without any indication of how much health they've got left. I feel like I started to just run through the rabbit holes, instead of actually completing the levels after a bit of time, as I felt like the gameplay wasn't explained well enough in the desciption or in the game itself.

An improvement could be that you made the up/down controlling work (or implement it, don't know if you had troubles with it). It would make the game feel more dynamic, at least from my experience.

Not that I want to be mean by any means, just some helpful and truthful words.

If you still feel like playing a game after my kind of rough comment, go ahead and play mine!

Very fun game, I had a blast playing it anyways!

Only minor things like the game gets very repetitive when you reach 450+ (My highscore is around 640)

Overall a very good game, please go check mine out if you've got time!

Thank you Noel!

I know the music is definetly lacking, no hiding that.

I had a blast playing your game, thanks again for coming over and trying out mine!

Game was really fun, the gravity felt a little off but nothing else. Really good game but needs a bit of polish.

Make sure to check out my game here!

I definetly get what you mean, decor to show the player where he/she is, is very critical, but I ran out of time and with that reason, I didn't get to implement it. 

Right now I am actually working on an update for when the jam is over that is going to fix a lot of bugs and make it feel a little bit more alive. This is also going to implement upgrades to keep the player playing and coming back. I will also go ahead and add some extra UI elements to make it more visible what the player has to do.

Thanks for the reply!

Thanks Nathan!

The camera problem I am definetly aware of. I actually moved the camera out quite the amount before release, but I am going to move it out a little more, as this is something not only I've also had problems with, but also other people that have been playing.

The spawning system might be the reason that you died sometimes. I didn't have time to implement a little line of code to make sure that the position of the spawner isn't less than 3 - 8 tiles away from the player, but this is something I am working on getting to work flawlessly.

Thanks for the reply!

Thank you!

I definetly get what you mean and I will for sure implement it in the next update once the jam is over :)

Hey man,

first off I want to say thanks for the reply!

I see that you mentioned the up / down animations not being implemented. This is purely because I didn't really know how to animate it, as I've never actually animated other than platformer games before this one, but in the next update after the gamejam voting is over, I am going to have it implemented.

The area situation was actually not intentional in the beginning. It was supposed to be a small lab but in a village on the outside, but I didn't have time for all of the tilemap designing for houses and stuff. As said above, this is also something that is going to be implemented in the next update.

Also, I tried making a reloading system, but it got a little clunky and didn't function very well, so I decided to remove it to save time and to fix a lot of bugs.

I don't know a lot about music, but I tried and it will certainly be something I want to become better at (Just need to figure Bosca Ceoil out a bit more).

Glad you liked it! :)

I believe I already finished, at least I can go to the last level in the level selector, although I can finish it again if you want me to

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Yeah the shell skin :)

Also, if you feel like playing a game made by a 14 year old that has been working with Unity for around a month or so now, be sure to check mine out :D

Actually found this game while searching for Gamejam videos on youtube, and I've got to say, this game is FANTASTIC! I hope that you are going to continue this game with more levels and mechanics, definetly a game I would like to pay 3 - 5 bucks for.

(Speaking of steam, the stuff at the end, how do I recieve it? :D)

Thank you!

I believe it is pretty impressive with the type of feedback I've recieved, as I've only been using Unity and learning game dev for about a month now, so I am so thankful for ALL of the feedback I've recieved! :D

Amazed me that you think the audio is good, but thanks! I am so happy that more and more people actually started noticing the face swaps, glad it made you smile!

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Yeah, I was planning on implementing upgrades for the character like extra health and stuff, but the time limit had me go another route Your game looks like a lot of fun, although I am going to bed now, I would love to play it tomorrow when I get back from school!

Sorry to disappoint you if you are a big fan on Boxhead, but I don't know the game I am afraid. The title reminds me of something, but I can't put a finger on it.

Glad you liked the artwork and thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it!

Hey there memel06!

First and foremost, thanks for the congratulation!

I see that you've got some feeback on the dialogue system in the beginning of the game. I was actually planning on making some small animations in between the different sentences, but the time wasn't there to do it. In the full game I plan on adding in images and some little animations that fit the sentences nicely and display the message really clearly.

I am not that good at picking fonts, but I will try to improve it, only problem is I don't exactly know any good websites where I can get free fonts. I also tried to make my own cartoony font to fit the art in the game, but that failed horribly, as I don't have a very good handwriting, but that is something I'm working on at the moment.

The death animations I will try to implement and find a place for, maybe even make the buttons in the menus pop out when highlighted, instead of just setting the color to be a bit darker.

And as you said, the art does look a bit like Blackthornprod's but I just feel like it is the most fun to draw, one of the reasons being that it is so flexible and rewarding to draw. It is not something highly detailed where you get frustrated when the lines wont match up and be as straight as you want them to, just my opinion tho. Glad you liked it!

Thanks for the feedback, I really do appreciate it!

(Wow do I feel like I just wrote an essay lol)

Had a little bit of a hard time figuring out the controls, but when you get a hang of how it works, it is great!

To click the "main menu" buttons you have to stand wayyy to close. Also, I found that it is possible, just by walking, to glitch through the map.

Very fun game, challenging too. The wanky movement is both a pro and a con. Pro being that it adds a little difficulty to the game, con being that it sometimes is a bit frustrating that it sometimes make the input feel a little off. Overall great game :)