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A member registered Sep 14, 2020

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(1 edit)

Hi to everyone! It's Maso and CodingTeo, we are two beginners Unity developers  looking for an arist to create a team with!

We are open to discussing about ideas with no limitations or preconceptions and of course the main thing for us is to enjoy the jam and have fun!

If you are interested you can leave a comment here or reach us on Discord

Discord IDs:
- .codingteo
- maso79

Looking forward to work with you! Cheers :D
ps. our time zone is GMT+1 :)

Hi everyone! I'm 20 and i'm currently working as a Software Developer for a company from Italy, i have already partecipated in a past jam: "Game Off 2020", i have few experiences in the field but ready to put all the effort needed :D

Discord: maso79

Hi everyone, i am Maso79, from Italy; i have 1 year of experience with Unity 2D, i have done the Game Off 2020 Jam and i know a little bit of 2D art (i've tryied Aseprite).

I thought would be fun to join this jam and try to do the best, and that's why i am wirting this text!

If you are interested please write me here or on my Discord: Maso79#3334

Good Luck to everyone!

Wow, gameplay is really cool, but the graphics are something fantastic! Really well done game!!!

I loved the graphic!

of course! I wasn't offended by what you wrote to me, on the contrary, you pushed me to give even more! thanks

Really cool game! The graphic is awesome!!!

On many aspects you are right! But for us it was the first jam, and the time to do everything was not enough, anyway thanks for playing!

Very cool GamePlay! i really loved the animations

i didn't know this game, i googled it and it looks very cool! thanks :D

Really cool game! Well done

Cool start for a really well done game!

Pretty cool game!

Thank you!

Really cool gameplay! nice animations :D

Really cool game idea! 

What a really good game! The idea is really cool, animations and gameplay too! Good Job!!!

Thank you for playing it, and yes, we know that there are some little bugs, we will fix them! :D

Thank you so much for playing! Yes it is true, unfortunately the time was not so much, so we had to leave many details behind!

Really! Our Artits did a great job

Thank you for playing it!

Thank you dude!

True! our artists did a great job!

Thank you!

Thanks for playing our game! :D

Thanks for playing man!

cool! Thank you for playing our game :D

Send me a DM on Discord and i will give you all the information you need!

2D pixel art, we wanna create a 2D top down game

(1 edit)

Hi im OfCroma, me and other 3 guys are looking to a 2D artist for our team!

In our team there are:

-2 C# Developer

-1 Music Composer

-1 Game Designer

We need a person that can help us in this Jam! If you are interested working with us please DM me on Discord!

Discord ID: Maso79#3334

Good Luck to everyone!

Edit: Now we are 5

- 3 C# Developers

- 1 Music Composer

- 1 Game Designer

We need a 2D artist!

Yeah! I'm still interested! i have a team of 6 people: 4 C# and Unity Beginners and 2 pixel art Designer, with a little bit of experience

 Hi audrith! I'm Croma,   i have a team named 7Dust, we are 5 and we are looking for a 2D artist! You can be Expert/Intermediate or beginner, no matters! The only important thing it's that we will enjoy this Jam! If you are interested accept my friendly request, and i will invite you on my Discord Server, where there are the other guys! Thank you for paying attention to me!

Hi guys, im looking for a 2d Artist/Musician/Composer, i'm in a team of 4 people all of us are programmer, so i need an Artist, if you are interested contact me on discord OfficialCroma#3334

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Hi roro are you still looking for a programmer, im' too a beginner and i want to work with you for this jam! my discord: OfficialCroma#3334

Hi, im'in your same conditions, can i join your team? my Discord name is: OfficialCroma#3334 , i will send you the firendly request

Hi, i'm a beginner at coding in c#, but i am very interested in your request, it's still possible to join your team?

I've Discord: OfficialCroma#333