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A member registered Jan 08, 2019

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It happens on a new playthough.

The problem is "$ my_events.add("mother_event_1")" is only entered once outside of the event and the event can play twice.

To replicate it:
1 - Don't do anything with the nurse.  No blowjobs for you :P
2 - Follow main story line so "principal_event_3" gets added to my_event.
3 - In "label principal_event_3.part_3" without a blowjob from the nurse it will trigger 'mother_event_1'
4 - Wait until Night at MC House Entrance.  This checks if "principal_event_3" was entered into my_event and after checks if "mother_event_1" was entered.  Going with the no nurse love for you route it won't be in the list.
5 - This triggers 'mother_event_1' to play again.  Other than scoring more love/hate with Akari it's not game breaking just odd that it plays twice.

I did it on 0.9 though seeing as it was something related to family I figured reporting it here was safer than patreon :P

There isn't an entry added in episode4.rpy for my_events but it checks if that was entered in MC_house.rpy so if you seen it in episode 4 and go back to your house you can see it play out again.  Adding entries to my_events when the event plays is safer than adding it before.

Small bug with mother_event_1 as the scene can play twice.

In Episode 4 the entry "$ my_events.add("mother_event_1")" is missing and MC House checks this to see if the event was done.

To resolve this either add that to Episode 4 or in the mother_event_1 a small thing at the beginning to make sure that gets added.

    if "mother_event_1" not in my_events:

        $ my_events.add("mother_event_1")

(1 edit)

The most important poll at the moment (Public)

* Dating events, and also main character traits.

* The endings, and also masochism degree.

Here is a fix for the PC Build

I changed some things and added some things.

Search & Replaced "translate Ingles" to "translate English"

Search & Replaced "translate English2" to "translate English"

Used Ren'Py to do a translation pass to see if any lines didn't get translated.

A few things from the last batch of corrections didn't get integrated so went through those.

Using buttons for the Map would work better than hot spots :P  I didn't review that section in this update though.

Added some marketing buttons and options though the Spanish on those may be off...  Eh there is, patreon, and discord.

I realize a little too late that I compiled this using the latest Ren'Py...


Let's see what's going on...

Why did you change the language name from Ingles?

You didn't adjust for this so things aren't matching up.

Missed a few things.  Included Adobe Photoshop PSD files of the images I edited.

Character Names:

Padre, Father

Entrevistador, Interviewer

Inputs for Neighbor and Secretary.

Maps while hotspots are nice if the button needs translated consider imagebutton and if you want to be really nice name the button the same as the text it displays.  Luckily Spanish is a lot closer to English than Japanese lol

It helps make the interface a bit cleaner by only overlaying the button on the background instead of swapping out the background

Didn't notice the Credits screen...  For translations you can put the translated image in the translation folder and Ren'Py will load the corresponding image.  For the font I think this is Open Sans Extra-Bold so used that and Open Sans Semi-Bold.

Updated the gui.about section to reflect this.

I also tried translating Game Developer into Spanish, "Desarrollador De Juegos".  The other parts I simply copied over.

For the map I didn't fully replicate the highlight look however made individual buttons for the Home (Casa) & Office (Oficina).

I didn't see a base for the Room or City Map so I tried making some knockoffs.

(1 edit)

English Translation could use some work.  Having your name in the About section with links to your Patreon and page helps with marketing.  Not sure why you changed 'translate English' to 'translate Ingles' however it messed up some lines that were translated. A few other lines were translated using,, or

Looking closer you also had 'translate Ingles2' but I already translated those lines so in the future keep this bit standardized.  Ren'Py will append new lines to the old files so you use the same Language settings each time you generate translations.

Not sure if "A Story Of Degeneration" is the going title however in 'game\tl\Ingles\options.rpy' changed the translation to that.

Some menu items needed _() wrapper for translation.

  Here are the corrections I did

You can use something like to compare these with the originals.

Also in 'game\options.rpy' uncomment this line (Remove #) and change "main-menu-theme.ogg" to a music file so the Main Menu has sound ;)

# define config.main_menu_music = "main-menu-theme.ogg"

Maybe have Fuyuka sound more amused for Headpats which would encourage the player to give her more :D

Good work on the updated Demo.
Mostly small bugs/inconveniences in Demo 10-21-2020
Old Saves are broken.  Being an updated Demo that isn't a problem but putting it on the list in case someone wants to know.
Kitchan seems cute but probably should be Kitchen.
A Grocery Store location would be nice to stock the fridge and actually prepare food in the Kitchan.
In the Convenience store 'riceball' should have a capital R to keep the Shop Menu uniform.
For some Shop Items it would be nice to remove the item from the listing if it never re-stocks.
Inventory would be nice if you didn't have to close it to move to another menu.
In the Bathroom after you take a bath it says "I have already taken a bath todayr..." typo in 'today'.
The player can't rest or take a nap in the bed with Fuyuka looking at them but they can go to sleep.  Seems like an odd limitation.
When trying to give Fuyuka gifts this line sounds off "I cannot suddenly accept valuable from a... stranger, thank you... for your kindness." maybe "It wouldn't be right to accept gifts from... strangers, thank you... for thinking about me." However it would be nice to give her some food at least in the beginning as I feel bad all she had was a riceball.
Woke up at Midnight on Day 5 with Fuyuka sleeping in bed.  Went Outside to the Park and it returned me to the Main Menu.
Inviting Fuyuka to the Restaurant would be nice.
I was hyped for Headpats but in the demo it doesn't seem like she likes them...  Also 'Headpat' brings up a sub menu of 'Pat her head' which seems redundant.
Could just be me but getting Fuyuka's Affection up in the new demo seems harder.  Since she doesn't like Headpats I'm going with variable 'fuyuka.romance' to move things along so I can actually give her Headpats and Gifts.
When going to sleep "turn off the lights" should have a capital T.  Though that is more my preference for GUIs having capitalized commands.
On the City Map 'mall' should have a capital M to keep the City Menu uniform.
If the player buys too many different Items it doesn't display right in the Inventory.

