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A member registered Dec 05, 2014 · View creator page →

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Here are a few ideas.

You play as a scuba diver looking for the smallest sea creature in the ocean.

You play as a fish that has to eat as much other smaller fishes using the smallest number of moves possible. Propel your fish using a slingshot effect.

You play as a creature that needs to get up to the surface by catching a ride on other sea creatures. Try to reach the surface with the least number of hops or falls.

I actually liked your idea with FISH. Maybe you could have an objective to reach like use the smallest number of fish to defeat the larger animals. Use different combinations of smaller fish, each with different abilities. 

This was the coolest idea I've seen out of all the games I played. Needs a little sfx but otherwise it was mechanically good.

I love the overall concept! Would love to see you flesh it out a bit more.

Simple but addictive gameplay. Graphics and sound are top notch.  There's room to add pickups like coins for even more addiction!

This was a cool game concept. Took me a while to work out what I had to do but it was fine after that. I liked the minimalistic graphics and the sound effects were very effective.

Really fun shooter game!

I really like simulation like games! The cars do seem to go wherever though. 

Hey! Thanks for playing my game. As the suggestions, they were things I wanted to add but ran out of time. I have a post jam version that does the things you described.

Best game I've played so far! Very polished in presentation and gameplay. It made me feel big brained whenever I solved a level. Well done!

Intriguing idea! Hard to beat for the musically challenged like myself though.

Very interesting! I didn't understand how much additional "connection" I seem to get when I connect to a new terminal. It seemed to vary. I also felt that the presence of guards were a distraction to the core mechanic as there doesn't seem to be a way I could deal with them once detected.

I wasn't sure what I was buying but I guess I'm winning because I haven't died? I did like the look of the monster's graphics though... simple but effective. And the music rocks...like literally!

This was a professional looking game for two weeks! Nice graphics, sound effects and overall presentation. Good job!

Thanks for the positive comments! I submitted this game a little unfinished so not surprised if there are issues.

Agree on the polish. It basically has none. I was still coding up major features all the way up to the submission deadline.

I saw you playing the game on your stream. Cringing when I saw all the bugs >_<.  I guess the throwing and eating mechanics weren't too clear. Thanks for playing the game and hosting the jam!

That was really fun! Good variety of enemies and pickups. Good graphics and a rocking sound track. Well done.

Yeah throwing is a little OP at the moment. I also want some progression in this game. Thanks for playing!

Loved the pixel graphics and music. I liked the concept of having a deck to determine your attacker but I would have liked to have chosen the mob from a hand drawn. I also liked all the upgrades you can get. Well done!

I love retro graphics! Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! Agree that the interface elements could do with some work. They were more used for debugging my game for the most part...haha. 

Thanks for your feedback! Agree that some balance tuning is needed. About the health, I did add a regen mechanic when you ate people. Thanks for playing!

You have found the true end game of life my friend. :) Thanks for playing!

If you go to your game's jam submission page, the results will be right there.

Wow this game was super fun! It wasn't too easy or too hard. Exploration is rewarded with health packs and ammo. The graphics were pixel great and sfx of weapons wonderful. The only thing that was missing was crunchy sound effects for the on hit effects and pickup sfx. I enjoyed it, well done!

Thanks! :)

I really really liked this game! It was one of the few games that I completed and felt satisfied. Graphics were bedroom indie but the monster was so creepy...especially when it was shaking all over the place...creepy as.

Thanks for playing my game. I checked out your game... super fun!

This was actually a pretty fun game once I worked out what was going on. It was a bit easy and the strategy seems to be to just grind it out to get the upgrades. I liked the graphics and the sound effects. The piano music seems out of place though.

I rated your game! It was a good entry too! Please rate mine -> https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/rate/1681310

Very nice portalesque (in terms of visuals!) like puzzle game! I like the overall look of the art direction...minimal and clean. The audio is also fitting for the game. The mechanics were original. That spector can get annoying though but overall well done... I enjoyed it!  

The idea of having to control two characters to "boost" one another was a super interesting mechanic I thought. I would have preferred if you made the invisibility part an activated mechanic when needed so that it's easier to see what you needed to do with they had to cooperate.

Hey! I just rated your game. If you have the time please check out my game -> https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/rate/1681310

Super interesting mechanic. I'm curious if you've tried to keep the shooter position steady and only have the jumper move up with the right mouse? I also think the mechanic that you've come up with would be great for a casual golf game. Great vector based neon art. Music fit the overall look of the game too. Well done. 

Lol on the insults! I will think about one for the post jam version.

The collision shape for a tree is a rectangular polygon that just covers the trunk of the tree so it looks like there is depth when you walk through a bunch of trees.

Thanks for the playing and the feedback!

I love the homemade style indie graphics and rocking sound track. I also detected some sort of water filter for the background? That was cool. I do think an obstacle of some sort would add to the overall gameplay and objective something like.... sharks!  :)

Thanks for playing and I tried your game too!

Great concept for a rhythm game! There's a minimalistic story that is sort of interpretative (at least I think there is?) Catchy tune and stylish cardboard cutout graphics. Only downside is some of button presses aren't in sync with the music beats. But I still liked it .... well done!