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A couple years ago I checked someone's profile and found they had organized their games in a very clean way, and after looking around I found out that what they probably did is display collections, which is what I and most of my friends ended up doing.
While this does work without any issue, it feels quite "hacky" to have hidden collections for your games getting two notifications (in my case) for any new game I post that are me adding it to my own collections.
Is there any way this could be implemented officially? I think it looks pretty clean and works great for organization.
Hello everyone!
Some other gamedevs and I were recently talking about how we usually just make our game page public for the first time when the game is already finished, and we were curious if making a page like on Steam, where you can create a page way before the game is finished, is something "viable".
Since does not have (at least to our knowledge) any way to "follow" a game like you can on Steam, I believe it will make it worse at the long run (especially if you don't have any demo at the start), unless people follow you as the developer to keep seeing updates to the game, but this sounds a bit cumbersome.
I'm also aware you can create a newsletter and link people there but again, cumbersome imo; we were discussing following directly the game on like you can on Steam.
But I'm curious, what do you guys think? Have you tried it and it gave you good results? Is it worth it with/without a demo?
Parece un juego muy simple, pero como comentan por aquí una vez empiezas a recibir cartas más "complejas" y le pillas el truco fácilmente me he quedado media horita pegándome. Quitando que la información al principio es un poco confusa de entender de los más entretenidos que he jugao la verdad, muy buen trabajo.
Me encantó el juego cuando lo probé, y me fascina ver que le sigues añadiendo idiomas! Espero que más gente se anime a jugarlo :)
Si no es mucha molestia, cómo has implementado lo de los diferentes idiomas y el selector? He tocado RPG Maker XV Ace un par de veces pero nunca he encontrado la manera de hacer algo similar, pero verlo aquí me hace ver que claramente hay manera de hacerlo jajajajaj.
El juego nos ha entretenido a una amiga y a mí un buen rato, ¡y es sorprendente todo lo que habéis creado en dos días!
Tristemente no lo hemos resuelto porque el código verde no hemos conseguido descrifarlo (creemos que teníamos mal el valor del tridente). Ya por curiosidad, si no es mucha molestia nos lo podéis comentar cómo resolverlo? Sino nos vamos a comer la cabeza unos cuantos días aksjajsk