I can only eat at the Restaurant now...
Can't give Fuyuka a Bento but I can give her a Luxury Bento.  Seems that giving her food should allow for all foods from cheap to fine dining.
Sometimes when Observing Fuyuka she gets a double image.  This looks like it's caused by two different sitting styles.

NameError: name 'v0961' is not defined.  File "game/events/event05.rpy", line 85
The Demo End was nice.  "activities with Fuyuks" is either a typo or a cute nickname for her.

Developer: NephremKa
If you like my work consider: BuyMeACoffee, SubscribeStar, Patreon,
Report Bugs to @Twitter

You made a nice game so don't be afraid to advertise.  Probably could have made some money if you paid polled some sex scenes along with waifu polls (people will pay to defend a good waifu)   ;P Though that might have kept this going for much longer since fans always want more of a good game...

I'm pretty sure Renpy has Gallery Settings built in but you need to compartmentalize the scenes in labels and write up the display.
if renpy.seen_label("familyyes"):
imagebutton auto "images/thumbnails/familyyes_%s.png" action Replay("familyyes")

hover, idle

If it wasn't seen yet then a locked image.  Though instead of auto you probably would just want idle.

That reads Data off a persistent save.  If you wanted to offer a Full Gallery Cheat then a bit of code to populate the Persistent Dictionary
$["familyyes"] = True

Might need to throw a few more variables in persistent for replay purposes or use something like
if _in_replay:
To define some variables needed for the scene.  Though variable management might make this unnecessary.

I doubt a heart-attack, for Renpy it seems fine, sure some optimization could be done (ie use more labels for scenes) but I wouldn't sweat the small stuff.  You never learn unless you try.

Yeah I probably did miss the Principle's storyline, along with several others.  Went for Rubi and was happy with her ending though would have liked to went out with a bang inside and possibly an ominous warning about having more children.  Wanda didn't seem to have the happy housewife ending as I told Rubi no just to see what would happen.  But as I said earlier added Replay-ability.

Overall this was a fun game though Wanda and Rubi ending with a blowjob seems less then a full finally.  An ending where the player got both of them would have also been nice.  Maybe that's just me wanting to see them off with a creampie :D

Turning down the other two girls gave a fun ending.

Not sure about the other milfs though I guess that adds to Replay Value.

NephremKa has an adorable cat like grin at the end lol

Sequel sounds interesting though with the possible endings don't know which will be considered cannon...

Not sure what happen to the Mayor's son, that must have been when hell of a kick to the balls as his existence fades from memory :P

Other things
* Adding some music to the game would have been nice.  Helps set the mood for the scenes and improves the overall experience.  Even royalty free music would have worked.

* A Gallery would have been nice.  Scene Replay does have it's benefits especially if I'm a completionist trying to figure out if I seen all the girl's scenes.

* Adding your name in the About section as Developer would be nice though you do say report errors to your Twitter account.

Huntress Maëlys
ScriptError: could not find label 'c3_hunter_doubt'.

It would have been funnier that way XD Especially with how he treated her before.  If it didn't cancel the date it would have been best choice!

Kick him in the nuts!  Fun choice though it's a shame Rubi didn't join in...

Rubi and Wanda will make good moms either way lol

Yey, Happy Family <3

Erica is Fler's mom right?  I think I turned her down since milfs aren't my thing (Wanda being the exception since she acts so cute) so I can't remember ever having a group session with her and Fler.

(1 edit)

Not sure if she is naive when coercion is involved.  She does love the MC and would do crazy things for him (no matter how that special kink plays out I find it a load of fun XD even if I would blow a load in both her and Wanda)  

Looking forward to more story.  Hopefully there is an option to never let Ronny get laid again >_<

Oh, I did come across a minor error
File "game/script.rpy", line 10719
if oviumlike == "sub" not defined

(2 edits)

I have not.  Seen him coming on to Rubi and told him to buzz off and told her not to sacrifice herself to "save" me.  Then seen him again at the park molesting her and blackmailing her into service even after I just said not to do precisely that.  That to me isn't "a nice young boy"

If there is some option to hand her over to him I wouldn't want it.  Sharing might be caring but I don't care to share with other guys.

Would be nice if the player could change Mr. Tomic's name.

Rubi is fun though I hope you add an NTR kill switch option.  Don't like Ronny touching my girl <3  Would push him into on coming traffic if possible :P

Besides that it's a fun game!