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A member registered Aug 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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Excellent Tribute to games and fit perfect with the theme. Musics are INSANE and visuals are polish AF. Overall top tier :) 

The game is amazing, I wasn't even influenced when I rated this entry :)

It was a bit hard and without help it could have taken me hours to finish it, but thanks for helping me and congrats on this awesome and sweaty original idea! 

Original and fun idea, and best music in the world! 

Good job!

very good little game ! the idea is excellent ! 

excellent ! 

very fun, love visuals and music. 

nice work 

small game with great potential! 

Very colorful graphics and very neat visual feedbacks! 

Nice zelda like. I had a bug while I was talking to the dog in front of the trash can, the dialog window did not disappear, I had to leave the map to make it disappear.

In any case excellent game bravo! 

So much work on this game! 

It's fun to explore! 

 It's really interesting to understand each time we craft materials.

Maybe a little more tutorial would have been welcome (at least in the demo) 

I love it, bravo

Ho ok sorry ! Thanks for the post x)

Have you played more than 4 levels? 

Because then there are enemies that move diagonally...

HI ! Thanks for your feedback ! 

If I sell the game and improve the content, I will restart the dev from zero, I have already an optimized flood fill algorithm, objects pooler etc...

Maybe the volumetric postprocess, blendshapes ennemies and all check needed for the game need to be optimized. What is your type of GPU ?

Great game! 

The mechanics are original and the level design is well done.

The visuals and the sound ambiance are super weird and I love it X)

However the walls that kill on the side, I know you did it to avoid soft blocking the player but I think it could have been done differently. Anyway, a very small flaw for a very big jam game.

Finally a tribute to megaman battle network ! I always wanted to make a fighting system in this style.

This one is very well executed, bravo Maverick Hunter !

Very well executed! gg!

ultra clean! bravo it's been 20 years since I've set foot in a mineswiper thank you for the nostalgia!


The game is extremely original, I love it! 

A bug prevented me from continuing but I would love to see this game on steam one day! 

Game extremely well finished and very addictive bravo! 

One of my favorites, the physics responds well and it's ultra fun to get up to speed! 

And there is a lot of visuals ! It's really great ! 

all the work done in this game! 

The feedbacks are very well balanced.

The game requires a certain amount of concentration and in this type of game I find that this is always welcome! 

Very great game ! bravo

Very well written story that personally freaked me out.

I love this kind of mystery! 

This is the first time I tried this type of game and why not continue? 

Great idea! bravo

Very addictive game, I played it for 20 minutes.

Simple, directly understandable, effective, 5 stars for fun! 

interesting platform game, too bad for the little bug when you land in the corner of a block (which must be too hard to fix), however, the character animation, the physics of the jumps, and the demanding level design gave me a lot of fun

OK commander, the game pays us a special tribute and we are happy to see that some people are still interested in this type of gameplay. Mission complete, we go back to the base.

Star Fox: SNES Communication Channels - YouTube

(1 edit)

Like your comment <3 (except for the soundratck, unfortunately there is no music in a comment)

It's so cool to read such positive comments! A big thank you to you

Thanks to you!  I'm also very happy with Axel's work on the game's music ! It's also the first time I use Wwise for interactive music and it was a great experience

Thank you  for your amazing review ! I'm so happy to know that my game stands on its own to be understood 

Thank you so much for your comment !

Hi ! thanks a lot for your comment <3

I was not inspired by a flash game, but by a game that probably inspired many flash games: Qix

Thank you ! 

(1 edit)

hi ! Thanks for your feedback  ! can you say me where you see bug ? And I will fix it for the next version 

Hey that was a really chill reigns like game gg !! 

Maybe need some visual but it's cool to see that and rare into jam

excellent game, the level of polish is insane ! 

goos work  !


excellent execution of visual and audio feedback.

We feel the heaviness and power of the dino! 

Nice work team ! 

Jean and me are really happy to read your review :D 

Thank you ! 

Thank you so much for your review and sorry for the typo at the end :( need to fix it haha

game that requires a lot of concentration I love it! 

It's very complicated to learn at the beginning, but when you learn to manage the brake well, it becomes fun!

the visuals are very nice and the sound design of the car is very "Micro Machine".

making a racing game requires a lot of work


Hi ! 

I'm testing your game ! 

here my game : 
