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A member registered Sep 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing!

It started lagging for me after a while and my laptop got pretty warm.

My long term plan is for this game to replace Crysis in the phrase “but can it run Crysis” :P But seriously, optimisation wasn’t on the plan. The best the game does is cull NPCs that are a certain distance from the player.

Fun! And gets quite intense/nerve wracking in the night cycle.

As you call out the biggest missing thing would be a scrolling background. I think this would have made heaps of difference to the presentation. The next visual thing would be more varied obstacles, but that’s probably just finding more sprites vs getting the scrolling background working, which as you write is more of a technical challenge!

I think there’s a bunch of potential here to expand on the basic idea and run with the simplicity and slickness of it. Well done!

Thanks! Used Godot. This is my first complete game and I basically tested that it worked on Chrome and called it done. Post release support is sorely lacking!

Thanks for the feedback!

I initially had envisioned this as being a lot more stealth focused, however this version is definitely more action leaning. There were plans for potential better detection mechanisms and I agree there are some potentially quick(ish) improvements to add in. However implementation and balance takes time and sadly that was not on my side for the jam deadline. So I left it as a mad dash!

Glad to hear you enjoyed it :D

Why are these people so impatient :’)

Congrats on making this wonderfully stressful experience entirely on a phone.

Only immediate feedback I could give is once you’ve placed your last special light then it should revert back to the initial light switching.

Otherwise the essence of this game feels pretty much captured! Sure you could add more types of lights, separate training and infinite mode etc etc, but as far as core loop and mechanics go this is a really solid game.

Sadly, I don’t have anyone to locally play this with, but I am unbeaten against myself :D

Fun concept! I wonder how many players actually aim finishing the tasks vs just being murderhobos. It does seem there is little consequence to killing the competition.

I think the biggest issues are with UI.

  • On starting the game, it waits for the players to hit ‘up’ to lock in their character, but this isn’t explained. I honestly thought the game had crashed on loading since the background audio also stops
  • I forgot what my tasks button was immediately on starting the first game. Since there is only one task at a time maybe always display it. If there are multiple then having a ‘Press TAB to display tasks’ label could help
  • The tasks have names, but it’s up the to player to run around and figure out where the actual locations are. I think this is part of the fun in running around and trying to not get stabbed though, but I feel I’m sometimes going in circles (maybe a minimap?). If the levels are static then I guess task locations are something you learn over time.

There were some other bugs I encountered such as a dead player came back (I assume this is intended) but then couldn’t murder anyone else. On a second run through the start timer never started so I was stuck in the loading screen.

Finally, the grid movement feels a bit janky, but I get that it really probably simplifies things. Working in more fluid 3D would be a great next step, but keeping the tank controls so that you don’t have players shimmying back to the walls from task to task!

On a plus side the art is pretty neat. I especially like the consistent orangey hues and little cinder particles. The audio is also great. Good voice acting and background office noise! I now need to rope in some friends to see how long we can stay friends after climbing the corporate ladder

(2 edits)

Rough time breakdown:

What            | Hours | Days of the month worked
Design          | 1     | 6
Art             | 6     | 7, 10, 12, 21
Coding          | 21    | 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28
Music and sound | 0.5   | 24
Level Design    | 2     | 27
Uploading!      | 0.5   | 28
Total           | 31    |